The Prince's Humen's Wife

Chapter 335: Cannibalism

Chapter 335: Cannibalism (3)
Listening to Ni's crying, Lan Zhengjin was disturbed. On the one hand, he thought of the past relationship, which was indeed true, but also thought of how he could trust her again with the facts in front of him today!
Seeing that Lan Zhengjin was still ignoring her, Mrs. Ni's heart gradually turned cold, not to mention that she didn't do this, but the man she made really has no affection for her at all.

She didn't believe it, and she didn't dare to believe it. After all, she was sincere to him, for this family.

Ni said sadly: "How can I not be happy with my husband so that you can be thrown into someone's arms? This is clearly framed for me. I use this to cover up the person's real intentions, so that my husband will not suspect her. Not to mention that it is impossible for me to do this, could it be possible that Husband and Xiao Shan also depended on the efficacy of the fragrance powder when they were together?"

She deliberately raised her voice in the last few sentences, so that Lan Zhengjin could understand what she was saying.

Mrs. Ni also wanted to test Lan Zhengjin's meaning. She said that since this fragrance powder can make them unable to have sex, then the skin relationship between him and Xiaoshan must be deliberately done by someone, and the black water was poured into Xiaofan. cited over there.

Sure enough, when Lan Zhengjin heard it, his face darkened, "It can't be Xiaofan!"

Ni's eyelids twitched suddenly, she didn't expect him to speak for Xiao Shan!

This matter is clear, but he still can't recognize it and wronged himself!

With her back turned, Ni's eyes flashed a cold light. She was sure that among the people who came to destroy her plan today, besides Li Chaochao, there must be someone who was playing tricks with her. As for who they were, she would definitely find out one by one!
"I didn't say it was a small fan!" Mrs. Ni said angrily.

The reason why Lan Zhengjin decided that it was absolutely impossible for Xiaofan to make the powder was because Xiaoshan threw out all his rouge powder in the room, washed it clean and cried in front of him. There is no other strange fragrance in the room, he saw her pear blossom with tears, his heart was moved, and he hugged her and rubbed her again before he was satisfied.

Facts also proved that his affection had nothing to do with the incense powder at all, but he really didn't have any interest in Mrs. Ni, especially after this kind of thing happened, besides disappointment, there was resentment in his heart.

In Xiaofan’s house before, Xiaoshan gently advised him not to be too angry with Mrs. Ni. Maybe Mrs. Ni had some unavoidable reasons. In fact, Lan Zhengjin didn’t want to make the relationship with Mrs. Ni too tense. He wouldn't write it off because of this incident, but he really couldn't stand Ni's malicious speculation about Xiaofan.

Lan Zhengjin couldn't help thinking that with his love for Xiao Shan now, even if Mrs. Ni wasn't jealous, she would feel resentful. He must not let Xiao Shan have trouble, so he could only bear his temper, stepped forward and put his arms around Mrs. Ni's shoulders, "I Knowing that you have always been generous and decent, it is absolutely impossible to frame and suspect Xiaofan, but the facts prove that she has indeed been wronged today, if you don't lift her up to the position of aunt, it will make you appear more lenient."

Ni held back her anger and looked at Lan Zhengjin, "Husband, didn't you follow the rules before, and you can only be raised as a concubine if you have an heir?"

Lan Zhengjin curled his lips indifferently, "How could I let her give birth to me? I asked you to carry her to my concubine for your own sake, lest others say you are jealous. I know you are also affected by this matter." I feel wronged, but I can't find the culprit, so I can only wrong you, but I believe you are not that kind of person."

Lan Zhengjin clearly planned for Xiaoshan in his heart, but on the surface he blindly coaxed Mrs. Ni to be happy, and didn't make her suspicious. I have to say that sometimes a man can deceive a woman's heart with just one mouth come over.

When Mrs. Ni heard this, she finally felt a little relieved. As long as Lan Zhengjin still believed in herself, everything would be easy. As he said, Xiaoshan would not give birth to a child anyway, and being a concubine was just to let everyone Know her generosity.

She smiled coquettishly, and leaned into Lan Zhengjin's arms, "Husband, you still love me the most."

Mrs. Ni teased ambiguously, but Lan Zhengjin's heart no longer felt any disturbance.

Some relationships, once cracked, cannot be repaired.

What happened that night spread throughout the Hou Mansion in an instant with a piercing scream the next morning.

Lan Xinyao knew that her leg was broken by Lan Lingyu, so she beat and scolded all the servants in the house, and did not eat or drink in the house, even if Lan Duruo came, she smashed her head with something, Lan Duruo backed out with blood on his head, and when he saw Mrs. Ni leading the people over, he shouted with aggrieved face, "Mother."

Mrs. Ni came here in a hurry after hearing that Lan Xinyao was crying and making a fuss. She didn't love Lan Duruo very much, so she just asked her to go down and bandage her, and then went into the room alone and saw Lan Xinyao lying on the bed decadently. , When she came in, she didn't speak.

Without further ado, Mrs. Ni stepped forward, grabbed Lan Xinyao by the collar, and slapped Lan Xinyao, making Lan Xinyao cry again, "Mother, I'm already like this, and you still hit me?" !"

Mrs. Ni snorted coldly, "Of course I want to beat you, you are not up to date, but your leg is broken, and you will recover after a few months of recuperation, but your heart is dead, your fighting spirit is gone, I might as well marry you off now." You don’t need to seek revenge from the person who stepped on and broke your leg and made you humiliated, and you don’t need to marry the love of your heart! Just think that I have cultivated you all these years for nothing!”

As she said that, she walked out, and Lan Xinyao cried bitterly, "Mother, my child was wrong, I was really wrong, don't abandon me, I will cheer up, and I will never let those who hurt me succeed!"

Mrs. Ni took two steps, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. Even if Lan Xinyao is not too stupid, at least she still has value to use!
Then she turned around with a smile, came to Lan Xinyao's side, and patted her hand tenderly, "That's right, from now on, you can read books and embroider in the house, and take good care of your legs, and you will definitely be fine." No problem, even if you killed the child in Li Chaochao's belly, your brother is too cruel to you, if there is something wrong with this girl's leg, how can you marry in the future?"

"I didn't harm Li Chaochao at all!" Lan Xinyao stared at her eyes angrily, "No matter what, Lan Lingyu now only thinks it's my fault and even stepped on my leg. Can't keep up with a concubine! I hate him, I hate them... One day, I will definitely give them all this pain back!"

Mrs. Ni nodded in relief, "I'll talk about these things later, you just need to take care of yourself."

What she wanted was this sentence, no matter why Lan Lingyu was so cruel to Lan Xinyao, then he had to know that if he didn't kill this sister himself, then Lan Xinyao would definitely find a chance to harm them!

The killing of each other among family members is the most enjoyable.

Ha ha ha ha……

Mrs. Ni smiled sinisterly, let's wait and see!
While Mrs. Ni was going to Xiulou, Aunt Dou found Xiao Shan and said with a smile, "I want to congratulate you for fulfilling your wish, Aunt Fan."

(End of this chapter)

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