The daily life of the villain

Chapter 446 Finding the sect

Chapter 446 Finding the sect
This voice fell heavily on Lu Hehuan's heart, but at this moment, her eyes were full of despair. If this continues, she doesn't know how she will be tortured...

Qi Ye kicked Lu Hehuan, who was lying outside the door, in, only to hear her scream, and the next moment, the door in front of him was closed, sealing all the sounds inside.

Xueyu Taoist, Ci Xueyi hid behind a big rock and watched secretly in the direction of Binglian Terrace. She originally followed the advice of the head of Yuhe and wanted to secretly take Miyunshu to hunt for treasure, but now It seems that Miyunshu is not here.

Ci Xueyi searched around but couldn't find Sanbai, so he couldn't help but frown.

Could it be that she escaped?This is impossible, senior brother's cultivation base is so high, how could it be possible that a monster with only Golden Core cultivation base can escape if he says he wants to?
But now they couldn't find Miyunshu, Ci Xueyi was puzzled, but he also knew that if he stayed here any longer, he might disturb Yu Shili, so he left in a hurry.

After leaving, Ci Xueyi began to search around the sect. Although she didn't want to believe it, the most likely thing to happen now is that the three hundred really escaped. If there is no Miyun mouse, how can she go to the extreme north? In this way, how can the fire poison on the senior brother be cured?

Ci Xueyi was looking for it in a hurry. On this side, the head master Yu He had just returned to the main hall, and a disciple hurried over to deliver a message.

"Master! Master! Qing Yunzong has a visitor!"

Hearing this, Sect Leader Yu He looked in his direction and asked, "Who is this guest?"

As soon as his voice fell, there was a clear and clear female voice.

"Qingyun Sect's disciple Qiao Youxue, who is under the elder's seat, has met Senior Yu." Qiao Youxue was dressed in white, and slowly walked towards the direction of the head of Yu He.

Yu He followed the voice and looked over, and at a glance saw the identity jade badge of Qingyun Sect inner disciple on Qiao Youxue's waist. After seeing her incomparable appearance, he already concluded in his heart that the person who came was really Qiao Youxue.

Although he has never seen the real face of this influential figure with his own eyes, he was fortunate enough to meet the number one beauty in the cultivation world, that is, Mrs. Murong, Qiao Youxue's mother. Naturally, her daughter is not bad either.

Knowing that the person in front of him is Qiao Youxue, a smile appeared on Yu He's face, and then he greeted Qiao Youxue in the direction, and said, "Although Xueyu Taoism is far away in the north, I have heard of Miss Qiao's shocking talent for a long time. Jue Yan, I didn't expect that this deity did not prepare well for this sudden visit, it was rude."

"This junior is too impatient. Senior Yu, Youxue just wants to meet an old friend when you come here." Qiao Youxue said lightly.

Hearing this, Yu He's eyes moved slightly, and then he said, "Old friend?"

"I had the honor to fight at the Sword Discussion Conference a year ago, and I still have memories of her. This person is your direct disciple, Miss Ci Xueyi." Qiao Youxue said.

Yu He was stunned for a moment, he naturally knew what happened at the Sword Discourse Conference a year ago, and since Xue Yi came back from the Central Plains that time, she began to strive for strength, although she was a little paranoid in her cultivation, she always It is Baidie who is constantly working hard to improve herself and ignores other things, but seeing Ci Xueyi's progress day by day, Yu He is also very pleased.

But he thought that Ci Xueyi would not have anything to do with Qiao Youxue after that, but now he didn't expect such a thing to happen today.

Seeing Yu He hesitate, Qiao Youxue had a slight flash of light in her eyes, and then reminded her aloud, "Senior Yu?"

Hearing this, Yu He suddenly came back to his senses, looked at Qiao Youxue and smiled and said: "Xue Yi should be with his senior brother at this moment, if Miss Qiao is in a hurry, I will send someone to take you there."

"Then thank you, Senior Yu." Qiao Youxue saluted respectfully.

But at this moment, Ice Weeping Wolf had been standing behind Qiao Youxue, because he hid his figure from other people, so only Qiao Youxue could see him.

Yu He looked at Qiao Youxue and smiled lightly, and then said: "If that child Xueyi can be friends with Ms. Qiao, she can also be used as a role model in the days to come, and become a figure in the cultivation world. .”

"Ci Xueyi is truly blessed to have a master like you who thinks wholeheartedly about himself." Qiao Youxue said with a smile.

Yu He beckoned, and then called back the disciple who had informed him earlier, and ordered: "Take Miss Qiao to Snowbreaker Valley."

"Yes." The disciple agreed, saluted Qiao Youxue respectfully, and said, "Miss Qiao, please follow me."

So, under the guidance of that disciple, Qiao Youxue and Ice Weeping Wolf came to the Valley of Broken Snow.

The disciple stopped in front of the valley gate, and then said: "Eldest brother Xijing, no one dares to disturb you in Snowbreaker Valley, Miss Qiao just needs to go straight ahead, Senior Sister Xueyi should be inside now."

Hearing this, Qiao Youxue nodded slightly, the disciple was guarding outside the valley gate, Qiao Youxue took a step and walked inside.

As soon as he stepped into the valley gate, there was a thin snow in the sky.

Qiao Youxue couldn't help but slightly exclaimed. The scenery in this valley was indeed elegant and cool, but it was too cold. She hadn't seen anyone along the way, and there were no footprints on the ground.

There is actually such a cold place in Xueyu Taoism. I heard that it was the place where the chief disciple of Yu He lives. Now she can't help but start to guess in her heart. Live in this kind of place.

However, the pure ice aura mixed with the abundant water aura here made Qiao Youxue feel very comfortable physically and mentally, and her anxious mood because she couldn't find the three hundred was relieved at this moment.

According to what the disciple said, he walked along the path in the snow, and after passing a icy lake, he saw an ice lotus platform in the distance. A man in blue sat quietly on the ice lotus platform and closed his eyes. Adjusting his breath with his eyes, his whole body seemed to blend into the surrounding snow scene, cold and difficult to approach.

For some reason, Qiao Youxue looked at that figure and suddenly felt as if she had seen it somewhere.

On this side, sensing the arrival of someone, Yu Shili slowly opened his eyes again, and saw the figure of Shengxue in white from a distance, and the thoughts in his mind seemed to be frozen in an instant, with unknown emotions Like a blizzard, it rolled in my heart...

(End of this chapter)

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