Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 242 Zombie King, Let's Go! 25

Chapter 242 Zombie King, Let's Go! 25
Ke Yunlang sat on Gu Fanyin's bed, the whole room was filled with her unique fragrance, which made his brain froze for a moment.

Just now he was still rejecting Gu Fanyin righteously, how could he be in her room in the blink of an eye?

"Sleep!" Gu Fanyin said.

"This..." Ke Yunlang stared at Gu Fanyin who was already lying on the bed where he was sitting.

"I... I'll make a bed on the floor."

Seeing that Gu Fanyin let him sleep with her so affirmatively, Ke Yunlang was stunned for a while before suggesting again.

Gu Fanyin: ...

"Why are you chirping like a bitch?" Gu Fanyin pulled Ke Yunlang over who was sitting, and then kicked off Ke Yunlang's slippers with a kick of her little feet, and then she slammed Hugging Ke Yunlang's waist, he snorted in satisfaction.

She had long wanted to hug him to sleep.

Such a big beauty, she let others stay alone in an empty room every day, what kind of sub.

Ke Yunlang was completely stiff at this moment, like a zombie, standing upright on Gu Fanyin's bed, letting Gu Fanyin hold his waist, the fragrance of the woman's body could not stop drilling into his nostrils.

Obviously Gu Fanyin's body was cold, but Ke Yunlang felt that his body suddenly became uncontrollably hot.

" let go of me first?" Ke Yunlang asked.

Gu Fanyin seemed not to have heard what Ke Yunlang said.

Seeing that Gu Fanyin's eyes were tightly closed and her breathing was even, Ke Yunlang thought she was the kind of person who fell asleep immediately after touching the pillow, so he carefully planned to move to the side.


He just moved a little, but Gu Fanyin's body was mostly on top of him.

Ke Yunlang:! ! !

His eyes widened, and he didn't dare to move at all.

Unexpectedly, the first time he slept with the opposite sex in his life was with a zombie, or the violent zombie king...

Ke Yunlang lay stiffly, thinking that he would definitely spend the night in insomnia.

But after a while, with such an awkward posture, he also fell into a deep sleep.

After he fell asleep, Gu Fanyin, who had been 'sleeping', suddenly opened her eyes and blinked mischievously.

Little boy, fight her?
[Ding—add 50.00 to happiness, and [-]% mission completion. ]
After finally sleeping with the beautiful boy, Gu Fanyin expressed that she was very happy.


the next day.

Ke Yunlang wakes up on time at seven o'clock due to the routine he has developed since the end of the world.

Sunlight has been pouring into the room through the windows.

Ke Yunlang always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't remember anything for a while.

He wanted to sit up, take a shower, and then go for a run.

But when he wanted to get up, he realized that his body was very heavy as if he had been nailed to the bed.

As soon as he lowered his head, he saw Gu Fanyin's peaceful sleeping face.

She was lying obediently on his chest, her mischievous broken hair fluctuated with her breathing, her complexion was pale, but with her delicate facial features, she looked a little pitiful.

If she is not a zombie king, then her appearance...

I really want to be protected.

No, not right!

Ke Yunlang shuddered and instantly sobered up.

Why did he fall asleep with Gu Fanyin in his arms last night! ?

Before he fell asleep, he seemed to be thinking that he had to be vigilant. Even if Gu Fanyin treated him well, he couldn't rest assured that if Gu Fanyin ate him as a snack in his sleep, he would be finished. Just fell asleep?
(End of this chapter)

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