Chapter 74 Nicholas

A loud grunting sound filled the room, and the chubby guy looked extremely comfortable.

At this moment, it suddenly opened its eyes, spread its hooves and ran outside the house.


The wooden barrel was knocked over by it directly, and Kunk rolled out limply.

"It can't be dead, it seems to have drunk a lot of water!"

Thinking, the huge figure suddenly jumped, and finally pressed heavily on the surface of Kunk's body.

"Come more times!"

For a time, the entire ground was rumbling continuously, and even the surrounding ground was cracked.

After an unknown amount of time, Mimi suddenly felt her feet being tightly grasped. She looked down and found that Kunk had woken up and looked at herself faintly.

Mimi was a little embarrassed, and said with a dry smile, "You're awake, are you hungry?"

Although Kunk woke up, he was so weak that he couldn't even speak. Even so, he nodded vigorously.

"Well, look at me!"

Mimi made a whistle out of nowhere, held it in her mouth and blew several times in a row.

When the sound fell, Kunk only heard a tinkling sound, and after a while, a dozen or so ordinary-dressed people rushed in rushing in pushing the dining car together.

"Master Mimi, please dine!" More than a dozen people said respectfully.

After the words fell, unexpectedly, Mimi immediately stared.

"Is it me? It's him!" Mimi yelled, pointing at Kunk.

After hearing this, the servant hurried forward and lifted Kunke's body to the chair, but no one saw his action.

"Oh, by the way, you can't seem to move, come on, let me feed you!"

Kunk stared wide-eyed in horror, watching a huge roast chicken sink into his mouth like this, and finally got into his stomach by some unknown method.

In the blink of an eye, the roast chicken was transformed into a source of raging energy, and Kunk finally had the strength to resist.


The surrounding movements stopped abruptly, and Mimi signaled the servants to leave with a look.

The corner of Mimi's mouth curled into a smile, and then she extended a hand to Kunk.

"My name is Mimi, what's your name?"

Kunk was taken aback, he didn't know why this guy had such a name, and it didn't look like...

"My name is Kun...Kunk, thank you for saving me." Kunk said gratefully.

"You're welcome, since you can pass through my layers of defense, it proves that you have absolute strength, so be my subordinate!" Mimi said seriously.

Kunk froze for a moment, his face showing confusion.

"No... there is no line of defense."

As soon as these words came out, Mimi immediately looked shocked, showing an expression of disbelief.

"I didn't expect you to discover all this. It seems that you are really extraordinary!" Mimi exclaimed.

Although Kunk didn't understand what it was talking about, he understood that he should go.

"Thank you, I... I'm leaving. If you have any difficulties in the future, just... come to me. My captain is Lin Xiao!" Kunk said proudly. Although his reward did not increase, Lin Xiao raised it to [-] million shellfish more than miles.

Mimi took two steps back in shock, with her mouth wide open, she didn't expect that the person she rescued on a whim turned out to be Lin Xiao's subordinate.

"Hehe, are you sure you want to go back? He's going to face Nicholas." Mimi said with a strange laugh.

Kunke showed disdain, and said: "Lin Xiao's flame is the strongest flame I have ever seen, and it has an absolute sanction effect on evil guys like this!"

Mimi snorted coldly, obviously not believing it.

Suddenly, there was a bumbling sound, and Mimi hurriedly took out the phone bug.

"Wh... what? Karl was beheaded by Lin Xiao? Are you going to call me to join the battle now?" Mimi's eyes widened, feeling unbelievable.

After hanging up the phone, Mimi seemed a little lost.

"Why do I have to do such a dangerous thing? Isn't it good to enjoy life?" Mimi murmured.

Kunke was also very surprised. He knew that Karl was the one who cut him, but he didn't expect that Lin Xiao had already killed him.

"No, this place is not safe, I want to go home, I'm homesick!"

In Kunke's shocked eyes, there was only a bang, and the huge armor was scattered all over the ground, and a small figure got out of the armor and rushed into the house.

The figure is less than half a meter long, walking upright, plump, with fair skin, and short limbs.

Kunk can definitely guess what kind of creature it is based on his back.

After a while, Mimi rushed out with a big bag on her back, and noticed the strange look in Kunke's eyes.

"What's there to see?" Mimi called, staring at him.

"Uh, why are you a pig-headed man, so... so scary." Kunk trembled.

Mimi's face turned livid after hearing Kunk's words, and she almost fainted from anger.

"Have you ever seen such a cute walking pig like me? I am a famous fur tribe!" Mimi hurriedly explained.

Kunk nodded blankly. Although he didn't know what the fur tribe was, he sounded very weak, so he didn't care too much.

"Come with me, Lin Xiao will protect us." Kunk suggested.

"Oh?" Mimi looked contemplative. It suddenly occurred to him that he might be in danger walking alone, but if he was with Kunk, someone would protect him.

"Will Lin Xiaohui agree to take me home?" Mimi asked.

Kunk nodded with a natural expression.

"Just say...that you saved me, and he will agree." Kunk said confidently.

Seeing his assurance, Mimi was relieved, and then jumped onto Kunk's back, and Kunk threw it out cleverly and disappeared.

"I... I didn't mean to."


In Nuo Da's palace, there was only one long-haired man sitting there.

The man's skin was dark purple, and his whole body exuded an evil aura, which was compelling, but he was very young.

"Babaka and Lilith rebelled, Karl died, and that stupid pig disappeared. Are you kidding me?"

The man was Nicholas, and his face was extremely gloomy at the moment, because he didn't expect that even Babaka would betray him.

However, Nicholas' expression quickly eased.

"I have eaten the human fruit - the devil fruit in the form of a mummy. No one will be my opponent. The more people there are, the more beneficial it is to me!" Nicholas sneered.

"It's really a headache that the world government wants to send people over. Do you want me to create more undead warriors for their use?" Nicholas frowned.

In fact, the reason why this country can brazenly exist for such a long time is because Nicholas reached an agreement with the world government, and the world government wanted to obtain the power of undead soldiers.

A shocking thing happened. I saw Nicholas opened his mouth and spit out countless black bugs the size of a thumb, which made people feel palpitating!

The war is about to start, and both sides have torn their faces.

"Go, drag those ignorant people to hell one by one!"

(End of this chapter)

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