Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 243 Zombie King, Let's Go! 27

Chapter 243 Zombie King, Let's Go! 27
Ke Yunlang's entire face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He looked awkwardly at himself holding Gu Fanyin's hand, and let go, afraid of waking Gu Fanyin, the atmosphere would definitely be more embarrassing, but if he didn't let go, he hugged her like this...too, too small The girl is cheap!
After hesitating for a while, Ke Yunlang slowly and tentatively moved his hand away from Gu Fanyin's body.

I don't know if Gu Fanyin slept too deeply, but Ke Yunlang actually managed to move his hand away this time, and then quietly got out of bed.

Seeing that Gu Fanyin was still asleep, Ke Yunlang breathed a sigh of relief, opened the door and walked out.

When the door closed, a smile suddenly appeared on Gu Fanyin's face.

Ke Yunlang didn't know that he was the little fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered in Gu Fanyin's eyes. He tested it in front of the zombies cleaning the house, and saw that when they saw him, they were really shivering like yesterday, so he walked out with confidence. I left the community and went to the training ground for a run.

After Gu Fanyin woke up, she didn't wait for Ke Yunlang at home like yesterday, but went directly to the training ground to train with Ke Yunlang.


For the next one or two months, the two have been getting along like this.

Get up on time every day, train on time, and go to bed on time.

After several months of training, Ke Yunlang has gotten used to lying and sleeping with the zombie king of the opposite sex.

Apart from……

Except that when Gu Fanyin hugged him intimately, he would still freeze as usual, the two of them were like a pair of close lovers.

After training for a period of time, Gu Fanyin took Ke Yunlang to look for resources.

Since she wanted to train Ke Yunlang, Gu Fanyin would naturally not follow Ke Yunlang all the time. Generally, when there were no high-level zombies, Gu Fanyin would let Ke Yunlang go alone.

As long as Ke Yunlang does not face the situation of being injured or bitten, Gu Fanyin will not appear.


Occasionally, the enemy's road is narrow, and they will also meet people from the base.

Like now.

"Ke Yunlang!" Zhao Man saw Ke Yunlang who was loading supplies at a glance, and immediately raised his voice to call him.

Ke Yunlang: ...

This is really a brain block.

Calling him so loudly in this small shop, is it really not afraid that the zombies will come over upon hearing the noise?
"What's the matter?" Ke Yunlang was afraid that if he ignored Zhao Man, Zhao Man would keep calling him, so he answered her with a dark face.

Zhao Man immediately walked over with the people in the base.

"Why are you here alone?" Zhao Man asked.

Ke Yunlang was so busy packing supplies that he didn't even bother to give Zhao Man a look.

"No eyes?"

Of course it is looking for supplies.

What the hell is she asking.

Ke Yunlang felt that after getting along with Gu Fanyin for so long, he seemed to have become more and more simple and rude.

Zhao Man was choked by Ke Yunlang in front of so many people. He was very annoyed in his heart, but there was a hint of sarcasm on his face, and he said, "Where's the zombie king? She's not a baby!" Why didn't you follow me?"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Man covered his mouth and said, "She doesn't want you anymore? I'm sorry, did I poke your sore spot?"

Ke Yunlang: ...

He continued to pack his supplies.

He can't leave the supplies here to such a fool, she doesn't deserve it.

After Ke Yunlang quickly loaded the supplies, he turned around and planned to leave here. If he didn't leave here, he would be disgusted by this woman's sand sculpture breath.

(End of this chapter)

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