The Prince's Humen's Wife

Chapter 334: Cannibalism

Chapter 334: Cannibalism (2)
Li Chaochao held Lan Lingyu's head and smiled and laughed, "You don't think I'm bad, and I don't think you're cruel either. We are just a pair of scumbags and ruthless wives."

"So who wants to separate the two of us, do you think it will be struck by lightning?" Lan Lingyu looked at Li Chaochao with a confident smile.

Li Chaochao looked at his smug expression, and felt that he was the only one who felt happy to have her as a ruthless wife, and if it was someone else, he would have sent her down.

She smiled and hugged Lan Lingyu's arm, "I don't know if it will be struck by lightning or not, at least someone's leg will be broken. Ni's use of Lan Xinyao to trap me in the house is actually just to give you To create an opportunity with Ning Qingyuan, I think Mrs. Ni must have made a double-handed plan at the time, no matter whether Ning Qingyuan succeeds or not, she will use Xiaofan to assassinate me in the end!"

Lan Lingyu raised her eyebrows, and her eyes turned cold, "I broke Lan Xinyao's leg, but it was just a small punishment. Since she dared to do it, she has to pay the price for her actions. I will pay for it tomorrow." Let people spread the news, and let everyone in the capital know that Lan Xinyao's leg will never recover, not to mention people from Prince Jing's residence, even other high-ranking disciples will not think highly of a cripple!"

Li Chaochao pondered for a moment, "It's good that Mrs. Ni will hold a big feast and invite people to see Ning Qingyuan's legs."

Lan Lingyu smiled and patted her on the back, "Of course I thought of this, since I can crush her once, it will be easier for me to crush her the second time."

Li Chaochao is noncommittal, she has never said anything about love, although doing so is indeed a bit cruel to Lan Xinyao, the future path is her own choice, if she insists on marrying Mu Xueyi, even if she knows that he will kill her in the future Without hesitation, she has nothing to say, but she must not trade her happiness alone for the future of the entire Hou Mansion.

"Although that's the case, let's find a proper marriage for Lan Xinyao so that she won't hate you."

"Now even if you let her marry Mu Xueyi, she will hate me too." Lan Lingyu turned her head to look at Li Chaochao, "Why didn't you kill Lan Xinyao completely?"

Li Chaochao raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, "Who do you think I killed all?"

Lan Lingyu pursed her lips and thought about it, it seemed that this was indeed the case.

Li Chaochao smiled and said: "You know that I don't believe in the saying that evil will be rewarded with evil, but punishment should be limited. She should be punished accordingly for what she did wrong. This time she locked me up. I think it's fair to break her leg. I only kill people who deserve to be killed. I can't just use a knife just because she said something wrong. In fact, Lan Xinyao's life and death have nothing to do with me, but he is your own sister , and you are my close relative, so I have to put more thought into it. Men are indeed more cruel than women, but the difference between men and women is that their thoughts are not so delicate. I know you also care about Lan Xinyao , love is deeply responsible, so I don't want you to punish her, but silently worry about her in your heart."

Lan Lingyu's eyes gradually became deep, this magical woman always thinks about things so deeply and carefully.

Sometimes he believed what Li Chaochao said before, that she really didn't belong to this world, not only had she lived two lifetimes, Li Chaochao was as calm and charming as a fan, which made him deeply infatuated with her.

After being silent for a while, Lan Lingyu suddenly bit Li Chaochao's shoulder, "It's not a pity for her to die. I'm the same as you, and I don't believe in family affection for a long time. I only have you. If someone is against you, don't say It’s just one leg, even in this world, I’ll knock it down.”

Hearing the last sentence, Li Chaochao looked over with cold eyes, "Recently, Beijing is very quiet."

"En." Lan Lingyu lazily replied, "The calm before the storm, Mu Xueyi made some movements."

Li Chaochao frowned slightly, "It's different from the time in the last life? It's not the time for him to act now."

Lan Lingyu hugged Li Chaochao and was silent for a while. They all knew about this time, but why did Mu Xueyi suddenly become impatient? Even if Lan Lingyu knew why, he didn't want to answer. He had to support Li Chaochao for the outside affairs.

Seeing that Lan Lingyu didn't speak, Li Chaochao didn't ask anymore. All she had to do was to stay in the inner house peacefully, fight with her stepmother, beat her sister-in-law, punish her concubine, and be very carefree.

She summed it up in a sentence, the house fight is actually a play, and these people are simply to pass her boring time.

Looking at Li Chaochao's smug smile, Lan Lingyu couldn't help laughing and said, "Speaking of which, Xiaofan's teeth are tight tonight. She didn't fall for Ni's temptation to seduce her. She became your man?"

"No, no, we each get what we need." Li Chaochao shook his head and smiled, "She came to tell me that Mrs. Ni is going to kill me, so I will help her escape this catastrophe, but instead let Mrs. Ni fall into the trap, right?" people."

Lan Lingyu grasped the point as soon as she heard it, "How did she know that Mrs. Ni wanted to harm you?"

Li Chaochao suddenly smiled very strangely, "I didn't ask about it, and she didn't say anything about it. I see that the people around Mrs. Ni revealed the news."

Lan Lingyu snorted, "If you do too much unrighteousness, you will die. This time Ni's vitality has been seriously injured. I think this time Lord Hou will completely turn against Ni."

"The anger is only temporary. If Mrs. Ni thinks of a remedy, we have to see if Lord Hou's heart is hard..." Li Chaochao smiled, "Although she can't guess who is doing the tricks, she will definitely Treat you and me as a thorn in my side."

As soon as the words fell, Lan Lingyu heard someone knocking on the courtyard door. He and Li Chaochao were silent for a moment, and Chunli who got the news went to the corridor and said, "My son..."


"Someone from the Hou's mansion came to spread the word that Mrs. Hou was making a noise in the ancestral hall to shave her hair and become a nun. Lord Hou has already sent someone to stop her."

Hearing Chunli's reply, Li Chaochao couldn't help laughing and hammered the bed, "Mr. Ni even used this trick in order to make Lord Hou turn back."

Lan Lingyu said coldly: "Even if Lord Hou has pity for her, they still can't have sex. Some relationships are broken, and no matter how much they can be repaired...I won't let Mrs. Ni die so happily, I'll let her know what divorce is!"

Li Chaochao hugged Lan Lingyu's shoulders with a smile, and whispered, "Husband, it's late at night, let's sleep..."


Lan Lingyu hugged Li Chaochao and sat up, "Let me plow the land more, so that it will bloom and bear fruit sooner."

Li Chaochao twitched the corners of his mouth, and Lan Lingyu made himself into a large font, enduring his storm...

When people were plowing the land in the dead of night, in the Qingyuan of the Hou Mansion on the other side, Mrs. Ni was crying softly with her back to Lan Zhengjin.

Under Lan Zhengjin's conditioned reflex, he hated seeing Mrs. Ni cry the most. He wanted to comfort him but didn't know where to start. He was really angry about what happened today.

Seeing that Lan Zhengjin had stopped her, Mrs. Ni did not comfort herself as usual, and cried even more heartbreakingly, beating her chest and feet, "What crime did I do to be framed like this? If I don't want to be with my husband, I will be hit by thunder and thunder. Over the years, I have never had a single complaint for my husband and this family, and I am grateful for my husband's love. I thought it was just my husband who lost me. I became interested, but I didn't expect that someone would harm me... Huh... I have a deep affection for my husband, how could I let you leave me and fall into her arms..."

(End of this chapter)

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