The Prince's Humen's Wife

Chapter 301 I Kneel

Chapter 301 I Kneel (6)
"Woooooo..." Dongyue kept wiping away her tears without saying a word.

Li Boxing was helpless, he could only stand and cough dryly.

Li Chaochao looked at the two of them meaningfully, wondering in his heart, the one who was crying was Dongyue with a rough voice?The one next to him who is at a loss is the second elder brother who used to be stern?



Li Chaochao suppressed a smile and sighed: "Since Dongyue feels wronged here, why don't I take her away. I think she is not young anymore, and she should be married to someone else. Girls, they will marry sooner or later." Damn, how can you always show your face, it's not easy to find your husband's family after you show your face, Chun Li, right?"

Chun Li smiled, "Grandma is right."

Dongyue froze, stopped sobbing, and quickly turned her head to the side and said: "Girl, I didn't mean that, I don't want to get married."

"How can you not marry? Do you want to be alone forever? How can I be willing to see you suffer wronged." Li Chaochao snorted Li Boxing, "You are still a man, but you can't even tolerate a woman. I will take Dongyue with you." Let's go, from now on, you two will not be out of sight or out of mind, and you won't get bored of seeing each other again."

Li Chaochaozhen stood up and walked out, "Dongyue, let's go."

Dongyue stared at her blankly, with a perplexed face, "Girl, I..."

Li Boxing hurriedly stopped him, "When did I say I got tired of watching it twice, we... we were just joking."

"Ah... yes!" Dongyue laughed through her tears, "We are just joking around, girl, don't take it seriously, the second young master and I are used to bickering like this every day."

"That is to say, he bullies you every day, and you don't get angry with him, but argue with him?" Li Chaochao clicked his tongue, "It's really strange."

Dongyue's face turned red all of a sudden, "Girl, you don't bully me every day."

Li Chaochao said meaningfully, and smiled teasingly at Li Boxing. Dongyue didn't understand, so he must understand.

Li Boxing must be older than Dongyue, and he also knows about men and women, so he immediately understood the meaning of Li Chaochao's words, and seeing Dongyue's blushing face, his heart moved even more.

It turns out... this relationship thing turned out to be like this.

Li Boxing figured it out, a smile bloomed on his face, and he said with a smile: "My sister is joking again, I promise not to bully Miss Dongyue in the future, it's just that you came here after all, let's get down to business first."

Dongyue also touched the corner of her eyes, and quickly put down the unhappiness just now, then turned to Li Chaochao and said, "Girl, recently all the married ladies in Beijing and China are busy getting married, and the business of Yangufang has increased compared to previous years. A lot."

"I saw it, and it's all thanks to you." Li Chaochao pointed to Li Boxing, "Let Second Brother raise your monthly silver for you, so that you can get some more silver by your side if you want to leave the house and start your own business later."

Li Boxing figured out what he wanted, how could he let Dongyue go, he knew that Li Chaochao said that on purpose, and gave her a dissatisfied look, "Dongyue doesn't know how to read, I will keep the money for her."

Dongyue has no objection either.

Li Chaochao moved his head and whispered to Li Boxing: "Dongyue is illiterate, you can't teach her, one room, two people, one table, holding hands..."

Li Boxing twitched the corners of his mouth, why did his sister become so... bold and open when she got married?
Li Chaochao couldn't help laughing at Li Boxing's ghostly appearance.

Dongyue didn't hear that Li Chaochao was teaching Li Boxing to make love to herself, but she saw Li Chaochao signaled herself to continue, so she continued: "These ladies and slaves..."

"Call me, don't be a slave." Li Chaochao waved his hand, "You didn't have to call me a slave in my hometown before, okay?"

Chunli gave Dongyue an encouraging look, and Dongyue swallowed her saliva and continued: "I have some personal relationships with these ladies and wives, so I found out that a while ago, Mrs. Ni had contact with some wives. I wanted to marry into the Hou's mansion and become a young man, but because the story of the princess's mansion spread that day, everyone rejected Mrs. Ni. A few days ago, Mrs. Ni went to the house of the Minister of Rites. Originally, the Ning family did not agree, but I don't know what method Prince Jing used, but the Ning family not only agreed, but also went to the official media to settle the matter."

Li Chaochao just looked at Dongyue quietly, in fact, Dongyue is really different from before, she speaks decently and generously, no longer submissive, after she lost weight, her face has a skinny beauty.

If Dongyue and Li Boxing can really make a couple, then only Li Boxing is not good enough for her.

Firstly, Dongyue is no longer a slave, and secondly, she is already a well-known perfumer in Beijing.

Although he couldn't become a high-class person, Li Boxing was just a businessman, and the two of them were in the same line of business, and they were very suitable for each other.

This is wonderful.

Seeing that Li Chaochao didn't speak, Dongyue felt anxious, "Miss, what do you want to do, just say something, as long as we can help, we will never let Miss Ning's family marry into the Marquis of Wuxiang."

If you dare to create trouble with the fifth girl, you are causing trouble for them!

Li Chaochao sneered, "There's nothing to do, since this matter is a foregone conclusion, let it take its course."

She had already expected this matter, but fortunately, it was within her expectations.

It's just that Ning Qingyuan couldn't figure out why she had to marry Lan Lingyu!
Before Li Chaochao left, he called Li Boxing over and looked at him coldly, "Dongyue served me before, and I treat her no better than others. She will be happy if she marries anyone. If you can't love her and protect her, don't move." That thought."

"Fifth sister, don't worry about it."

Li Boxing bowed deeply to Li Chaochao, thanking her for awakening the dreamer, and thanking her for sending Dongyue to his side.

Man, be grateful.

On the way back home, Li Chaochao patted Chunli's hand, "I will marry you off one by one."

Chun Li smiled and said, "Grandma, you don't have to worry about me. It's a blessing to serve you. I know you will take care of us. I just hope to stay by your side for a while longer, and I will avoid detours after leaving you." , I can learn a lot by your side, and I am very content."

Li Chaochao smiled. Chunli's words were heartwarming. She didn't think about changing anyone's fate. She also hoped that the people around her would respect and fear her, but they should also support each other like a family, regardless of each other.

At this moment, the carriage stopped suddenly, and the driver in front said: "Grandma, there is someone blocking the way ahead."

Li Chaochao frowned subconsciously. Chunli wanted to open the curtain to see, but she stopped her, and heard someone from the side carriage approaching Chi Chi, "Chaochao, it's too late for you to regret it now."

The voice of others is like a spring breeze, but there is a firm coldness in the smile.

Li Chaochao felt a toothache, and life never met again.

I met Mu Xueyi again.

Chunli glanced at Li Chaochao, saw that she had helplessness and helplessness on her face, and she was still helpless, so she just sat still.

(End of this chapter)

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