The Prince's Humen's Wife

Chapter 299 I Kneel

Chapter 299 I Kneel (4)
She thought in her heart that she would find someone to go to Ziyuan to find out the truth tomorrow. If Li Chaochao was really pregnant, she would have to make preparations.

Before Li Chaochao woke up, the people sent by the Ni family arrived.

Lan Lingyu got up and heard someone outside asking Chunli, "Our wife heard that the third young lady had a stomachache yesterday, and I don't know what's wrong with the doctor. The lady asked me to ask, and ordered someone to cook bird's nest supplements." Come to grandma."

Chun Li smiled and said, "Madam Lao, don't worry, our grandma...haha, it's nothing serious, it will be fine after a while."

Qing Xiao, who was sent by Ni's side, frowned when she heard Chun Li's ambiguous words, did she have it or not?
Qing Xiao smiled, "Could it be that the third young mistress is happy? This is a great thing. I'll go back and tell my wife about it."

"I really don't know if you're happy or not, but I just told you that the third young mistress is not easy to worry about and needs to rest." Chun Li curled her lips, "Sister, don't bother me, just tell Madam, our master Thank you for her concern, when she gets better, I will explain everything to Madam personally."

Qingxiao hated secretly, this Chunli is really reckless.

"Since I'm here, let me say hello to grandma, which is considered my filial piety."

Chun Li hesitated and said, "This... I'm afraid it's inappropriate."

Shizi is not up yet!
"What's wrong, isn't grandma still up?" Qing Xiaoxiao was about to go into the house.

Before he raised his hand to push it, someone inside opened the door and looked at Qing Xiao coldly, "Why are you yelling so early in the morning, when did Ziyuan learn to be so unruly!"

"My lord, forgive me." Chun Li knelt down without hesitation.

Qing Xiao didn't dare to push her too hard, knelt on the ground, and said with a smile: "It's the servant girl who came to grandma..."

Lan Lingyu said coldly, "Did I ask you something?"

Qing Xiao bit the corner of her mouth, "The servant girl is just..."

Lan Lingyu was impatient, but he definitely wasn't the one who hit the woman. He knew that the Ni family had sent someone to inquire about the news. Come to bother."

He not only said these words to the servants, but also told Mrs. Ni back through Qingxiao's mouth.

Don't fucking look for trouble!

Qing Xiao had no choice but to bite the bullet and offer the soup cup in her hand, "This is the tonic that the third lady asked to cook for the third young grandma..."

Just as Lan Lingyu was about to refuse, she heard footsteps behind her. Li Chaochao was woken up a long time ago. After dressing up, she walked over and said with a smile, "What kind of tonic? Madam really has a heart..."

Li Chaochao lifted a corner of the soup cup and smelled it, and suddenly felt sick, covered his mouth and turned around to retch.

I have never eaten pork and seen pigs run away.

In the past, there were so many concubines in Lan Teng'an who were pregnant and faked. She was also pregnant, so she naturally knew how to fake morning sickness.

The corners of Qing Xiao's eyes twitched, really happened!

Lan Lingyu frowned and turned her head to pat Li Chaochao on the back, "What are you doing here with this, don't hurry up."

Li Chaochao waved his hand, "No, this is Madam... vomit... How can it be ruined."

Li Chaochao forced a smile at Qingxiao, "I just heard that you want to treat me with filial piety, it's hard for you to come here in such a hot weather, you can eat this bowl of bird's nest, I may not be able to eat it... vomit."

Lan Lingyu held back a smile and looked at Qing Xiao, and shouted: "Third Young Mistress rewarded you, but I still don't thank you."

"Thank you...thank you, Third Young Mistress." Qing Xiao was very reluctant.

Li Chaochao said with a smile: "It's okay, it's my happiest thing to see that Madam's heart is not in vain, you can eat here before leaving."

Qing Xiao had no choice but to bite the bullet and eat the bowl of bird's nest, thinking that maybe the third young lady thought there was something tricky here?

In fact, how could it be possible to do so with the means of a lady.

Li Chaochao knew that the bird's nest was not poisoned, so he simply didn't want to eat it.

After leaving suspiciously, Lan Lingyu smiled and texted Li Chaochaowan, "Chaochao wants Mrs. Ni to think you have it?"

Sitting, Li Chaochao glanced at Lan Lingyu from the bronze mirror, "It's true and false and sometimes false. She is afraid that I have it, so she will attack me. When I really have it, she won't believe it again."

This is the story of the wolf came.

She smiled, looked back at Lan Lingyu, smiled and took his hand, "Sanlang..."

Lan Lingyu shook, he hadn't heard Li Chaochao call himself that for a long time.

"I know you want a child, and I want to give you a child too, but the matter of the child is like the rebirth of the two of us, it's a chance, it's a fate." Li Chaochao rested his head on his stomach and hugged his chest. Waist, softly said: "We will definitely have children."

Lan Lingyu's heart suddenly felt extremely warm, "I am enough to have you. I am not in a hurry about the children. When your body recovers, we will have more children. Now I only hope for your well-being, and I don't want anyone to shake you. If you have a child here, maybe you won't have to work so hard."

Li Chaochao smiled, "It's useless. In fact, having a child now has become a reason for them to threaten us. I thought about it, since Mrs. Ni's heart is not dead, let her be. I want to see, after what happened yesterday, Which noble girl dares to marry you."

Lan Lingyu pinched Li Chaochao's nose with a smile, "Actually, you've made this idea a long time ago, right? Let them retreat when they face difficulties."

Lan Lingyu squatted down and was at the same level as Li Chaochao. The two looked at each other, "It won't be that simple. Mu Xueyi made up his mind to drag me into the water. I'm afraid no one will have eyes..."

"Since that's the case..." Li Chaochao sneered, "Then it's better to follow the plan."

Lan Lingyu frowned, "You want me to marry them? There is no need to discuss this matter."

"you listen to me……"

"Not negotiable!"

"I mean……"

"Not negotiable!"

Lan Lingyu was just four words—no discussion!
Let him marry someone else?Even for Li Chaochao, it doesn't work!
Lan Lingyu kept a straight face, but Li Chaochao couldn't stop laughing, she knew he was hurting her.

She pinched his ear and said, "Don't forget, I'm not your wife now, but I've thought about it too. With Mu Xueyi messing up this matter, neither Mrs. Tai nor Lord Hou will offend Prince Jing." , will definitely agree, then Ning Qingyuan went to the dark again, she threatened her so much yesterday, she didn't back down... Even if she retreated, there will be a second Ning Qingyuan appearing, since this matter We can't hide, we might as well..."

Li Chaochao kissed Lan Lingyu's earlobe, and blew in his ears ambiguously, with a gentle and provocative voice.

(End of this chapter)

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