Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 248 Zombie King, Let's Go! 31

Chapter 248 Zombie King, Let's Go! 31
Under everyone's gaze, Zhao Man didn't have time to dodge, but she directly pulled the man who wanted to help to stand in front of her.


The man's chest was immediately melted away by the zombies.

The sound of clothing and skin being cut by the zombie's sharp claws instantly turned into a knife and pierced everyone's hearts.

Zhao Man immediately let go, took a step back, and let the man who was going to save her be dragged away by the zombies.

Screams came.

Everyone knew that he was definitely hopeless.

"Zhao Man! How can you drag him to help you die!" Someone yelled angrily.

"If he doesn't help me, I'll die." Although Zhao Man also felt guilty, she didn't think her choice was wrong.

People are selfish.

She would rather someone else die for her.

"Don't worry, I'll take good care of his sister." The man who died for Zhao Man had a younger sister who didn't have the ability to awaken, and was an ordinary person. It was only because of his relationship that he was able to live a stable life in the base.

The anger of several people was about to burn their sanity.

But the zombies haven't been cleaned up yet, if they are distracted, maybe they will end up like that young man just now.

As a result, the few people could only suppress their anger, but the movements of their hands became a little faster, and they were completely angered by Zhao Man.

Of course, Zhao Man didn't have time to pay attention to those people.

They are dissatisfied with her, and they will leave her family's base at worst!

Her purpose is to survive, and in order to survive, it doesn't matter to her to do anything by hook or by crook.


Although a few people are almost unable to hold on now, they are top-heavy and want to fall down, but seeing that the number of zombies is getting smaller and smaller, they are still likely to return to the base alive, their hands are still doing mechanical movements and waving their hands in the weapon.

After what happened to that man just now, the rest of the people began to stay away from Zhao Man tacitly.

Zhao Man cursed those people in his heart for not being able to achieve great things, but his movements were so fast.


If she doesn't stand with those people, she is destined to face the enemy.

Nobody wants to deliver backs with her.


After beheading a few more zombies, Zhao Man was in danger again.

The few people hesitated for a moment, but still leaned towards her.

But time waited for no one. During the time when several people approached, Zhao Man was suddenly cut by a zombie behind her, and the zombie's bloody mouth immediately moved closer.

"Ah—help me!"

"My dad will treat you well!"

"If you can bring me back to the base alive, I guarantee that any resources in the future will be provided to you as soon as possible!"

"If you all go back alive and only me dies, you know my dad's temper!"

Zhao Man shouted at those people while struggling.

After those people heard Zhao Man's words, their hearts tightened.

Of course they knew how much Zhao Man's father loved her.

After hesitating for a while, everyone rushed to rescue Zhao Man.


Her back has been scratched, and the zombie's poison has probably penetrated into her body, and she will most likely turn into a zombie...

Are they going to take her back?
"Take me back!" Zhao Man immediately understood the meaning of those people. She said, "My father has been supporting the research institute! You take me back, and I will be a test subject!"

(End of this chapter)

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