The Prince's Humen's Wife

Chapter 308 So Ruthless

Chapter 308 So Ruthless (6)
She subconsciously raised her foot and kicked the crotch of the person opposite, only to hear Lan Zhilin howl and cover her legs, "Ah—"

Damn it, this woman wants her lifeblood!
Li Chaochao woke up from all the drunkenness, looked at Lan Zhilin in front of him who was sweating in cold pain with a sullen face, his not very bright head was spinning fast, was she dreaming just now?or real?
She glanced at the saliva on the silk handkerchief in her hand, and gathered up the open collar, and she already noticed that things were going in a bad direction.

Sure enough, it was a mistake to drink, but this guy Lan Zhilin really took the courage of the ambitious leopard!

Li Chaochao looked at him coldly, "Why are you?"

"Why can't it be me? I still want to ask you, why is it you! How can you be Lan Lingyu's woman!"

Lan Zhilin was kicked, and she yelled as if her whole body collapsed.

Li Chaochao squinted his eyes to look at Lan Zhilin, and smelled alcohol on his body, it seemed that he had been drinking a lot.

She really shouldn't be sleeping soundly in this place, but if Lan Zhilin thinks that he can have sex after drinking, then he should know who he has offended!

Not to mention that she is his sister-in-law, just because of the mistakes made by this person in his previous life and this life, he should not be forgiven!

Since he has made a mistake, he has to bear the consequences for his mistakes. It would be a good thing if he died.

A chilling killing intent flashed across Li Chaochao's eyes hidden in the darkness.

Not for him to violate himself, but to prevent future troubles forever!
Li Chaochao suddenly walked over with a smile on his face, and helped Lan Zhilin who had fallen to the ground, "You suddenly ran over to scare me, you are so big and you don't know how to measure it, and I didn't mean it, so don't be annoyed." me."

Lan Zhilin was stunned when he heard Li Chaochao's words, and realized that she must have been drunk just now because she didn't know what she was going to do. His mind was full of her previous ruthlessness. Talking by himself, especially when she leaned over, the fragrance on her body smelled of alcohol, which made him drunk.

Li Chaochao helped Lan Zhilin to sit down on the rock by the lake, "I didn't hide it on purpose before. My identity was very embarrassing at the time. How can I tell you the truth? Now that I am your sister-in-law, please ask my uncle to tell you the truth." I am a family."

Lan Zhilin pursed her lips and said nothing, she actually called him uncle!

Seeing him like this, Li Chaochao sighed sadly, "Uncle must look down on a small family girl like me, but uncle also needs to know that I have my own difficulties. I married to the Hou's Mansion for the sake of happiness. If you don't fight for yourself, I'm afraid you won't even be as good as a concubine. You have seen today that the Marquis and Madam don't like me. If my uncle refuses to treat me as a family, I will be even more difficult in the future , there is no one to talk to."

Seeing that Li Chaochao was so sad, Lan Zhilin suddenly felt the same way, if she wasn't tougher, even the servants would bully her.

He couldn't help but understand the feeling of compassion, and said slowly: "Don't worry, I will definitely put you..."

Li Chaochao raised his eyebrows, "What about me?"

Lan Zhilin was afraid that Li Chaochao would see through his thoughts, so he stood up from the rock and walked a few steps towards the lake, "It's nothing, don't worry, I won't bully you."

Sooner or later he will have her!

Li Chaochao stood behind him and sneered, but there was no abnormality in his voice, "It is said that my uncle is suave and suave, and he is indeed the confidante of all the rich ladies."

Lan Zhilin, after all, Xiao Li Chaochao is one year old. Although he is not overly spoiled by the eldest lady, he still does not know the dangers of the world. The more I feel that if I get to know this woman first, she will definitely have her heart attached to her, and it is not like he has a chance.

They stood in an inconspicuous corner under the Lotus Bridge. Lan Zhilin was standing by the lake, and beside him was a woman who was excited. He didn't notice what Li Chaochao was doing at all.

Just as Lan Zhilin opened his mouth to read a poem, someone kicked his ass from behind suddenly. He didn't expect that, he threw himself forward and flew directly into the lake—a plop!
Sinking directly to the bottom of the lake, Lan Zhilin choked on a few mouthfuls of water. Knowing that she was plotted against by Li Chaochao, Lan Zhilin was about to yell, but she choked on water again.

Li Chaochao used all her strength for that kick just now, she didn't want to stay longer, so she turned around and left.

The best way to deal with people like Lan Zhilin is to directly attack!
When Li Chaochao returned to the stone table, she saw Chunli walking over with tea. She waved her hand and said nothing. man.

Cai Bubai clicked his tongue, "This woman is really cruel."

Mu Xueyi leaned on the bridge and looked at Lan Zhilin who was struggling in the lake, and said with a leisurely smile, "Why don't I think so?"

He laughed because Li Chaochao must have killed Lan Zhilin with this move because he thought that the kid couldn't swim when he was rescued by Lan Duruo last time.

Cai Bubai rolled his eyes while he wasn't paying attention, it really didn't hurt his back to talk while standing.

"Then what do you want to do with him?"

Mu Xueyi smiled sinisterly, "If I were her, I should dig out Lan Zhilin's eyeballs and throw them into the lake to feed the fish, and by the way, cut off his hand touching Chao Chao and give it to Mrs. Ni as a pawn." A gift, let her as a mother know that she has not raised her son well, and then cut off her tongue and cut it into strips, put it in Lan Zhengjin's dish, and let his father eat it..."

Cai Bubai couldn't listen anymore, he leaned against the bridge and retched, "You know that Lan Zhilin suffered for you, you want Li Chaochao to treat you like this after knowing the truth?"

Mu Xueyi's smile suddenly froze, and he looked at Cai Bubai coldly, "You think Li Chaochao killed Lan Zhilin because of that kiss?"

"Otherwise?" Cai Bubai asked stiffly, did he really not understand?Or is Mu Xueyi afraid to recognize the world?
Mu Xueyi bit her back teeth, saw that Lan Zhilin was about to go ashore, and suddenly made a gesture in the air, pointing at the figure in the lake and making a kill gesture.

Cai Bubai gasped suddenly, Mu Xueyi is helping others?Or are you jealous and want to kill someone?
Mu Xueyi smiled sinisterly, "With Li Chaochao's intelligence, even if she knew that I didn't kiss her, she would never kill Lan Zhilin for such a kiss. She killed him to eradicate all threatening things for Lan Lingyu." people!"

"Then she doesn't annoy you every time, she really has feelings for you! At least she didn't kill you like she did to Lan Zhilin."

Mu Xueyi looked at Cai Bubai with a smile, and suddenly grabbed his neck and sneered, "You have become more and more vicious recently."

(End of this chapter)

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