Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 249 Zombie King, Let's Go! 32

Chapter 249 Zombie King, Let's Go! 32
They all know about this matter.

Several people quickly beheaded the last few zombies.

Turning their heads, they saw that Zhao Man was still awake and showed no sign of turning into a zombie. They hesitated for a while, but took Zhao Man with them. After getting into the car, they rushed to the base.

Except for the man driving, the rest of the people's eyes fell on Zhao Man, staring at her all the time.

Once she was about to transform into a zombie in the car, they would definitely know her life immediately.

Even if Zhao Man's father wanted to blame, they would not be willing to take the risk that they would also be transformed into zombies to transport her back.

Zhao Man naturally knew what they meant.

She gritted her teeth and held on, she had to go back to the base no matter what.

Those people in the base told her father some time ago that the research progress is fast, but the research results have not yet been tested.

She doesn't know if anyone has tried that medicine now, but anyway, she wants to test it first.

I believe her father will agree.

After they returned to the base, Zhao Man's father saw the wound on Zhao Man's body and immediately took her to the laboratory.

The faces of the people in the laboratory are not very good-looking.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Man's father asked anxiously.

"The experimental results are not very satisfactory." The researcher looked at the experimental data in his hand, sighed, and said, "There is only a [-]% chance of success."

Fifty percent!

That's what it says...

Zhao Man is still half likely to become a zombie! ?
The manager hesitated for a moment.

He couldn't imagine how his precious daughter, whom he had loved for more than 20 years, would turn into a zombie.

"Dad, let's try it!" Zhao Man endured the pain and said, "When I become a zombie, there is really no other way. At least there is still half the possibility, isn't it?"

Zhao Man knew very well that she could feel that her body was developing in an uncontrollable direction, and even her mind began to slowly become confused.

If she does turn into a zombie, there's absolutely no way around it.

So there is a [-]% chance that she will take a gamble too!
The manager naturally understood this truth, he sighed again, and said to the researcher, "Give her the medicine."

"You have to is very likely to fail, only half the chance."

Still, the researchers added.

"Yes." The manager nodded heavily, and said, "But we have no other choice."

Either watch his daughter turn into a zombie, or fight against the 50.00% chance, if she succeeds, she will not be infected, if she fails, she will...become a zombie.

Anyway, she is already developing in the worst direction now, and this choice is not bad.

"Okay..." Seeing this, the researcher nodded and ordered Zhao Man to be taken down.

He was actually afraid that in case of failure, Zhao Man's father would implicate their research institute. If he did not provide their research institute with supplies for their research, they would not be able to continue this research comfortably.

But now...

Everyone seems to have only one option.

They just hope that Zhao Man can resist.

The manager followed them all the way, watching them inject the medicine into Zhao Man's body, and then he sat outside the monitoring room all night, for fear of missing any reaction.

If she is not infected after 24 hours, it means that she survived successfully.

(End of this chapter)

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