Chapter 447
Qiao Youxue was still approaching step by step. At the same time, she could clearly feel that the temperature around her was getting lower and lower as she approached a little bit, as if the master over there had discovered her and was still very unhappy.

Suddenly, Qiao Youxue paused slightly.

Seeing that Fang Qiao Youxue's figure stopped, Yu Shili breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't expect Qiao Youxue to walk towards him leisurely again the next moment.

The surrounding temperature became colder, but Qiao Youxue didn't seem to be affected at all, her steps were brisk and leisurely.

Yu Shili frowned and closed his eyes.

"Excuse me..." Qiao Youxue walked in front of him, scrutinized the man sitting on the ice lotus platform in front of her seriously, and suddenly felt a little familiar. The light in her eyes flashed, and she continued: "Have we met?" Pass?"

After her voice fell, Yu Shili slowly opened her eyes.

Seeing the person in front of her open her eyes, Qiao Youxue was slightly startled, and then said, "It's you!"

Her thoughts returned to her experience in Yuliang City. At that time, she had just learned the art of binding spirits with thousands of threads. Who would have thought that she would be snatched away by the other side during the study period, and the other side took her body away. Looking for Xiaoguan in the flower building, she unexpectedly ran into Yu Shili, a cold-faced god, and the two sides fought violently. It was also at this time that she regained the body occupied by the other side.

It was also at that time that she only met this man once. Counting it, things had become stalemate at that time. Later, the man let go of his mouth easily, and he must have seen the truth of her being taken away.

Thinking of this, Qiao Youxue's eyes moved slightly, and then she said: "I didn't expect that the young master is also a fellow, and the things in the past are so offensive, Youxue hereby apologizes to you."

Hearing this, the light in Yu Shili's eyes moved slightly, and he replied: "It wasn't the girl's fault, and you don't have to apologize for others."

After his words fell, Qiao Youxue's heart trembled slightly again. What he meant by saying this meant that he knew that she had been taken away before she made such a move. Qiao Youxue was even more puzzled, and then said : "My lord... Are you rejecting me in your heart?"

"People who have never met before, how can we talk about rejection?" Yu Shili replied coldly.

Hearing this, Qiao Youxue was taken aback for another moment, then a smile appeared on the corner of her lips, and she said, "Since that's the case, did the young master tell me where Ci Xueyi is now?"

After Qiao Youxue's voice fell, a rare expression appeared on Yu Shili's face, and his brows frowned slightly.

Yu Shili knew why Qiao Youxue came here, and whoever owned such a heaven-defying thing as the Miyun Mouse would definitely cherish it even more. He didn't know that the Miyun Mouse brought back by Ci Xueyi had an owner, and even more so. I didn't know that the owner of the Miyun Mouse was Qiao Youxue, but after knowing it, he released the Miyun Mouse, because he was afraid that Qiao Youxue would come to his door like this now.

A hint of helplessness flickered in Yu Shili's eyes, and he said immediately, "I have let Miyun Mouse go. For this matter, I apologize to you on behalf of my junior sister."

Hearing this, Qiao Youxue's eyes moved, and she fell into deep thought when she saw the face in front of her.

"It wasn't your fault, and you don't have to apologize, where is my spirit beast now?" Qiao Youxue looked at him and said lightly.

Seeing this, Yu Shili was silent for a moment, and then he wanted to stand up from the ice lotus platform, but just at this moment, the fire poison in his body attacked his heart, and the whole body that had just stood still suddenly swayed, and then fell downwards. .

"Hello!" Seeing this, Qiao Youxue was taken aback, and couldn't care about anything else, she hurriedly stepped forward to catch Yu Shili's body.

A girl's unique fragrance suddenly lingered in the nose, feeling the temperature in her arms, Yu Shili's face changed immediately, and he came out of her arms in a panic that he had never seen before.

Seeing this, Qiao Youxue was slightly stunned, her eyebrows twitched slightly and she said, "Are you poisoned?"

She was only able to feel that Yu Shili's aura was not like that of an ordinary monk just now, and judging from his face at this time and his performance just now, it was very likely that he was poisoned.

Hearing this, Yu Shili frowned tightly, and ignored Qiao Youxue's question just now, but said lightly: "The Miyun mouse has been released by me at this time, although I don't know where it is, but it should still be there. Among the Taoist sects in Xueyu, I will send someone to look for it, and Miss Qiao just stay here for a good life."

"Master, you have a good idea. Let's not talk about where my Sanbai is now. Just because Ci Xueyi dared to steal my spirit beast, I won't let her go." Qiao Youxue's eyes suddenly scratched. There was a snowstorm.

Listening to what she said, Yu Shili's eyes slowly looked at her. Seeing her saying this seriously and coldly, his eyes moved slightly, and then he said: "I will represent her in this matter." Being punished, I have no complaints about how the girl wants to deal with Yu."

"Didn't you say that you take care of your own affairs?" Qiao Youxue walked slowly towards him, and then continued, "How come the words that come out of the young master's mouth don't work when they come to you?"

Hearing this, a slight embarrassment flashed across Yu Shili's face, he slightly pursed the corners of his lips and said, "I'm also a disciple of Xueyu Taoism, I'm no different from Ci Xueyi."

"That's right." Qiao Youxue looked at Yu Shili and nodded slowly, "But the young master is already poisoned, if I avenge this revenge on you, you will not be able to bear the death by accident. Who should blame it on?"

Hearing what Qiao Youxue said, Yu Shili's brows suddenly frowned. He looked at Qiao Youxue, but his voice became a little colder, and he said, "What exactly do you want to say?"

Seeing this, Qiao Youxue had a faint smile on her lips, and then she said, "I'm looking for my three hundred, and as for that Ci Xueyi, I can't forgive him either. Since this matter has nothing to do with you, my lord, I invite you to Don't meddle any more."

After saying those words, Qiao Youxue's eyes flickered coldly, and then she walked straight towards the path she came from.

Hearing this, Yu Shili closed his eyes tightly, he could feel Qiao Youxue's figure getting farther and farther away, and finally he opened his mouth and shouted: "Miyunshu asked Ci Xueyi to look for it. The cause is all on me."

Listening to his voice, Qiao Youxue slowly stopped her steps, then turned around and looked at Yu Shili, with an expression on her face that she wanted to hear him continue.

Seeing Qiao Youxue's appearance, Yu Shili opened his eyes, looked at her and said, "On my way back to Xueyu Taoism, I met a demon cultivator in the Nascent Soul Stage. The poison of the fire was poisoned by him..."

(End of this chapter)

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