Chapter 435
At this moment, the formation in front of her began to change slowly, and a huge black-gray basalt phantom appeared in the center of the formation. At this time, a pair of vicissitudes of life was watching her quietly.

Seeing this, Lu Hehuan was slightly startled, but fortunately, she was also someone who had seen divine beasts in her previous life, so when she saw such a magnificent basalt phantom at this time, she was not particularly surprised.

"Why did senior ask me to leave? Now I am the only one left on the seventh floor. If I leave, the last trace of Xuanwu's blood will be sealed here forever." Lu Hehuan's eyes Moved and said.

That Xuanwu was not moved by Lu Hehuan's words, but said lightly: "Your hands are stained with the blood of innocent people, so you can't touch the sacred blood."

"My hands are stained with the blood of innocent people," Lu Hehuan repeated what it said, raised his eyebrows slightly, and then said lightly: "Why are my hands stained with the blood of innocent people, don't you do you know?"

Hearing this, a trace of doubt appeared in Xuanwu's eyes.

Seeing this, Lu Hehuan continued to speak: "The phantom formation that guards Xuanwu's bloodline, originally only a dead person can walk out. If it wasn't for Xuanwu's bloodline, would I have killed him?"

"You are not a pure and good person, Xuanwu can't fall into your hands no matter what, you should leave." Xuanwu continued.

Lu Hehuan's complexion sank slightly, and she finally came here, seeing that she could get the blood of Xuanwu, and now a phantom of Xuanwu suddenly appeared, preventing her from taking it. Arriving at Xuanwudan, Lu Hehuan couldn't help but feel depressed.

Suddenly her eyes flickered, and she immediately said, "I wonder if senior can believe in the destiny?"

"The way of heaven always exists in the dark, and the destiny is predestined by the heavens, and it cannot be violated. Naturally, I believe it." Xuanwu replied.

Seeing this, Lu Hehuan's attitude became a little better, and he said: "I think with the ability of seniors, I should be able to see a corner of other people's fate."

"Of course you can." Xuanwu Phantom said again.

"The younger generation is not talented, so I ask the senior to spy on my own destiny." Lu Hehuan said with a respectful salute.

After hearing what Lu Hehuan said, Xuanwu was slightly surprised at first, but after seeing the serious expression on her face, after a moment of silence, he really began to spy on her destiny, and this spying immediately filled his heart with shock.

" turned out to be..." Xuanwu Phantom said in shock.

Seeing this, the corners of Lu Hehuan's lips could not help but curl up slightly. Even if she lives again, she is still a daughter of destiny, a person who is protected by the law of heaven. Anyone in this world will look up to her when they see this glance.

And she also has this kind of mentality, because for the beasts, they will worship the way of heaven even more.

Sure enough, after seeing the expression of the Xuanwu phantom at this time, Lu Hehuan knew that he must have hesitated in his heart, so he slowly said: "Daughter of Destiny, the image of the phoenix, can you see it clearly, senior?"

" could it be..." Xuanwu was full of doubts in his heart, how could such a woman whose hands were stained with innocent people's blood be chosen by heaven to be the daughter of destiny? !
Thinking like this, the basalt phantom spied Lu Hehuan's destiny again, but this time the result was exactly the same as last time, she was indeed a person protected by the heavens.

Since she is someone who is protected by the heavens, does he still want to prevent Xuanwu from falling into her hands...

Xuanwu Phantom couldn't help hesitating.

On this side, Lu Hehuan said lightly, "Senior, don't you believe what you see with your own eyes?"

And Xuanwu looked at Lu Hehuan again, with an unbelievable expression on his face, and said, "How could the fate favor someone with such a heart like you?"

"Does xinxing matter? Senior, in this world of comprehension, the most important thing is fate." Lu Hehuan said lightly, with a smug smile on her face, she continued: "I have enough luck, There is still enough talent, given time, he will definitely be famous all over the world, and Xuanwu will surely be able to stand out again if he follows me, and in the future, he will get rid of a huge pest in this cultivation world—"

Once again, Lu Hehuan instinctively thought of Qiao Youxue's appearance, clenched her fists with lowered sleeves, and she continued: "As long as Xuanwu follows me, I can take it back to the heaven in the future, if the juniors guess If you are right, the place where the beasts really live is in the heavens, and it must have come by accident to appear in this cultivation world."

Hearing what Lu Hehuan said, Xuanwu Phantom couldn't help but fell silent.

After a long time, it finally opened its mouth slowly, and said with a long sigh: "Forget it, since you are the daughter of destiny, one day in the future, you will ascend to the heavens, and at that time, this child will also be able to return to the heavens." It's where it should be."

After the Xuanwu phantom finished speaking, his figure slowly disappeared in place, and the original formation also slowly stopped functioning.

Seeing this, Lu Hehuan looked in the direction of the basalt egg, and then walked there step by step.

There were no obstacles during this journey, Lu Hehuan picked up the basalt egg, immediately cut his finger, and then dripped a drop of his own blood on the eggshell.

All of a sudden, purple rays of light flourished, and streaks of white light were about to leak out from inside, as if something was about to burst out of its shell.

Lu Hehuan's eyes instantly lit up with anticipation.

Only a few crisp sounds were heard, and the next moment the egg shell was completely shattered, and then a sleeping black-gray little basaltic crawled out of it.

A flash of excitement flashed in Lu Hehuan's eyes, and he immediately held that good Xuanwu in his palm, and after a while, he put it into his best beast-guarding bag.

She finally got Xuanwu's bloodline!

Outside the Seventh Layer Mystery Tower, countless people were still eagerly waiting for the person who could come out with Xuanwu blood. Suddenly, the ground under their feet began to tremble violently.

"What... what's going on?!"

"Is there going to be an earthquake?"

"No, everyone, look at the Mystery Tower!"

Someone in the crowd yelled, and then everyone's eyes turned to the seven-layer mystery tower, and saw that the mystery tower began to shatter slowly from the first floor.

"What's going on here, is the Xuanji Tower about to collapse?!"

Although the ground trembled violently, these monks did not smell any danger. Based on their intuition, they knew that what caused the current situation must be the changes in the Mystery Tower .

(End of this chapter)

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