The Prince's Humen's Wife

Chapter 302 I Kneel

Chapter 302 I Kneel (7)
At least she knows that there are many princes around to protect grandma.

Li Chaochao smiled helplessly, "I won't regret anything."

Mu Xueyi sighed softly, "Why ask for trouble?"

"It's still the same sentence." Li Chaochao said firmly: "I am happy, this sentence will not change for a year, and it will not change for a lifetime."

She is already married, why is Mu Xueyi still pestering her?

Is this guy a married woman?
"In that case, then I will not be polite!" Mu Xueyi's voice was even more cold.

"My son, please feel free." Li Chaochao smiled, "It doesn't matter what you do, I won't take it to heart."

In fact, no matter what Mu Xueyi did, Li Chaochao was never annoyed, because she really didn't take Mu Xueyi too seriously.

Not before, not now, and not in the future.

The sentence "I won't take it to heart" was like Li Chaochao stabbing Mu Xueyi's heart with a knife, and the blood instantly stained his snowy white clothes red.

Mu Xueyi stared blankly, and said with a sneer, "Then we'll just wait and see!"

With a bang, the carriage made by Li Chaochao fell apart.

Chunli supported Li Chaochao so that she did not fall off. Fortunately, the horse pulling the cart was restrained by the groom so she was not surprised. Li Chaochao frowned and looked back at the man leaving.

Mu Xueyi was dressed in white, shaking under the dazzling sunlight, but what remained in his eyes was a kind of endless loneliness and loneliness.

Li Chaochao thought that she didn't take him seriously, but she had a different tolerance for Mu Xueyi.

He is a poor man.

It's just that she doesn't want to feel compassion.

Mu Xueyi rode away with the wind rustling on his face. He was under a lot of pressure and couldn't get what he wanted. He wasn't the kind of person who would perish if he didn't get it, but he hated that the things he regarded as treasures didn't exist at all. Faced with his existence.

Li Chaochao's words were too harsh, her heart was always made of stone.

So from now on, he will try his best to let her know that there is someone in this world who is crazy about her - that is Mu Xueyi!
Li Chaochao's carriage was broken, and the hidden guards behind him replaced it as quickly as possible. Li Chaochao glanced at Chen Fan, and said calmly, "Don't let Lan Lingyu worry."

Chen Fan didn't speak, Li Chaochao knew that he couldn't hide this from Lan Lingyu, so he tried his best to tell the best about it.

By the time Lan Lingyu received the news, the person had already returned to Ziyuan, and at the same time knew that the Ni family had engaged him in marriage.

Seeing Li Chaochao in formal clothes waiting for him, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, "Where are you going?"

"Let's go, the elders are waiting for us."

Li Chaochao saw that the corners of his face were tense, so he couldn't help squeezing his palm, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

The two went to the Jingxin Hall together, and this matter could no longer be avoided.

As soon as Lan Lingyu stepped into the room, Lan Zhengjin couldn't help cursing: "Why did you bring her here!"

"Since we have something to discuss, what's wrong with me bringing my wife here!"

Lan Lingyu sneered, and after leading Li Chaochao to greet everyone, Lan Zhengjin shouted again: "She has never been the daughter-in-law of our Hou family."

"Aren't I the Lord Hou's son?" Lan Lingyu's sneer never diminished, "If that's the case, then Chao Chao is indeed not Lord Hou's daughter-in-law."

"Bastard! I'm your father! You never married her, how can she be my daughter-in-law!"

"If my father treats me as his son, my son won't want to repeat the same topic again. Chao Chao is my Mingmei who is marrying me, and she is my wife!"

Lan Lingyu refuted Lan Zhengjin forcefully.

Lan Zhengjin snorted and said, "The Ming matchmaker is getting married. She didn't pay homage to you that day. I called you here today to tell you that your mother has already engaged you. You will be ready to be the groom's official in a few days!"

Lan Lingyu narrowed her eyes, "What if I insist on not marrying?"

Lan Zhengjin jumped up, "Then kick this Mrs. Li out of the house."

Lan Lingyu's gaze became cold all of a sudden, "Father really loves me, he spent so much time on my affairs, it's fine to let the bride in, but I have one condition."

"You're still negotiating with me..."

"If my father doesn't agree, I'm going to risk my life, and I will never compromise!"

Lan Lingyu didn't back down even a single step.

Da Furen was not here today, Madam Tai watched the two father and son confronting each other with great interest, and when she heard Lan Lingyu say this, she suddenly asked, "What's the condition? Tell me about it."

Lan Lingyu smiled and cupped her hands, "Grandmother, since my grandson wants to marry a bride, he should start a family and start a career. I can't live under the wings of my parents for the rest of my life, let them worry about my affairs all the time, and make my father unhappy , the grandson wanted to separate Ziyuan from the Marquis's mansion, open another door, and live their own lives from now on, and the grandson had a wife to manage Ziyuan, which also saved him from worrying about the future. effective."

Mrs. Tai raised her eyebrows and glanced at Li Chaochao, who had been silent all this time. Is this what the two of them discussed?
It's not bad to retreat to advance.

Lan Zhengjin slapped the table, "Bold, how dare you..."

Seeing that Lan Zhengjin was very angry, Mrs. Ni hurriedly stepped forward to rub his back, "Don't be so angry, Lord Hou, just speak up if you have something to say. You see, you made your father angry. This matter has passed through the official media. The date is set, Yu'er, just get married obediently, your father loves you, so how could he let you go."

Mrs. Ni looked at Li Chaochao proudly, don't think she didn't know that this was Li Chaochao's idea.

Lan Lingyu laughed: "Mom, I know that you always love your father and regard him as your heaven, but when did you ever talk to Chao Chao when you were by my side?"

Lan Zhengjin was full of anger and cursed: "Well, you just married a wife and forgot your mother!"

"On the contrary, I just think of my mother's goodness so that I don't want my mother to worry about my affairs. My mother has always been considerate of me, and I will definitely understand my son's filial piety."

Lan Zhengjin was so angry that he didn't know how to scold Lan Lingyu, so he turned his anger on Li Chaochao, picked up the teacup in his hand and threw it at her. Grabbing the teacup desperately, his eyes became a little colder, and the anger in his heart poured into the sky, he grabbed it hard, and the teacup burst in his hands.

Lan Lingyu gritted her teeth expressionlessly and said, "It seems that father doesn't want the bride to come in, so I'll go back to sleep."

"Stop for me! This matter is beyond your control."

Lan Lingyu turned her back to Lan Zhengjin, "The son is separated from the house, so the father can be less angry."

Lan Zhengjin had nothing to say, and glanced at the Ni family. Since Lan Lingyu had compromised, they only asked the bride to come in, "Okay, as long as you promise to marry, I will allow it."

(End of this chapter)

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