The Prince's Humen's Wife

Chapter 300 I Kneel

Chapter 300 I Kneel (5)
Lan Lingyu held back her desire with an ugly expression, not going to throw Li Chaochao down.

Uncle said - be temperate!

Li Chaochao thought that Lan Lingyu didn't agree with what he said, so he poked his chest, "Don't worry, even if she comes in, I will never let you touch her finger, you should die."

Lan Lingyu's eyes were getting darker and darker, and her body was constantly hot.

He said solemnly: "I just wronged you."

"Wrong me? Heh, what do you think I will be wronged?" Li Chaochao smiled strangely, "I have already let the word out, and no one forced her to marry you, but if there are still people who don't know how to marry you, , then don’t blame me for being ruthless.”

Lan Lingyu also suddenly smiled strangely, "I mean...I'm sorry that you sleep with me for a while longer!"

He hugged Li Chaochao up, and Li Chaochao jumped, tossing and turning in his arms, yelling, "Lan Lingyu, didn't uncle say... to be temperate, temperate?"

Lan Lingyu began to take off Li Chaochao's clothes, "It's been three hours since last night! Three full hours!"

Li Chaochao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he was also happy to cooperate with Lan Lingyu's affection. Apart from being naked, what lovers need more is the combination of body and mind.

They love each other deeply, and they don't have to be afraid of being destroyed by others. Their confidence comes from each other's affection, so they never worry about anything at all.

What to worry about is the third party who is going to do the damage, because she will only have a tragic ending.

Li Chaochao said that she has kindly declared her ownership of Lan Lingyu, but there are still people who don't have eyes, so don't blame her for being cruel.

At the same time, Mrs. Ni couldn't seem to calm down after hearing the news brought back by Qing Xiao.

Is Li Chaochao pregnant?
This is a question worth looking into. Her attitude is very ambiguous, which makes people think that she has it, but she doesn't tell others.

Mrs. Ni knocked on the wooden table with her fingers. In this case, he assumed that Li Chaochao's stomach was empty. No matter whether she was trying to protect herself from telling the truth, or she deliberately released a smoke bomb, the most important thing now is to put Lan Lingyu's body back to the ground. After the marriage is settled, as for Li Chaochao's belly, she can take her time to find out the truth. Anyway, there are still ten months before she is born, and there is enough time to get rid of the lump of meat. And when the bride comes in, she will have helpers, so Li Chaochao is a dead end!
Mrs. Ni smiled coldly, she now has Prince Jing's son as her support, let's see how Lan Lingyu can hide from him!
And Li Chaochao was tossed by Lan Lingyu and didn't leave the house for a few days. As a result, news spread that she was pregnant, but the person concerned didn't admit it, and it was inconvenient for the other masters to speak up.

On this day, Li Chaochao was finally able to get out of bed. She and Lan Lingyu had breakfast, and Lan Lingyu was going to visit the county palace. It's just the son of the world.

Li Chaochao tidied up Lan Lingyu's clothes, and suddenly said: "Speaking of which, Mu Chentian is really the one..."

Lan Lingyu knew what Li Chaochao was going to say, so he nodded silently.

Li Chaochao stroked his forehead, "I see him as something extraordinary."

"Extraordinary?" Lan Lingyu smiled, "Using these four words on him is a compliment."

Li Chaochao didn't have much to say, Mu Chentian felt too rascal.

Lan Lingyu smiled and kissed her on the cheek, "Anyway, since it was like this in the last life, it is the destiny. If this country is in his hands, it is not up to us to decide whether it is good or not. It is the destiny that is good, and it is inevitable if it is not good. , after all, we want to retreat to the countryside.”

Li Chaochao smiled, yes, they are not saints.

After sending Lan Lingyu away, Li Chaochao ordered someone to prepare a carriage, dressed as a maidservant, and went out of the Marquis Mansion with Chunli one after the other, but no one suggested anything.

The carriage went directly to Suzaku Street, and Li Chaochao saw Yangufang crowded with people from a distance. She and Chunli came in from the back door as before, and Dongyue had been waiting for a long time.

Dongyue led Li Chaochao upstairs all the way, Xiaozui kept talking over and over again, "Why did the girl come here, but I have to wait so much. After waiting for these few days, my neck is so long."

The three entered a room on the third floor together, and Dongyue brought tea and water to Li Chaochao herself, but Li Chaochao didn't stop her, and said to Chunli with a smile, "Look, you really have become a perfumer. This mouth is so powerful, I was just a little late, and she scolded me for a long time."

"Girl!" Dongyue stomped her feet, "I'm so anxious!"

Li Chaochao smiled and said, "Oh, listen to it quickly, she can use four-character idioms, it's amazing, she still makes progress outside, and it will be different from following me."

Chun Li also nodded with a smile, jokingly said: "Grandma said yes, and Miss Dongyue is getting more and more beautiful."

Dongyue blushed and stomped her feet, "It's fine if you haven't come for a long time, and you still bully me when you come, it doesn't matter if this Laoshizi is not a good perfumer, today I will go back with the girl and serve her, I feel uncomfortable here!"

Li Chaochao raised his eyebrows, and patted Dongyue's plump forehead with his hands, "If I can't tell that you are deliberately making excuses to go back, then what's so good about the Hou Mansion, why are you uncomfortable here? But that bastard Li Boxing bullied you ? You tell me, the girl decides for you."

Li Boxing happened to walk in and heard this sentence, he didn't know whether to advance or retreat, the three women also turned their heads to look at him, and he said helplessly: "Thanks to my family, otherwise outsiders would think you are my sister. "

Dongyue muttered, "Girls are safer than you, so it's not bad for you to call me sister."

Li Boxing snorted, "What? Your girl is here, do you feel that you will become stronger if you have support?"

"I'm already so powerful, the second young master should kick me out as soon as possible."

Li Boxing said angrily: "When did I say I would kick you out? This was originally your girl's shop, and she let you stay, how can I drive you away! Or is it that Miss Dongyue is getting more and more capable now? Our temple can't accommodate you anymore."

"You... When did I pass by here and the temple can't tolerate me anymore! It's clear that you don't like me!"

Dongyue turned her head angrily, wiping her tears with her back to Li Boxing.

Li Boxing cried when Dongyue said to cry, and lost his sense of control for a while, "Hey, I didn't say anything, why did I just cry!"

Or the book is right: only women and villains are difficult to raise.

It's just that he didn't dare to say that, otherwise Li Chaochao wouldn't blow his head off, even Dongyue wouldn't let him off lightly.

Li Boxing was thinking of a way to coax Dongyue, when he saw Li Chaochao and Chunli's eyes were strange, and they smiled teasingly. He was even more embarrassed, and he unconsciously raised his voice, "Okay, okay, Don't cry, cry in front of your girls, and think how much I'm giving you."

(End of this chapter)

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