The Prince's Humen's Wife

Chapter 319 Vicious

Chapter 319 Vicious (4)
"Huh?" Li Chaochao chuckled, "Master, you are so rude!"

Lan Lingyu raised her eyebrows, "My rude appearance is not a curse, but..."

He reached into her arms and squeezed, "This is rude!"

Li Chaochao was pinched hot all over, turned over and pressed on Lan Lingyu, biting his shoulder, "Although my mother is not short of money, since it belongs to us, we must not let Mrs. Ni embezzle a copper coin! Even one I have to spit out the copper plate too!"

Seeing that Li Chaochao was so rude, Lan Lingyu laughed and said, "That girl Lan Xinyao will definitely not do it!"

Li Chaochao laughed strangely, "Your sister is easy to handle. If she wants her share, I will give it to her, but I must not give it to Mrs. Ni. If I give it to Mrs. Ni, I will keep it for her and tell her. I will pay her the dowry according to double the interest of the bank every year until she gets married, and after she gets married, I will give her a big red envelope. Of course, the premise is that you can't marry Mu Xueyi!"

Lan Lingyu groaned, hugged Li Chaochao's waist and rolled into the bed, "I didn't expect my wife to be so generous."

"I'm also pretending to be generous." Li Chaochao said with a smile, "It hurts me to give her such a big red envelope, okay? It's just that I can never let her marry Mu Xueyi in this life. compensated."

Lan Lingyu couldn't help laughing, and hugged Li Chaochao passionately and kept kissing, not knowing why Chaochao had so many crazy ideas.

The two were rubbing each other, Lan Lingyu seemed to be thinking of something, suddenly raised her head, and said seriously: "Ning Qingyuan doesn't know what kind of tricks she is going to play this time, you should be careful. You keep her now No objection, but if she kills one of your fingers, don't stop me from throwing her out!"

Li Chaochao kissed Lan Lingyu's mouth, "Husband loves me the most! What!"

Lan Lingyu's face was serious, and she had already begun to tease her body restlessly, "It's not necessary to say nice words, but to call and take action. How about doing it seventeen times tonight?"

Li Chaochao yelled, "Your sister..."

Lan Lingyu smirked, "My sister can't save you even if she comes!"

Two people, one begging for mercy and the other smirking, rolled around on the bed, rolled around...

Everything is on the table.

When it was dawn, Li Chaochao was spared by Lan Lingyu. She was sleeping soundly in her arms when she heard someone rustling outside. She frowned slightly, pushed the people around her, and said in a daze: "Who is it?"

Li Chaochao has a strong urge to get up, since Ziyuan left the mansion, she slept until the sun was high, and she was spoiled by Lan Lingyu anyway.

Lan Lingyu was full of energy, tucked Li Chaochao's quilt, and when she walked to the door, she saw Chunli also woke up.

"what happened?"

Chun Li wondered: "Aunt Ning and Aunt Qing are arguing to come over to serve the master."

Lan Lingyu frowned, these two people have not finished.

"Let them go, no matter what they do, you should watch carefully, and tell me if there is anything wrong."

He looked back at Li Chaochao who was sleeping deeply on the bed, "Don't put your master in any danger, you understand?"

Chun Li nodded seriously, "My son, please rest assured."

After Lan Lingyu explained, he hugged Li Chaochao and fell asleep for a while, and he didn't wake her up when he left. He knew that the little woman was exhausted again last night.

When Li Chaochao woke up, he turned over and saw Ning Qingyuan kneeling on the ground, holding a basin full of flowers, and the woman on the ground said obediently: "Please wash the princess."

Ning Qingyuan lowered her body and knelt on the ground, her eyes lowered, she looked dutiful and obedient.

Li Chaochao smiled and waved, "Why are you here?"

"The servant girl said that she would serve you and the son, but the master has left the mansion, and the servant girl is here to serve you."

Ning Qingyuan spoke in an ambiguous manner, giving the impression that she was waiting for Lan Lingyu to get up.

Li Chaochao had no expression on his face, "Get up, I don't need you to serve me here, I'm used to Chunli, you should step back."

Ning Qingyuan bowed her head and said: "Since the concubine Shi Zi follows Madam as an example in everything, she should also learn from her attitude towards concubines and servants. Aunt Dou beside her also serves Madam in the same way. Master Shi Zi acquiesced, so please Concubine, don't brush off the filial piety of slaves."

"Could it be that the concubine is afraid that the servant will not do well? You can rest assured that if the servant does not do well, I will let you beat and scold me. I just ask you to let the servant serve you by your side."

Just as they were talking, Qingyao happened to follow Chunli in from the outside. Chunli looked at Li Chaochao, stepped forward and saluted, "Grandma is awake."

Qing Yao hurriedly stepped forward and also knelt down, "This servant combs the concubine's hair."

Li Chaochao looked at Ning Qingyuan and Qingyao coldly with a smile on his face. No matter what she said these days, Ning Qingyuan would block her with her old stories. Think she can't punish them when the two of them are together?

"Forget it, since you are so persistent, you can do whatever you want, but I never let others take care of my affairs." Li Chaochao waved his hand, "Call Mrs. Chun in."

Mrs. Chun was waiting outside the door, "Grandma, please tell me."

"Since Aunt Ning and Aunt Qing have requested to do something, you can arrange it."

Ning Qingyuan and Qingyao were a little annoyed when they said this, and they really treated them as human beings, but they should not be too obvious, they can only approach Li Chaochao slowly, there will always be a chance.

Mrs. Chun said with a smile, "Don't worry, grandma, I will definitely make arrangements."

Ning Qingyuan and Qingyao were led away by Mrs. Chun, and Li Chaochao let Chunli comb her hair. She was listless, sitting lazily in front of the dressing table and looking at the yard. Those two women really had a relationship. It's hard work to clean up in the hot sun.

Zi Yuan was fine, in fact, the servants were very leisurely, they rushed to clean the table in the main hall after finishing their own work.

Chun Li saw the two of them like that, and said expressionlessly, "Grandma just let them?"

"You and Mrs. Chun are keeping an eye on it, so you don't have to worry about what they do." Li Chaochao sneered, "I also want to see how long they can hold on before showing their flaws."

After turning on the lamp that day, Lan Lingyu returned to the bedroom from the study, and saw that it was Ning Qingyuan who was keeping watch at night.

Ning Qingyuan saluted him with lowered eyebrows and looked at her toes without squinting, "See the son of the world."

Lan Lingyu pushed open the door without saying a word, and slammed it down heavily.

Seeing his angry look, Li Chaochao smiled and pursed his lips, "Who made our elder son unhappy?"

"What is Ning Qingyuan doing outside the door?"

His voice was not low, Ning Qingyuan could hear it clearly in the corridor, her complexion was dark and unclear under the lantern.

(End of this chapter)

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