Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 255 Zombie King, Let's Go! 38

Chapter 255 Zombie King, Let's Go! 38
Ke Yunlang directly extended his hand to Gu Fanyin.

Before Gu Fanyin could react, he hugged Gu Fanyin and spun around happily.

Gu Fanyin was taken aback by Ke Yunlang's actions, and after reacting, she began to giggle. The crisp laughter surrounded Ke Yunlang, almost making him say what was in his heart. sentence.

He found that he really liked her.

He was very sure that he was grateful and adored Gu Fanyin, but his feelings were more... liking.


Ke Yunlang did not dare to speak rashly.

What if Gu Fanyin doesn't like him?They can't even be friends?
And Gu Fanyin did not expect that Ke Yunlang had already understood his thoughts for her, so she did not expect Ke Yunlang to say anything to her, so now she is not at all lost, and is full of happiness a feeling of.

[Ding—add ten to happiness, and 80.00% mission completion. ]

Different from the warm and happy atmosphere here, the atmosphere in Zhao Man's room in the base was extremely depressing.

All the curtains were drawn tightly by her.

The manager heard people say that the person who brought food to Zhao Man hadn’t come back. He didn’t know if it was because Zhao Man still didn’t eat, or if he wanted to call a doctor, so he ran over to ask how Zhao Man was doing. .

But when he opened the door, he was shocked by what he saw.

In Zhao Man's room, blood was spilled all over the floor.

At first, the manager tensed up, thinking that something was wrong with Zhao Man, but after he got used to the dark environment, he saw Zhao Man sitting in the corner with blood on his mouth.

"Manman..." The manager suddenly had a guess in his heart, his heart trembled, and his voice trembled a little, he said: "What's going on here?"

After hearing his father's voice, Zhao Man trembled, and then slowly raised his head.

"Dad... I turned into a monster, I turned into a monster that eats people!!!" Zhao Man yelled in a mournful voice.

Hearing Zhao Man's cries, the manager quickly closed the door and turned on the light.

He forced himself not to look at the puddles of blood on the ground, he stared at his daughter, the guess in his heart was confirmed by Zhao Man's words.

"But... you didn't become a zombie, you're still awake..." the manager said.

"Yeah, that's why I said, I became a monster that eats people, hehehe..." Zhao Man said with tears, "I don't want to kill her, but I'm so hungry, I'm so hungry, I can't bear it." I can't stop... woo woo woo... I'm not that lucky person, I didn't turn back into a human, I turned into a half-human, half-zombie monster."

She is still able to stay conscious, and she looks like a normal human being from the outside.

But she became like a zombie...

Treats humans as her food.

After the manager heard Zhao Man's words, his legs went limp and he could only lean against the door.

After a while, he stood up and said: "Don't worry, Manman, Dad asked them to study, to study why you became like this! Dad will definitely make you return to a normal person!"

After speaking, the manager wanted to get close to Zhao Man.

But after he took two steps, he suddenly stopped when he saw a pool of blood on the ground.

He suddenly felt a little scared.

He was afraid that he himself would become food in Zhao Man's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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