The Prince's Humen's Wife

Chapter 307 So Ruthless

Chapter 307 So Ruthless (4)
Lan Lingyu quickly caught Li Chaochao's strangeness, stretched out her hand from the side and squeezed her hand, asking without saying a word: What's wrong?
Li Chaochao answered with a smile, the two of them have a good understanding, so there is no need to elaborate.

Seeing the two of them pretending to be affectionate, Mrs. Ni couldn't sit still anymore, she groaned, fell down in front of Lan Zhengjin, and sighed, "Husband, I have a headache."

"I'll help you back to your room. Anyway, since you're a concubine, we don't need to stay here." Lan Zhengjin snorted at Li Chaochao, "It's clear what's out of sight."

Li Chaochao lowered his head and sighed, Lan Lingyu suddenly stood up and said, "Father, Chaochao has made a new concubine today, and you haven't drunk this cup of daughter-in-law tea yet."

"I can't drink it!"

Lan Zhengjin was so angry that he could say anything. He looked at Lan Lingyu, saw the few guests in the room, and asked, "Is all this your idea?"

"What's my idea?" Lan Lingyu was puzzled.

"Not a single official above the fifth rank in the court arrived, did you obstruct it!"

If it weren't for the presence of other people, Lan Zhengjin would have gone mad and smashed the vase on Lan Lingyu's body.

Lan Lingyu saw the flash of killing intent in Lan Zhengjin's eyes, and felt cold in his heart. His father had never been merciful to him!
He sneered and said, "Father, it's just a concubine coming in. What do you invite guests to do? Doesn't father think all this is shameful enough? Do you want to throw face outside?"

Once Lan Zhengjin was irritated by Lan Lingyu, he couldn't hold back his anger any longer, and raised his hand to hit him. Lan Lingyu didn't want to hide. He looked at Lan Zhengjin coldly, and let everyone see what was going on. What kind of father!
Lan Zhengjin saw the indifference and hatred in his son's eyes, and suddenly realized that his son and himself were like two strangers.

He was slightly taken aback, but Li Chaochao stepped forward first, and said coldly: "Master Hou, you should think clearly before beating my husband, why did you beat him? What did my husband do wrong?"

"How dare you threaten me, woman?" Lan Zhengjin was so angry that his chest heaved greatly.

Li Chaochao smiled: "I regard my husband as my god, Lord Hou forgive me."

Lan Zhengjin sneered, "You guys are really... affectionate!"

"It's not as harmonious as Madam and you." Li Chaochao's smile was more ironic, but it was just that the sex was not harmonious.

However, Lan Zhengjin twitched the corners of his mouth a little guilty, and Mrs. Ni on the side didn't want to make a big deal on this occasion, so she dragged Lan Zhengjin, and the two left in despair.

Ni said: "My husband, don't worry, I will not be arrogant for too long."

However, Lan Zhengjin sighed. He thought of what Lan Lingyu had done today, which made him feel chilled.

He said bitterly: "How could I have such a son! He must not be allowed to claim my title!"

When Mrs. Ni heard Lan Zhengjin say this, she suddenly smiled with satisfaction. It would be a blessing in disguise!

Lan Lingyu, go to hell with your wife!
Not long after they had left, Ning Qingyuan was wearing a rouge-pink painted hibiscus dress that trailed the floor. Jingle.

There was no music, most of the guests had gone, and they were led by the butler to have a banquet in front. No one paid attention to a concubine, only a few lively people wanted to see what the new concubine would do next.

The eldest wife, Mrs. Zhang, is still there, so she can be regarded as the elder of the family.

Lan Lingyu and Li Chaochao sat at the head of the hall, one on the left and the other on the right.

Ning Qingyuan's face was smeared with thick powder, her face was as pale as her dead uncle, her eyes were bitter, she came to the two of them, she bent down slightly, and did not kneel down, "Concubine ..."

Before she finished speaking, someone shouted: "Wrong!"

Ning Qingyuan frowned almost invisibly.

Where is wrong!

This Xipo is an official matchmaker, who specializes in teaching brides the etiquette before and after marriage.

Xi Po smiled and said: "Grandma Ning, you are a concubine, according to the rules, you should call yourself a servant girl. Please - serve tea to the son and concubine."

Ning Qingyuan gritted her silver teeth and swallowed, she only had one thought in her mind: until now, everything told herself all the time that there was no turning back!

Must persist!

Must fight, must grab!
Fighting may lead to death, but not fighting or grabbing will definitely make life worse than death!

She is not afraid!
It's just a woman, she has nothing to be afraid of!

There is her natal family as a backer outside, at least the third wife in the Hou's mansion is in the same camp as herself!
Ning Qingyuan bent down and said, "Slave..."

As soon as she spoke, Grandma Xi shouted again: "Wrong, auntie, you have to kneel!"

Li Chaochao looked at the opposite side indifferently, not letting go of any expression on Ning Qingyuan's face.

She has said long ago that she has many ways to deal with concubines.

In the last life, Boss Lan had as many concubines as a cow's hair.

Li Chaochao wanted to humiliate Ning Qingyuan, but from this moment on, let everyone know that Lan Lingyu's eldest concubine is a fierce wife, and if she marries her as a concubine, she will kill herself!

Ning Qingyuan is the best example.

Let her set herself as an example.

Li Chaochao had no expression on his face, Ning Qingyuan's heart was bleeding, but she had to do it!

If you don't listen to the main room and don't follow the rules, you will die even worse.

Ning Qingyuan knelt on the ground with a plop, took the teacup from the tray, raised it to the level of her eyebrows, lowered her voice, and first said to Lan Lingyu: "Please drink tea, Your Majesty."

She really liked Lan Lingyu so much that she would dream of him every night. Although she couldn't remember the scene clearly, she could clearly see that that person was Lan Lingyu.

They turned up and down, talked all the lingering words, even if he is not as fascinating as the current temperament, she still loves him deeply.

If there is no Li Chaochao, she firmly believes that he must be hers!

Ning Qingyuan looked up at Lan Lingyu affectionately, but the man who once caressed her in her dream didn't even look at her. She waved her hand, and her heart kept sinking... He actually didn't even Don't even look at yourself!
Tears quickly filled her eyes, but she didn't dare to cry in front of Li Chaochao. She didn't want her to see her weakness and incompetence, suppressed her heartache, and raised another cup of tea to respect, "The servant girl invites the concubine to have a drink." Tea."

Li Chaochao stopped embarrassing Ning Qingyuan, she took the tea without drinking it, put it on her left hand, and said gently: "The concubine is a slave, you have to recognize your identity, and abide by the rules of the mansion when you enter the door, and act with integrity." Proper. You are the son's concubine, so you should put him first in everything, obey the son's words, and don't mess with your senses to make him unhappy, or you will be dealt with according to the family law, you understand!"

After listening to Li Chaochao's words, everyone felt that what she said made sense. She didn't beat Ning Qingyuan to establish rules.

(End of this chapter)

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