Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 239 Zombie King, Let's Go! 22

Chapter 239 Zombie King, Let's Go! 22
"Okay~" Gu Fanyin acted as if she hadn't noticed Ke Yunlang's change, and said, "Let's go home~"

For some reason, when Gu Fanyin uttered a very normal sentence, Ke Yunlang suddenly felt a little ambiguous.

go home……

It is now the home of the two of them...

Originally, Ke Yunlang only thought it was a residence, and he didn't have any sense of belonging to the community or the room.

But ever since Gu Fanyin said that, let's go home, he felt a sense of intimacy when he saw the community, and after returning home, he even felt a sense of comfort emanating from his heart.

He absolutely does not regret choosing to stand with Gu Fanyin.

she deserves it.


"How could it be! With so many of you, you can't do anything to her!?"

"Almost everyone has failed. If she is so good, why have I never seen her before!?"

After the large army returned to the base, the entire base was shocked by Gu Fanyin.

There are so many capable people and strangers, but they were all beaten by her.

Of course, those supernatural beings tacitly exaggerated Gu Fanyin's ability in order not to make their faces look so ugly.

Gu Fanyin clearly only showed the abilities of two departments, but they were blown into a person with abilities of all departments.

It was obvious that Gu Fanyin kicked and kicked them all with one supernatural person, but what they said was a desperate struggle, they were both defeated by the zombie king, and they were able to run back.

"You guys... don't blame me for being unlucky, I just want to ask, if she is really so powerful, why did you only lose the lottery, but... came back without dying?" The manager pondered for a while , I still intend to ask my own doubts.

The last time Zhao Man and the others came back, he had already thought about this problem.

Why did Manman just get slapped twice?
If it's really a zombie that eats people but doesn't spit out bones, she must have eaten everyone, or gave her little brothers a tooth-beating sacrifice.

"Maybe... Maybe she's like keeping a pet in captivity." Someone forcefully explained: "She is too strong and can easily kill us, so she wants us to live slowly, as if It's like keeping pets in captivity, wait until we are fat enough..."

When everyone heard this, their faces were extremely ugly.

That doesn't mean...

Are they in danger of their lives at any time?

This kind of guessing will only make them distracted and unable to sleep day and night.

"It may also be to protect the little boy next to her." Another guessed. .

"Yes, yes, yes." Someone echoed: "For some reason, that zombie king has been protecting a human being beside her."

"That man is very beautiful, he must have been taken by the Zombie King, warm the bed!"

"Today she deliberately led us away, just because she was afraid that we would hurt him. By the way, Sister Man seems to know him quite well, doesn't she, Sister Man?"

Someone threw the topic back to Zhao Man.

Zhao Man's complexion became extremely ugly in an instant.

She thought of what Ke Yunlang scolded her, and was even more angry at the fact that Ke Yunlang would rather stay with a zombie than come back with her.

not to mention……

She was carried back after being slapped and fainted. Now she doesn't want to show off at all, okay?
Zhao Man said with a dark face, "I don't know him well. I think he's just a human who wants to save him. I didn't expect that he would rather be with zombies than us."

(End of this chapter)

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