Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 256 Zombie King, Let's Go! 39

Chapter 256 Zombie King, Let's Go! 39
After Zhao Man saw her father stop, his emotions completely collapsed.

Even her father who loves her the most dare not approach her.

She really became a monster.

Looking at Zhao Man who was crying loudly while clutching his hair, the manager felt distressed.

It was his own daughter after all.

He gritted his teeth, and finally walked to Zhao Man's side, and stretched out his arms to hug her.

"Don't worry, Dad will definitely turn you back into a normal person." The manager said.

"No, no!" Zhao Man shook his head, as if insane, and said, "I don't want to go to the research institute! I don't want people to see me like this! I'm not a monster, I'm not a monster!"

Zhao Man has been very proud since she was a child. She looks down on all those who are weaker than her, and she will be resigned because there are people who are stronger than her.

It is precisely because of her competitive spirit that she has always been an excellent daughter and a beloved daughter to the managers.

She absolutely does not want to be used for research.

She was scratched by zombies the day before yesterday, she had already lost enough face, and this kind of thing must never happen again.

There are no impervious walls in the world.

Even if the institute really cured her, people will still know that she was infected, failed treatment, and ate people.

She hates being looked at strangely.

Therefore, she will never go to the research institute.

No matter how patiently the manager tried to persuade her, Zhao Man was bitten to death. She would rather die than go to the research institute.

In the end, the manager had no choice but to promise her not to send her to the research institute.

Zhao Man said that as long as it is not time to eat, she will not react when she sees humans.

Only when she is very hungry, she can't control her desire to hurt humans when she sees humans.


What this means, the manager and Zhao Man are very clear.

This means that her future food objects will be...

But they have no other choice.

The manager was very tormented, but in the end he still chose to stand by his daughter.

However, Zhao Man also agreed to the manager that she would team up with others to find supplies in the future, and when she was looking for supplies, she would take the opportunity to solve her eating problem, ensuring that no one would find out.

If it is really found out...

Zhao Man said that she would never be involved in the base, and she would never let anyone know about it. Her father knew about it.

After hearing the words, the manager finally chose to support Zhao Man's decision.

He couldn't watch his daughter die.

So, Zhao Man soon started to go out with the people in the base to find supplies again.

I don’t know if it’s because she realized her mistake after going through this incident. Her attitude towards people is much better, and sometimes she even gives up some of her own supplies to them, and she no longer speaks arrogantly. , very approachable.

She was pretty and spoke nicely. Soon, everyone forgot about Zhao Man's previous dark history, and many people were very willing to go out with Zhao Man to find supplies.


They didn't realize that when they were looking for supplies, Zhao Man would always disappear suddenly for a while.

When she comes back, everyone will find that she will be stained with blood.

"I met two zombies just now, and they solved it smoothly." Zhao Man said so, everyone only cared about whether she was injured in a few words, and if she didn't leave the team in the future, there would be no more.

 The sixth update is over, everyone have a happy weekend~
(End of this chapter)

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