The Prince's Humen's Wife

Chapter 361 Who Doesn't Like to Gossip

Chapter 361 Who Doesn't Like Gossip (2)
"A write-off?" Jin Niang sneered while holding her wine glass, "It's easy to say, I can forgive you, but what did you do to Chao Chao?"

Jinniang went to see Li Chaochao's attitude again, and she didn't believe that Li Chaochao was so easy to talk to.

Li Chaochao glanced at her with a smile, "Second sister can forgive me, why can't I do it? As long as the third sister really reforms."

Jin Niang sneered, "Zhao Chao is really kind."

Li Chaochao heard Jinniang's sarcasm, and smiled, "I've always been like this, haven't I?"

Jinniang curled her lips speechlessly, feeling like she was going to throw up with Li Chaochao's gentle expression!
In fact, Xiuniang and Li Chaochao have not changed at all, one is still bad-hearted, but pretends to be a human being, and the other is still ruthless, as long as she offends Li Chaochao's people, she will never be soft-hearted.

In fact, the only one who has really changed is herself.

Jinniang smiled and sighed, looking at the wine in Li Chaochao's hand, "Since you forgave your third sister, do you want to drink this wine?"

She just wanted to see how Li Chaochao descended the steps!

Li Chaochao lowered his eyes and looked at the wine glass, "I'm too strong to drink."

Jinniang snorted and patted the table, "Xiuniang, it seems like your sister won't forgive you."

"Drinking has nothing to do with it." Li Chaochao smiled, "Could it be that if I don't drink, Third Sister thinks I won't forgive her? She definitely can't be such a mean person, right Third Sister?"

Li Chaochao looked at Xiuniang with raised eyebrows, but Xiuniang just twitched her eyelashes, Jinniang said in confusion, "We grew up together, why don't we know that you are not good at drinking?"

Xiuniang sighed quietly, with a self-pitying expression on her face, "Actually, it doesn't matter if Chaochao refuses to forgive, I will definitely change it in the future, not to mention that we were a family before, and we will still be sisters-in-law in this Hou's mansion in the future, better than anyone else. They have kissed a lot... just don't dislike my useless sister as a concubine."

Xiuniang turned her back and wiped away her tears, then turned her head with a forced smile, "You just have to believe that my sister will correct me. In fact, it's just a glass of wine. The younger sister who didn't forgive me just took a sip. Today, everyone will also try to make a picture. Happy."

Li Chaochao watched Xiuniang's face change so quickly, the corners of her mouth deepened, "I believe that Third Sister will definitely get better if I drink or not."

Jinniang finally couldn't stand it anymore and smiled, "Isn't Chao Zhao afraid that this wine is poisonous?"

Xiu Niang's face froze, and hehehe twice, "Is Chaochao worried about this?"

She first pulled out a silver hairpin from her hair, tried it among the three glasses of wine on the table, then smiled and picked up the glass in front of her and leaned forward, "I know that Chao Zhao still doubts me now, then I'll do it first and show it to you."

From beginning to end, Jin Niang kept on the attitude of watching the show, "Can I drink Chao Chao now?"

Li Chaochao smiled, "Second sister, please."

"I'm not afraid that Xiu Niang will poison me, we don't have such a deep hatred." Jin Niang drank from the glass, smashed it, "It's not very tasty, it's not as good as the wine in our house .”

Jinniang has been drinking a lot during her marriage to Cai Muzhi in the past two years, and she has practiced her drinking capacity. She poured herself a glass, "We are all living a good life now, and the past is just like what Xiuniang said. Forget about it, if there’s anything you can’t get over, you see how much better I am than you, I’m not getting over it yet.”

She sat on the couch, drinking one cup after another very sadly.

Xiu Niang didn't persuade her either, she just looked at Li Chaochao fixedly, Chen Ken said: "Chaochao, give me a chance!"

Li Chaozhao smiled lightly, then nodded, "I naturally believe in my sister's sincerity, but... I was just confinement not suitable for drinking."

She picked up the wine glass, and suddenly said to Qingyao: "Why don't you let Qingyao drink for me? If the third sister still doesn't believe me, let her drink two more glasses as my sincerity."

Qingyao stepped forward with her head down, but Li Chaochao drank three cups in a row without saying a word, and then saluted Xiu Niang, "Is Aunt Xiu satisfied? Our master really can't drink."

Xiu Niang smiled faintly, "If that's the case, let's drink tea instead?"

She beckoned, and asked someone to bring a novelty tea, then tried the tea with the silver hairpin as before, and took a sip from Li Chaochao's teacup, and said with a smile: "This way my sister won't refuse, right?"

Li Chaochao stroked the rim of the teacup, raised his eyebrows almost invisible, Xiu Niang really didn't give up.

Seeing this, Chun Li, who was waiting at the side, hurriedly said, "It's better to let the servants do it for you..."

Xiuniang narrowed her eyes slightly, and Li Chaochao raised her hand with a smile, "It's just tea. And the third sister is so kind, how can I refuse."

She slowly picked up the cup and took a sip of tea. Jinniang, who had already drank several glasses of wine, giggled drunkenly, while Xiuniang sighed: "Chaochao can forgive me, I really don't know what to say." good."

She wiped the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief, and the wine table was peaceful.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether it's the wine or the tea.

Xiu Niang sneered faintly in her heart, all she had to do was to make Li Chaochao mistakenly think that the problem was in the drink, and let her relax her vigilance.

In the study, Lan Teng'an played chess with Lan Lingyu, while Cai Muzhi stood aside and watched without interest.

Lan Teng'an is a stinky chess player, but he has been defeated repeatedly. Cai Muzhi is very disdainful, he can beat Lan Teng'an even if he doesn't use his brain.

It's just that Lan Teng'an, an idiot, suddenly wanted to play chess?
Not only Cai Muzhi was suspicious, but even Lan Lingyu patiently watched what Lan Teng'an was up to. He played the black piece slowly, but Lan Teng'an on the opposite side wanted a cup of tea for his next move.

Lan Lingyu glanced at the opposite side with a cold expression, Cai Muzhi didn't go far, the female seat was in the main room, if there was any movement over there, he would be able to hear it, and he believed that Li Chaochao would never let him People who suffer.

Seeing that Lan Lingyu hadn't moved for a long time, Lan Teng'an urged, "Third brother, what are you thinking?"

Lan Lingyu glanced at Lan Teng'an coldly, and casually dropped Hei Zi. If Ben accidentally used that trick, the Lan family in Zhenjiang would be completely ruined. He would never have to see this disgusting man in his life. I don't want Li Chaochao to see this scum again, but he can still come back alive!

As long as Lan Teng'an made any misdeeds, he would make the entire Second Household people die with Lan Teng'an!
As long as Li Chaochao was involved, Lan Lingyu was more cruel and bloodthirsty than hell devils.

After another half hour, the three young ladies of the Lan family brought in the most precious little great-grandson in the Hou's mansion.

When the little tiger saw Xiu Niang, he rushed over and shouted, "Auntie, give me a hug."

The expression on Xiuniang's face became gentle all of a sudden, "Little Tiger, please greet the two aunts first."

(End of this chapter)

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