Chapter 404
Hearing this, the holy monk Jing San fell silent.

He was obsessed with the scriptures, and accidentally forgot that the sky had darkened. The whole night passed, and the scriptures kept washing his heart, and the agreed things seemed to be very far away. He just missed the appointment once, but the relationship between them is so fragile, just one missed appointment is enough to destroy two people.

Jiao Sha has always known that he is a Buddha, and he will never allow himself to have emotions, let alone move his heart, every time he is wearing cassock and twisting Buddhist beads in his hands, it is like a candy in his mouth After melting, the blade wrapped inside fell into the throat.

The seemingly solid relationship is actually too fragile to withstand a single blow. Jiao Sha is always afraid and looking forward to it all the time.

The decision she made this time was not a moment of anger, but the accumulation of long-term fear and fear.

It's just that at this moment, seeing the words "Let her live" out of the mouth of the holy monk Jing San, she actually felt that she was numb after the extreme grief.

She looked at the longing face, raised the corners of her lips slightly and said, "Don't let me go..."

Seeing this, the holy monk Jing San frowned tightly.

"Holy Monk, if you let this monster go, it will definitely cause harm to the world!" A Buddhist cultivator beside him urged.

However, the expression on Jing San's face did not change, he quietly looked at Jiao Sha in front of him, and continued to say softly: "Leave, I will rescue you later."

"The holy monk can't cross people anymore," Jiao Sha's eyes flickered slightly, and he continued: "The little demon ruined the holy monk's practice, and it is already beyond redemption."

Saying so, Jiao Sha gently closed his eyes and let out a long sigh.

"Forget it, living is also a heinous crime." After the words fell, a tear fell from the corner of her eyes.

That teardrop slid down her cheek, and when it fell on her body, it suddenly turned into a crystal clear and beautiful orb.

The next moment, Jiao Sha's body slowly fell down along with the orb.

At this moment, the holy monk Jing San was completely panicked, seeing Jiao Sha's body fall with his own eyes, he chased after him almost without thinking, and took the blood-soaked body into his arms from mid-air.

"Jiao kill!" The monk Jing San shouted in panic.

This was the first time he called her by her first name, and he usually called her "the benefactor".

She was quite content to be able to hear Cong him yelling her name before she lost her consciousness.

"Jiao Sha, survive, how about you survive?" Jing San hugged Jiao Sha and slowly landed on the ground, the woman in his arms had already closed her eyes, no matter what he said, she didn't open them again.

Feeling that her aura was getting weaker and weaker, a certain part of Jing San's heart seemed to be empty, and his heart was filled with mixed emotions. This was the first time in his life that he felt such panic, fear, and regret...

"I'm here to save you, Jiao Sha, don't do this in the next life, okay..." Jing San's eyes were already wet, and suddenly Jiao Sha's words sounded in his mind.

The holy monk can no longer cross people.

No, no, he can still ferry one person.

Jing San's eyes moved slightly, and the next moment he laid Jiao Sha's body flat on the ground, and sat up cross-legged beside him, clasped his hands and closed his eyes.

I saw his body began to glow with golden light, slowly enveloping the two of them.

"Jing San!" After seeing the scene in front of him, his expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly stopped and said, "Jing San, what are you doing, you will become a real Buddha in no time, don't be impulsive! This evildoer has serious crimes , you don't have to use your own merits to make up for her!"

Naturally, he could hear what the abbot said, but he didn't care, but continued to transfer his merits to Jiao Sha.

He also knew that as long as he survived his own calamity safely, he would be able to ascend to heaven and become a true Buddha, but now he understood that his last calamity was a calamity of love.

Now he has moved his heart, but he still hasn't escaped this catastrophe. In this world, he can't save others. The only thing he can do is to give her all his merits.

He spent his entire life cultivating to lead her to be good.

Being a demon is too tiring, in the next life, I will let you be a person...

Thinking of this, the corners of Jing San's mouth slowly turned upwards. After he gave his last sliver of merit to Jiao Sha, the weather changed instantly.

"Jing San!" the abbot couldn't help shouting in pain.

The sky became completely gloomy, cold raindrops fell on his shoulders, Jing San slowly raised his head, looked at the dark clouds that suddenly gathered in the sky, there was no fear on his face, on the contrary Some relief.

It is against the law of heaven to extradite one's own merits to others without permission, and it will definitely incur the punishment of Tianlei. At this time, Jing San has already consumed most of his skills in directing his own merits to Jiao Sha, and the rest All of her skills turned into a golden light and slowly enveloped Jiao Sha, so as to protect her body from being destroyed by the thunder, and also to protect these merits from dissipating.

The dark clouds pressed down heavily, and only a loud noise was heard, and a thunderbolt struck the unsuspecting monk Jing San.

There were nine thunderbolts, and after the thunderstorms, only the lifeless Jiaosha's body and a relic were left on the spot.

It was the relic of Jing San, lying there quietly, as if nothing had happened just now.

After listening to the story, the little monk looked at Wuchen suspiciously, and asked, "Senior brother Wuchen, it was obviously the Holy Monk Jing San who broke the precepts that caused such a disaster, why did the brother still say that he is a great monk?" Hero?"

"The last catastrophe of the holy monk Jing San is also the last one he wants to cross. It is the merman. The holy monk has fulfilled all his tasks in the world, so he is naturally a great hero." Wuchen's eyes moved slightly move, said with a smile.

What he said made the little monk look confused. After thinking for a long time, he couldn't come up with a clue, and asked again: "But the holy monk Jing San lost all his merits in the end, how could he become a true Buddha?" ?”

"Holy Monk Jing San," a ray of light flashed across Wuchen's eyes, and he said after a long silence, "If you guessed correctly, when he was in the bamboo forest, he had already penetrated the world of mortals and entered the real world." The realm of the Buddha, he crossed the last person, and this life has been consummated, but he also perishes, and the holy monk at that time has already become a true Buddha."

The little monk thought that what Wuchen said was very profound, and he was confused, but he was not in a hurry, the days to come were still long, and it would not be too late to understand when he grew up.

But Wuchen, who finished telling this story, fell into deep thought. For some reason, when he told this story, he felt a little empathetic.

(End of this chapter)

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