The Prince's Humen's Wife

Chapter 360 Who Doesn't Like to Gossip

Chapter 360 Who Doesn't Like Gossip (1)
Lin Lan snorted, "If it counts, you still have to salute me! I won't make it difficult for you now, but you have to remember that I have entered the door. If you are so unruly and tell me what to do, I will not be polite to you! "

Mrs. Ni was completely pissed off, she had a premonition that this woman was determined to marry Xiao Ba, if Lin Lan came in... there would be no peace.

Thinking of the words "never have peace", Ni only felt that the anger in her heart could not be dissipated, a bad breath was stuck in her chest and could not come and go, and finally she passed out after rolling her eyes.

The servants and servants were in a mess, helped Mrs. Ni up and hurried back to the Qingyuan to ask for a doctor.

When Lan Zhilin saw her mother passed out, she walked over like a man and shouted, "Lin Lan, I won't marry you even if I die! You should give up your heart!"

After finishing speaking, he raised his hand and slapped her across the face, "Damn!"

This slap shattered Lin Lan's pride and self-esteem. No one has ever treated her like this since she was a child. She lost her mother since she was a child, and her father held her in his heart and loved her. suffered this grievance.

Lin Lan yelled, unwilling to admit defeat, "Lan Zhilin, you will regret it!"

She ran away crying angrily.

Li Chaochao immediately gave Chunli a wink, and she must not let her run away with the meat in her mouth.

Chunli got the order and quietly flashed out of everyone's sight, Lan Zhilin didn't want to stay any longer, he wanted to go back in a hurry to see how the Ni family was doing, and also to discuss how to deal with that crazy woman Lin Lan.

Lin Lan ran out crying all the way, and didn't know the way, so she wanted to grab a servant to ask how to get there. After walking a few steps, she heard two servants whispering not far away.

Someone said: "Have you heard? The Miss Xiangfu forced the marriage, and the Eighth Young Master does not agree."

The person next to him snorted, "Of course I don't agree, the eighth young master has a sweetheart."

Lin Lan paused, and quietly walked over to listen carefully.

The man asked, "Who is who?"

"Who else could it be? It's the Aunt Ning that Ziyuan came over. Otherwise, when Miss Xiangfu asked him if he liked his sister-in-law, why did he look at Shi Zifei so nervously? He was afraid that Shi Zifei would find out that it would be bad for Aunt Ning."

"Oh, so that's the case." The little maid sighed: "Speaking of which, the young lady of Xiangfu was pitifully played by the eighth young master for nothing, and this man is really hateful. If I were to say it, I would definitely not let him go lightly."

The man smiled and asked, "What would you do if you were Miss Xiangfu?"

The little servant girl smiled lowly and said, "If I were her, I would let that heartbroken man do his job for me in this life, and let him go east and dare not go west."

"Hey, how is that possible! The Eighth Young Master is a man!"

"What is impossible, as long as..."

Lin Lan heard the two people's voices were very low, so she couldn't help but move closer to the front and listen carefully. She faintly heard what the little maid said, and her eyes lit up.

What a great idea, why didn't she think of it!
As long as this is the case, Lan Zhilin will be hers for the rest of her life, and she will never dare to yell at her for the rest of her life, even the Ni family can't do anything!
The more Lin Lan thought about it, the more complacent she became, she couldn't help walking with the corners of her lips curled up, and she didn't care about the looks of the two little maids and where they went.

Chun Li went too far and asked the little maid beside her to go back to Ziyuan, and she quietly returned to Li Chaochao's side, without saying anything, just making an OK gesture.

This is the code taught by Li Chaochao, and Li Chaochao understands it.

Getting Lin Lan to marry Lan Zhilin is not a great trick, she has even more ruthless methods!

After making a big fuss, Xiu Niang felt very shameless, she looked at the crowd with a slightly embarrassing expression, and said embarrassingly: "It's disturbing everyone, is it the servant, the servant will ask someone to fix the banquet again, everyone please Sit down, don't spoil everyone's interest."

This interest is even higher than just now, how can it be a disappointment, who doesn't like to gossip.

Everyone's faces were a bit subtle, Xiu Niang just pretended not to notice, she hurriedly asked someone to clean the garden, and then invited someone to sit in the room, but men and women had different seats, Lan Tengan saw that there were only three of them left. Two men, both brothers-in-law, yelled to go to the study next door to play chess. Lan Lingyu glanced at Li Chaochao, and before he could speak, he was dragged away by Lan Tengan. Cai Muzhi also glanced at Li Chaochao, and remained silent. The ground went to another place and collapsed.

After all, men and women are different.

After the men had all left, the three sisters gathered together and sat on a long couch. Jinniang took off her shoes and sat cross-legged on the couch to eat melon seeds. Miss is very eye-catching, towering like a peacock, and other people are coaxing her like stars holding the moon. I didn't expect her to have such a temperament. I don't know how other young men feel when they see her so unaware. It's no wonder you guys The eighth young master of the family will not marry her."

Jinniang learned to speak quickly, and Li Chaochao smiled lightly, "Maybe it's true temperament."

"That kind of true temperament will scare people!" Seeing that Xiuniang was silent with her eyes downcast, Jinniang gave her a sideways look, "What are you thinking?"

Xiu Niang smiled awkwardly, "I'll show you a joke today."

Jin Niang sneered, "Your jokes are not bad."

When Xiuniang choked, Li Chaochao's face didn't show any ups and downs. He just thought about how Cai Muzhi trained Jinniang on weekdays. Now she is getting more and more aggressive like a aunt. If she is not so narrow-minded, she would rather be with Jinniang. It's better to be close to your mother than to have someone who is boring but has a bad stomach.

Of course, she is not such a virgin, but the premise is that Jinniang really doesn't want to harm anyone anymore.

Xiu Niang grinned, "That's right, of course I can't compare to Second Sister and Chao Chao's identities, but today I invited everyone to be guests, how did Miss Lin know the news?"

She looked at Li Chaochao vaguely.

Jinniang caught a glimpse and snorted, "Even if you knew in advance that she was coming, would you still be able to stop her? Look at her, she doesn't pay attention to anyone, even the imperial concubine Chao Chao is worthless in her eyes." It's worth it, you really take her seriously. She didn't just slap you in the face today, you Madam Hou, that Eighth Young Master, and Chao Chao... which one didn't get slapped in the face by her? It's just that Madam Hou was angry Be tougher."

Li Chaochao showed his concern, and said slowly: "Miss Lin is indeed different."

"People change." Jin Niang threw the melon seeds on the plate, pointed at Xiu Niang, and then at Li Chaochao, "Don't talk about others, just the three of us. Wasn't Xiu Niang also capricious in the past? Can't get along with you everywhere? I used to be reticent, but now I still have some shadows of the past? Even your momentum, Li Chaochao, is different from before!"

"One has to experience the pain to realize it." Xiu Niang nodded, then held up the wine glass, and said to her sister: "I was ignorant before, this glass of wine is my official apology. I hope you can forgive me, drink this glass of wine and we will cancel everything before."

(End of this chapter)

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