Chapter 405
Listening to Jiao Sha finished telling the story, Qiao Youxue's eyes moved slightly, and then asked: "Since you have been reincarnated into a human body in this life, why do you have the memory of the previous life, and also have this body of mana?"

Hearing this, Jiao Sha turned his eyes to look at her indifferently, and said: "He tried his best to protect my body, and he sealed it in this South China Sea. I came down to the South China Sea and found the body of my previous life..."

"Are you a human or a demon now?" Qiao Youxue frowned slightly.

Hearing this, a bleakness flashed across Jiao Sha's eyes, and he continued: "The body has long been overwhelmed. After I arrived, the memory in the body and the remaining mana of me and Jing San , have run into my current body, I know that he has become a real Buddha at that time, since he is a real Buddha, he can reincarnate, he must be reincarnated now, he must be near the South China Sea, I can feel it .”

"You're just a mortal, how can you bear such a powerful force, and it's two forces that are completely opposite to each other?!" Qiao Youxue couldn't help being surprised.

"I know," Jiao Sha said lightly, without a trace of emotion on her face, such a major matter of life and death seemed extremely relaxed in her mouth, her eyes moved slightly, and then said: "So I left There are not many days left, I must find him as soon as possible!"

As she said that, Jiao Sha became excited, walked quickly to Qiao Youxue, held her shoulders tightly and said, "Tell me, where did you get that Buddhist bead? I know that Buddhist bead, That's his stuff!"

Jiao Sha's hands clasped her shoulders tightly, making her feel uncomfortable, but she still looked at Jiao Sha in front of her calmly and said, "Of course I will tell you who this person is, but you Tell me, what are you going to do when you find him?"

"I want to marry him." Jiao Sha's eyes moved slightly, and he said seriously.

Hearing this, Qiao Youxue blinked her eyes lightly, and then said, "Are you crazy?"

"I'm not crazy!" The face of the woman in front of her suddenly changed, and she stared at Qiao Youxue with round eyes.

For some reason, looking at the appearance of the woman in front of her at this time, a trace of doubt arose in her heart.

Jiao Sha quickly walked to a certain place in the palace, where there was a screen, she ruthlessly pushed down the screen, and a vertical ice coffin appeared.

And in that ice coffin, a woman with a fishtail body quietly closed her eyes. Her appearance is indeed overwhelming, and her figure is also very graceful. It is really not easy to look at this beautiful and moving picture, as if just asleep.

Suddenly Qiao Youxue's expression changed, and her heart skipped a beat.

Because she suddenly saw the subtle patterns engraved on the ice coffin, as if they were not patterns, but a formation of Taoism!
Standing beside the ice coffin, Jiao Sha stared at Qiao Youxue and continued, "This is my real body in the previous life, but this body can no longer hold my soul. In order to see him again, I can only continue to succumb to this human body, I poured all my strength into this body, so I can't bear it for a long time, if you don't tell me his whereabouts..."

After the words fell, Jiao Sha's eyes suddenly darkened.

"Then don't blame me for taking your body away, so I will have a lot of time here waiting for him to come back!" After Jiao Sha finished speaking, he stared closely at Qiao Youxue.

Just at this time, the surrounding sea water suddenly changed very strongly, and both Jiao Sha and Qiao Youxue's expressions changed.

The next moment, I saw a figure falling straight down from above. The light green robe was floating in the water, and the expression on that handsome face was as cold as ice floe.

Qiao Youxue recognized Wan Xing's belated arrival at a glance, and the moment he appeared, Qiao Youxue's eyes lit up slightly.

The black long sword was held tightly by the hands with sharp bones, and it was gently swiped towards the front of the body, and a wave of water mixed with spiritual energy or demonic energy was slashed in the direction of Jiao Sha.

Jiao Sha hurriedly dodged, his eyes fixed on Wan Xingchi's direction vigilantly.

Seeing him standing directly between herself and Qiao Youxue, completely blocking Qiao Youxue behind her, her eyes moved, and then she said in a cold voice: "How did you break through the barrier?!"

Hearing this, Wan Xingchi's eyes moved slightly, glanced lightly at the ice coffin behind her, and then said: "This barrier is from the same sect as Nanshan Temple's temple protection formation, and I can break through Nanshan Temple's The formation, naturally, can also break the enchantment here."

After hearing his words, the expression on Jiao Sha's face changed.

Qiao Youxue stood up slowly, looked at the woman, and frowned tightly.

"Who the hell are you?"

In the fishing village, a white-haired old man saw a middle-aged man walking past him, and quickly stopped him and asked, "Hey! Li Niu, have you found your girl?"

Hearing his name being called by the person behind him, Li Niu quickly turned around and looked at the old man with grief on his face. He shook his head and did not speak.

The old man also sighed for a long time and said: "Don't worry, don't worry, if you still can't find it, then go to Nanshan Temple to have a look. I heard that those who lost these two days were found by the eminent monks of Nanshan Temple. But I can't come back just yet."

"Nanshan Temple, I've been there a long time ago, I don't know how many times," Li Niu said with a helpless face, "I've searched for countless times among those people, but I just couldn't find my family, Ayue. Get up, Ah Yue lost it earlier than those people, how come everyone found it, but they couldn’t find my Ah Yue?!”

"Amitabha, please don't worry too much, I will try my best to find it." At this time, Wu Chen walked over slowly and said, he would come to the fishing village several times a day, because he was afraid that there would be someone else I went to the South China Sea unknowingly, and secondly, I was afraid that some people who had climbed up from the sea would return to the village and harm others.

After the old man and the middle-aged man turned their heads and saw Wuchen, they quickly said respectfully, "Holy Son, you are here."

Wu Chen nodded slightly at them, looked at Li Niu, and then said: "The benefactor should not be too worried recently, the benefactor Ayue is a good girl with a kind heart, and she will definitely be blessed by the Buddha."

"Thank you, Holy Son." Hearing Wu Chen comforting him, Li Niu said hastily.

(End of this chapter)

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