Chapter 75 Siege
The weapons rubbed against the ground, and the warriors in the city of warriors gathered together, but strangely, more than half of them were sick.

"What's going on? It was fine yesterday!" Haku asked puzzled.

"No matter what happens, it's too late, because Nicholas' army is coming here at an extremely fast speed, and we must fight!" Babaka frowned.

Looking at the soldiers around him, Lin Xiao felt an evil aura permeating among them, and his brows revealed it clearly.

"Not in a hurry, I have something to do." Lin Xiao smiled suddenly.


On the vast plain, a mighty undead army is walking fast, and a giant figure is very conspicuous among them.

The giant was naked to the waist, his face was covered with a beard, and he held a huge mace in his hand. Every step he took would make the ground tremble.

Moreover, there is a throne on top of his head, and the person sitting on it is Nicholas.

"Those guys must have been devoured by my little ones!" Nicholas laughed.

The bugs he released before all contained a strong virus, and most people would lose their ability to move soon after being infected.

"What a senseless betrayal, Lilith and Babaka, you have regretted it now!" Nicholas smiled strangely.

At last, when the sky was dark, the army of the undead reached the city of warriors.

The City of Warriors is now filled with dead silence and darkness, and at first glance it looks like a city that has been abandoned for many years.

"Oh? The unexpected effect, are they all dead?" Nicholas was confused.

Then, the giant stepped forward and kicked open the city gate!

Accompanied by the giant's roar, the undead army frantically rushed into the city, one after another.

There was no one in the city, which made Nicholas frown, because it was too abnormal.

At this moment, countless figures suddenly appeared on the surrounding high-rise buildings. Together, the figures carried countless wooden barrels and poured the seawater in the barrels down.

"Die, Nicholas!"

Babaka stood on a high place overlooking Nicholas, hatred flashed in his eyes, because this person ruined their original dream, and it was this person who killed one of the partners when the three of them were together, that is, Nicholas' wife .

"Sea water? You underestimate me!"

I saw Nicholas stretching out his hand, and an evil black airflow crazily spread from his palm, making one's heart palpitate!

"Backlash of the Curse!"

In an instant, the seawater that was pouring down actually bounced back directly as if it had hit the wall, and drenched the people standing on the high place.

"Hahahaha! Babaka, do you have any tricks?" Nicholas laughed.

Babaka sneered, and said slowly: "Nicholas, I have to say that you are very powerful, but you are too conceited!"

After the words fell, Nicholas' pupils shrank suddenly, and he felt a terrifying aura in the distance from the road, which made his heart tremble!

The flames of rage instantly illuminated the undead army, filled the avenue, roaring towards them like a wild lion.

"Quick retreat!"

However, the flames engulfed them in an instant, and there was no time to react!
Lin Xiao's figure gradually became clear, and he saw black karmic flames floating all over his body, like a god of death harvesting evil, slowly walking towards the undead army that was being burned in pain.

Babaka jumped down and stood shoulder to shoulder with Lin Xiao: "Is it over?"

Lin Xiao shook his head, he felt that evil aura still existed.

The flames dissipated and ashes hovered in the air, but Nicholas and the undead soldiers behind him were still alive.

Nicholas wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. In order to resist the violent impact just now, he suffered some minor injuries.

"Go to war!"

Countless warriors jumped from the city wall, and the weapons in their hands were all soaked in sea water.

Nicholas sneered, and then his figure flashed, but he didn't know where he went.

In the blink of an eye, the two sides fought fiercely, and blood flashed suddenly, and the blood of both sides passed together.

Lin Xiao has already rushed into the formation, and every time he cuts down, he will take away a person's life.


A roar came from behind Lin Xiao, and when he turned around, he found a huge giant holding a mace and smashing towards Lin Xiao with all his might.


The huge mace was shattered under the giant's astonished eyes. Looking at the person standing under his feet, his huge body couldn't help trembling.

"Lin Xiao! Nicholas has gone somewhere, go and find him!" Haku suddenly shouted.

Lin Xiao nodded, then turned into light and shadow, and rushed to a high place.

"Don't run away!" The giant roared, and wanted to chase Lin Xiao.

Suddenly, Haku jumped and rushed towards the giant's head.

"Five kilowatts of punches!"

The powerful punch hit the giant's head with a bang, and the giant screamed, and his body began to shake, as if he was about to fall.

Babaka came behind the giant and moved his fingers.

"I have practiced boxing hard since I was a child. I have watched murloc karate, and I also went to learn the explosive boxing of the long-shouldered tribe. I have formed a style of my own, commonly known as Chuanshan boxing!"

In a blink of an eye, Babaka bounced like a cannonball and rushed to the giant's chest in an instant. His right fist flashed red light, and the surrounding air seemed to be distorting!


With a punch, the ground around him trembled. Babaka landed slowly, but his right fist was still emitting thick green smoke.

The giant fell to the ground with a bang, and a large hole with a diameter of two meters appeared in its chest, piercing through its heart.

Seeing this, Haku nodded in admiration. Babaka's perfect integration of murloc karate into his boxing is much stronger than when he first came to murloc island.

Lilith was also fighting among the crowd, her body glowed faintly, and all the undead soldiers around were tightly wrapped by crystal blocks.

A dark claw appeared behind Lilith, but just as it was about to touch Lilith, it was blocked by a knife.

Lin Xiao stood on the ground and stared at Nicholas coldly. He didn't expect that this guy wanted to attack Lilith.

Lilith also reacted, and turned to look at Nicholas, with deep hatred flashing in her eyes.

"I won't give you a chance to think about your last words!"

Lin Xiao attacked suddenly, and the blade of the blade burst into flames, as if it could burn the world!
With a slash of the knife, a huge flame slashed and jumped towards Nicholas with a bang.

"Cursed Distortion!"

Unexpectedly, the flame slash was gradually distorted in the palm of Nicholas, and finally turned into a small flame.

Nicholas was also panting slightly, because it was too difficult to resolve Lin Xiao's karma.

"Are you sent by God to punish me?" Nicholas sneered.

Lin Xiao was silent, and walked towards Nicholas slowly, with cold eyes.

"Lilith, leave quickly, after all, it is your father who is about to die!"


(End of this chapter)

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