Chapter 434 The Fall
"Ah!" Lu Hehuan exclaimed again.

Seeing this, Fan Rongning quickly came back to her senses, immediately increased her strength and pulled Lu Hehuan up, and asked slightly nervously: "Friend Lu, are you okay?"

Lu Hehuan raised his head to meet Fan Rongning's gaze, shook his head with reddish eyes and said, "Sister Fan, I'm fine, you can quickly pull me up."

Seeing this, Fan Rongning's eyes moved, and she quickly increased her strength, pulling Lu Hehuan upwards.

Although he still cared about Qian Cheng's matter in his heart, saving people was the most important thing now, so he had no choice but to pull Lu Hehuan up first.

So soon she pulled Lu Hehuan up, because there was no way to use spiritual power on this bridge, Fan Rongning was also sweating profusely from exhaustion.

Lu Hehuan who was pulled up was sitting beside the big hole, his eyes were looking at the abyss below, and he couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

If Fan Rongning hadn't turned her head back just now, she might be helpless.


Lu Hehuan's eyes slowly shifted to Fan Rongning.

"By the way, Fellow Daoist Lu, what's the situation with Fellow Daoist Qian?" At this time, Fan Rongning also turned his head, looked at Lu Hehuan seriously and asked.

Lu Hehuan's eyes moved slightly, and then he said, "Actually, Senior Brother Qian...he..."

Fan Rongning was listening to Lu Hehuan's words seriously, but at this moment she saw something wrong with the expression on her face, the next moment she approached suddenly, and then pushed her into the hole before.

"Ah—you!" Fan Rongning was full of surprise, and quickly grabbed the ground with one hand, but her whole body was about to fall, she quickly raised her head and looked at the ground in disbelief. Lu Hehuan.

At this moment, Lu Hehuan didn't expect that she could still grab the floor on one side with agility, and she was slightly startled.

"Lu Hehuan, you!" Fan Rongning couldn't help shouting.

Seeing this, Lu Hehuan slowly stood up, looked at Fan Rongning with lowered eyes, a sarcasm suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said, "What's wrong with me? Sister Fan? I'll tell you the truth, Sister Fan He is much smarter than that idiot Qian Cheng, so he didn't understand all this until he was killed by me. Sister Fan is different. Not only did you walk out of the illusion by yourself, but you were able to travel safely all the way. Walking here at the organ bridge, if there is someone as outstanding as you in front of me, would the blood of Xuanwu still choose me?"

"You killed Qian Cheng?!" Fan Rongning was shocked again.

Hearing this, Lu Hehuan also put on a surprised expression, covered his mouth slightly and said, "Sister Fan must have guessed it, but there is no such thing as a cannibal in that house." Guixiu, in the end there are only two of us left but only one can come out, so it can only be cannibalism, but I seem to have a high opinion of Qian Cheng, he is not worthy of being my opponent at all, do you think so? , Sister Fan?"

"I didn't expect you to be such a vicious person, Lu Hehuan, you are hiding deep enough!" Fan Rongning said with her eyes fixed on her and gnashing her teeth.

Hearing this, Lu Hehuan's eyes slightly bent, and he said: "Sister Fan, this Xuanwu blood can only belong to one person, and you are just a little Tianyinzong monk, so it is useless to use it, why don't you let it go?" Give it to me, and you, just go to your underworld quietly, reincarnate well, and don't meet me again in the next life."

Saying that, Lu Hehuan raised his foot and stepped on Fan Rongning's hand that was gripping the floor tightly.

"Ah!" Lu Hehuan exerted so much force on his feet that Fan Rongning couldn't help but let out another cry of pain.

Her hands were already turning red and purple from Lu Hehuan's stepping on them.

At this time, Fan Rongning couldn't help but her eyes turned red, she frowned and stared at Lu Hehuan and shouted: "Lu Hehuan, I saved you just now, if it wasn't for me, you would have died long ago!"

"That's why I can only blame good fortune for tricking people. The person who is going to die now is not me, but you, Sister Fan." As he spoke, the corners of Lu Hehuan's lips curled up slowly, but a glint of darkness flashed in his eyes. Ruthless, he increased his strength even more.

A stronger pain came from her hand, and Fan Rongning's facial features were all tangled together.

And Lu Hehuan looked down at Fan Rongning, seeing that she was still refusing to let go even though she was exerting so much force, she raised her eyebrows lightly, and immediately moved her foot away, and then kicked her hand down hard .

This time, Fan Rongning's body completely fell down——

Lu Hehuan stood quietly on the spot, looking down at Fan Rongning's rapidly falling figure, and after a while he was completely invisible. Seeing this, Lu Hehuan blinked slightly, and then said in a low voice: "I even said Well, even if the Xuanwu bloodline falls into your hands, it's useless, if you leave it to me, you will be able to kill that big devil Qiao Youxue and save more people in the future, your sacrifice now is worth it."

After finishing speaking, Lu Hehuan walked forward while deducing again.

After spending a lot of time, Lu Hehuan finally walked through the mechanism bridge. As soon as she stepped on the ground, the scenery around her was instantly distorted. The next moment, she returned to the place where she had just entered the seventh floor .

It's just that three people entered the seventh floor together, but now only Lu Hehuan is left.

"I'm back." Lu Hehuan murmured in a low voice, and immediately began to search around.

After searching around for a while, she finally saw a faint pattern of a formation on the ground in front of her.

Lu Hehuan's eyes moved slightly, and then walked towards the formation.

The moment she approached, the formation on the ground suddenly lit up, and then an egg surrounded by purple smoke appeared at the center of the formation.

I saw that the whole body of this egg was purple, and there were three slightly shining white spots on the upper side of it.

"Xuanwu!" Seeing this, Lu Hehuan's eyes lit up instantly.

She has already lost the divine beast Phoenix, so she must not let go of the divine beast Xuanwu this time. Now it seems that the heavens really favored her!

At this time, Lu Hehuan's heart was full of joy, and she stretched out her hand towards the Xuanwu egg in the formation.

Suddenly the formation began to rotate violently. Seeing this, Lu Hehuan froze for a moment, and then quickly retracted his hand. At this time, an old voice came from the closed space.

"You'd better leave."

After the voice fell, Lu Hehuan's face changed instantly, then she raised her head suddenly, looked around, but found no one else appeared in this space, so she asked loudly, "Who is here?" say?!"

(End of this chapter)

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