The Prince's Humen's Wife

Chapter 362 Who Doesn't Like to Gossip

Chapter 362 Who Doesn't Like Gossip (3)
Little Huzi saluted Li Chaochao, shaking his head, "Auntie Ann."

Several servant girls moved a round pier for the three Misses of the Lan family to sit at the bottom, and Lan Duruo smiled and said: "This tiger is so good."

The other two sisters of the Lan family sat aside to eat snacks.

The slightly drunk Jinniang smiled and said with her tongue out, "Hey, this is the eldest sister's child, let the second aunt take a look."

Little Huzi tilted his head suspiciously, he had never seen Jinniang before, "Second Aunt?"

Jinniang responded, smiled and climbed from Li Chaochao's side to the side of the couch, and hugged the little tiger in her arms, "Let's see what gift Second Aunt brought you."

Jinniang likes children very much, but she has never been able to conceive these years, and she has seen many doctors to no avail. For this, she has suffered from the eyes of the elders of the Cai family and the disdain of the servants, and she is very painful.

Speaking of which, Cai Muzhi's man beat and scolded her in addition to his erratic personality, but he was excellent in bed, and he never went out for sex, and he didn't have a concubine because she was barren.

Everyone was very puzzled by this, why Cai Muzhi persisted so much when he clearly didn't like Jinniang. In fact, only Jinniang knew that this man only had Li Chaochao in his heart.

As if possessed, even when doing that... he often called Li Chaochao's name.

Jinniang drank some wine, her mind was dizzy, thinking of the unbearable past, her heart was burning with anxiety, how could she not hate Li Chaochao.

But she was indeed as she said, not the gloomy and taciturn Jinniang before.

She had to admit that she had changed a lot since she married Cai Muzhi, and it was painful after she had vented a lot of things, and Cai Muzhi liked Li Chaochao, no wonder he was Li Chaochao, she had no idea about Cai Muzhi.

After all, the most pitiful person is Cai Muzhi, what's the use of sticking to Li Chaochao!

But a poor person must have something to hate. Jinniang hates and loves her bedside person at the same time.

Jinniang felt overwhelmed, hugged the little tiger and pinched his face fondly, then took out a long-life lock from her bosom and hung it around his neck, "This is given to you by the second aunt. Live a hundred years, don't be short-lived like your mother, if you don't enjoy the blessings, you will harm the fate of many people when you die."

Xiu Niang hugged the little Huzi over, "Sister, it's better not to tell the child these things."

Little Huzi tilted his head, as if he couldn't understand what they were saying, he kept shaking his head.

Jin Niang sneered, "Isn't it? If the elder sister hadn't died, you could marry Lan Teng'an as a concubine, maybe Chao Chao wouldn't have become a concubine."

Li Chaochao lowered his eyes with a smile and said nothing, Jinniang's words made some sense, if the first lady didn't die, wouldn't she be reborn?

Xiuniang pursed her lips, glanced at the longevity lock that Jinniang had given to little Huzi, and sighed: "After all, the second sister also loves little Huzi, and for giving such a precious thing, I will thank second sister for little Huzi first. "

She said a few words near Xiao Huzi's mouth, and Xiao Huzi clapped his hands and said, "Thank you, Second Aunt!"

Jin Niang smiled, and continued to drink while feeling depressed.

Seeing this, Xiuniang didn't say anything, she said to Xiao Huzi: "My aunt is not as rich as your second aunt, it means that winter is coming soon, I personally sewed a pair of gloves for you, you can see if you wear them ?”

"Okay!" Little Huzi rubbed against Xiuniang with a smile.

Xiu Niang put the gloves prepared in advance on the little Huzi's hands, and the little Huzi was very happy.

Lan Duruo, who was at the bottom, smiled and said, "Aunt Xiu and Hu Zi are really as close as mother and son."

Lan Baoliu smiled nonchalantly: "That's right, Aunt Xiu loves little Huzi very much."

Sitting opposite Li Chaochao watched, seeing Xiuniang's love for the little tiger, he felt more and more amused, this is another Ni family.

As expected, Xiuniang has become enlightened, and her methods are much better than before.

Little Huzi put on his gloves and was unwilling to take them off. Xiuniang persuaded him for a long time before he agreed. Jinniang who was beside him suddenly hiccupped and looked at Li Chaochao with a smile, "Speaking of which, what gift did Shizifei prepare for Little Huzi?"

Little Huzi turned to look at Li Chaochao, Li Chaochao smiled and said, "It's nothing important, I just bought a Zhuangzi in Zhenjiang in the name of Huzi, and the land deed has been handed over to the second lady."

Jinniang snorted and said, "Oh, it's still our Shizifei who is generous!"

She narrowed her eyes and looked at Li Chaochao sarcastically, "It seems that Chaochao is rich and powerful to marry Prince Lan."

Li Chaochao smiled lightly, "This matter is the son's idea, and I just borrowed flowers to offer Buddha."

"I think the second wife will be very happy when she receives the land deed. The second house of the Hou Mansion is already in ruins. If you send the land deed to them, won't you slap them in the face?" Jin Niang smiled and glanced at a pair of sisters from the Lan family. "But it's true, the second room is so difficult now, it's understandable for you to help out, and they will naturally accept it."

"Jinniang, what do you mean by that!" Lan Baonuo became dissatisfied, "You are talking nonsense here."

Jin Niang spat, "You are what I am. Look at your young age, it's very inappropriate to speak. Do you want to be famous like Miss Lin? I'm not afraid to publicize it to you!"

Lan Baonuo's face was full of embarrassment, but when he was about to speak, Lan Baoliu glared at her with lowered eyes, "Shut up, don't make trouble!"

Xiu Niang was busy trying to smooth things over, "My son is very kind, and my sister is also thoughtful. Hu Zi, hurry up and thank your aunt."

Starting from his seniority in the Hou Mansion, Huzi should call Li Chaochao his aunt.

Little Huzi was a little puzzled, but he obeyed Xiuniang's words, and climbed unsteadily from the step onto Li Chaochao's lap, saying in a childlike voice, "Thank you, auntie."

Now Li Chaochao had to hug the little tiger, Chunli wanted to come forward to help when she saw this, Lan Baoliu shouted: "Isn't it okay for the concubine Shizi to get close to her nephew?"

Li Chaochao nodded at Chunli, and then said with a smile, "Chunli is also worried that I will fall on the little tiger."

"It doesn't matter, how could so many people fall down, you didn't drink too much, did you?" Xiu Niang didn't care.

Little Huzi crawled into Li Chaochao's arms and writhed wildly, feeling very uncomfortable.

Jin Niang smiled meaningfully, "Chao Chao is really cautious."

Li Chaochao looked after Huzi carefully, but didn't touch him with his hands, and replied with a smile: "Of course you have to be careful when looking at children."

Jin Niang curled her lips mockingly, "You know what I say."

The women in the room were all sitting and talking, all talking around Xiao Huzi, and Xiao Huzi giggled on Li Chaochao's body when he didn't understand. Several pairs of eyes stared at him tightly, for fear that he would really fall.

(End of this chapter)

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