The Prince's Humen's Wife

Chapter 318 Vicious

Chapter 318 Vicious (3)
Ning Qingyuan seemed to have pondered for a while, and then slowly said: "I think it's better to invite some ladies to come to the house as guests, first to celebrate your ascension to the imperial concubine, and second, to let everyone see your virtuousness and virtue. It is unjust and broken."

Li Chaochao clapped his hands and looked at Ning Qingyuan with a smile, "It's a good idea, but I have never known any noble women in Beijing, so this plan can't be implemented. As for the rumors, don't take it to heart. I believe that the Qing will clean itself , the rumors stop at the wise."

Lan Lingyu saw that Ning Qingyuan's face was flushed red by Li Chaochao's anti-general, and couldn't help but find it funny, Li Chaochao's methods of torturing people are so mad that you won't pay for your life.

If he could really drive a person to death, he felt that it would be a relief for Ning Qingyuan.

Ning Qingyuan took a few deep breaths before calming down her anger. She thought that Li Chaochao would agree to her proposal, but she didn't expect that she would not fall for it.

She was a little impatient and said: "Even if the concubine does not care about herself, she must also take care of the son. If the rumors spread, I am afraid that the position of the son will be impeached, and you will no longer be the concubine!"

Lan Lingyu said nonchalantly: "It's not a big deal. If the position of the eldest son is gone, it will be gone. Doesn't it just suit your mind? If you want to be the imperial concubine, you can also marry another eldest son. I think you and my family The eighth brother is very suitable. You can rest assured that my eighth brother will take good care of you, and I will tell her that you are still finished."

Whenever Ning Qingyuan heard that Lan Lingyu was going to give herself away, the hole in her heart deepened a bit.

Her heart is bleeding, did Lan Lingyu see it?

Ning Qingyuan looked sad, and quickly knelt down and kowtowed, making a thumping sound, very hard, and the skin on her forehead was quickly torn, "Please forgive the slave for making arbitrary claims. To make a claim, I have ordered people to send out the invitation. I only thought that after the ladies came, seeing you treat us as a concubine in harmony, the rumors would be unjust. It is right for the concubine to be punished and beaten. , but please see for the sake of the servant’s care, please forgive the servant this time, and the servant will never dare again.”

Ning Qingyuan's forehead soon bled, and since Li Chaochao said that she acted more realistically, she would listen to her suggestion and perform a good performance.

Seeing that Li Chaochao didn't speak, she was afraid that she would really punish herself, so her heart sank, and she said hastily: "Even if the concubine wants to punish the servants, please ask the servants to punish the servants after you clear up the rumors. In the name of the servants, if the wives don’t see the servants that day, I’m afraid... they will misunderstand again! After the banquet, the servants must not dare to have any complaints.”

She secretly glanced at Li Chaochao, endured the pain on her forehead, and continued to kowtow, "If you don't agree, I will send someone to take back the post and tell them that you don't like the excitement."

"Okay." Li Chaochao waved his hand, "Qingyao help your good sister up quickly."

She called Chunli again, "Go and give that box of scar removal cream to Auntie Ning."

Li Chaochao said to Ning Qingyuan gently: "Since it's your kind intention, how can I disagree? It's too unreasonable, but since you invited me here, I'll be your host that day."

She played with the ointment in her hand, "How many days is the banquet?"

Ning Qingyuan didn't expect that Li Chaochao not only didn't pursue her, but also agreed. She was a little surprised, but she quickly put away her joy and replied, "Five days later."

"Oh..." Li Chaochao handed her the ointment, "Then this ointment should heal your scars soon, so don't let anyone see the scar on your forehead, otherwise I will have a mouth to say no." Cleared."

Ning Qingyuan repeatedly said yes, and Qing Yao couldn't help but help her and the two of them exit the room together, then quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at each other after passing through the Yuanyue Gate, sneering, the plan finally succeeded .

Lan Lingyu had long since lost her appetite, so she ordered her things to be removed, and went to the study to deal with official business, while Li Chaochao sat and read a book, and when it was time to turn on the lights, the two of them returned to the room together, took a mandarin duck bath, and he embraced Watch her go to bed and talk.

Lan Lingyu played with Li Chaochao's hair, and suddenly asked: "There are at least hundreds of ways to deal with Ning Qingyuan, why do you want to keep her?"

Li Chaochao leaned against Lan Lingyu's chest, smiled and arched, "Mr. Ni can't reach into Ziyuan now, so she will definitely use Ning Qingyuan. If she can use it, we can naturally use it back. Everything is the same. It’s a double-edged sword, and they must be the ones who get hurt in the end.”

For this point, Lan Lingyu has always been indisputable.

His dynasties have always been covered by soldiers coming to block water and earth.

But he loves her.

He bent down and kissed Li Chaochao's temples, "I just don't want you to be too tired."

"In dealing with the Ni family, Ning Qingyuan is actually a good helper." Li Chaochao smiled, "She is just a shit-stirring stick. Although she has some brains, her acting skills are really bad."

She raised her eyebrows and asked with a smile: "Tell me about what she has done before. I see that you hate her so much. She must have caused you a lot of trouble, right?"

Lan Lingyu's gaze suddenly sank, and she patted her back stiffly with her fingers, "You don't mind?"

"I mind, it's because she hurt you that I want to ask." Li Chaochao looked at him with a smile, "Increase my hatred towards her."

Lan Lingyu loved him dearly, but this woman told herself in another way that she loved him too.

Lan Lingyu slowly said, in fact, the story is very vulgar, there is only one bright spot.

"She killed the children I had. She even poisoned her own children in order to win favor."

His voice was suppressed and cold, Li Chaochao's heart ached, no wonder Lan Lingyu wanted a child so much, no father could allow his child to be hurt.

She put her face on his chest, listened to his strong heartbeat, stretched out her arms to hug him, and said softly, "We will have many, many children in the future."

Lan Lingyu nodded vigorously, "Well, let's have a litter."

Li Chaochao looked at him with a straight face, raised his eyebrows, "How many is a litter? Let me make a mental preparation first!"

"The one who does laundry, the one who cooks, the one who grows vegetables, the one who cleans..."

Li Chaochao thumped him with a smile, "All the servants are born? Do you want to give them a monthly salary?"

"Yes, let them use manual labor to earn money, so they don't have to spend our money in the future. Hahaha..."

Lan Lingyu hid in Li Chaochao's arms and sneered.

Li Chaochao said with a smile: "The abacus is very good, but our money is still in the hands of Mrs. Ni. Now we separate the government, and Mrs. Tai said to let Mrs. Ni hand over all your property, but she is alone now." No copper plate was delivered."

Lan Lingyu sneered, "Where does she have any money now, otherwise she had such an ugly face back then, she dared not come to Ziyuan these days. She had already put all the money in Mu Xueyi's pocket to buy military supplies Now, and under the guise of opening up a relationship with Lan Xinyao, he ruined his mother's dowry little by little. I'm afraid there is nothing left now, and I thought that no one would notice, so I hid and dared not see anyone ! You still expect her to spit out copper coins, I'm afraid she won't be able to fart!"

(End of this chapter)

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