The daily life of the villain

Chapter 452 Suppressing Fire Poison

Chapter 452 Suppressing Fire Poison
Hearing this, Qiao Youxue's eyes moved, and she took a slow look at Yu Shili, only to see that his face was full of forbearance, and after a while, she said to Ice Weeping Wolf: "Please help me, senior."

"En." After the Ice Weeping Wolf said this lightly, he stood in front of Qiao Youxue and Yu Shili.

Because he hid his figure from others, no one except Qiao Youxue knew of his existence at this time.

Qiao Youxue looked at the Weeping Wolf, then looked at the resentful snowman in front of her, and said loudly, "What is it?"

The snowman didn't speak, it was surrounded by a gust of wind, and the cold snowflakes wrapped it.

Yu Shili's face was flushed, and he said, "Hurry up."

Hearing this, Qiao Youxue was slightly taken aback, then turned to look at Yu Shili.

Yu Shili still had a sliver of reason, his eyes moved at this moment, he looked at Qiao Youxue and said, "Run outside, no matter what is here, it can only move within a certain range, I will hold it back for you."

"What?" Qiao Youxue was slightly stunned, and then said: "You will die if the fire poison recurs on your body!"

"You came to this place because of me." Yu Shili said lightly, and after he finished speaking, he put one side of his body in front of Qiao Youxue, and said, "Hurry up and go."

Qiao Youxue blinked, and then sent a voice transmission to Bingcrying Wolf: "Senior, let's do it."

As soon as Qiao Youxue finished speaking, a storm suddenly rose up on the flat ground, blowing all the wind and snow up.

With a strong coercion, the storm went directly towards the snowman who suddenly appeared, and the snowman's face was shocked, and the wind and snow spinning around him began to slow down.

Facing this sudden change, Yu Shili was also very surprised. The next moment, Qiao Youxue grabbed his hand, and then fled in the direction he came from.

Seeing that the two wanted to escape, the snowman wanted to chase at first, but the powerful force blocking him in front of him made him feel very uneasy. At this time, he was so forced that he couldn't move forward at all, so he had to watch helplessly. The mouthful of food just ran away.

On this side, Qiao Youxue ran forward while pulling Yu Shili forward, while using her ice spiritual power to swim through his meridians. In this way, Yu Shili felt more comfortable than before, but he still subconsciously Looking back, seeing that the snowman did not catch up, he was slightly relieved, so he looked more seriously at Qiao Youxue who was running in front of him.

The cold wind blew her sleeves, and her white clothes seemed to be integrated with the heavy snow, clean but not cold.

Finally returned to the outside of the ice cave, the two of them stopped slowly, Qiao Youxue turned to look at Yu Shili behind him, frowning slightly.

Meeting Qiao Youxue's eyes, Yu Shili was slightly taken aback.

Qiao Youxue also blinked, and then she saw her hand holding his wrist, and immediately let go.

After the ice spiritual power that had wandered through his body was withdrawn, Yu Shili felt even more uncomfortable again, and the redness on his face reappeared.

Seeing this, Qiao Youxue panicked again. She just forgot that the fire poison in Yu Shili's body was still on fire, but she just saw his appearance, which was no different from usual, so she put her hand on him again. on the spiritual vein.

However, before his ice spiritual power entered Yu Shili's spiritual veins, he knocked his hand off.

Qiao Youxue was slightly startled, and saw that even though Yu Shili's face was burning hot, his eyes were still filled with the ice that would not melt for thousands of years. He said lightly, "Go and rest, the fire poison in my body will be suppressed by myself."

Hearing this, Qiao Youxue was stunned, a funny light flashed across her eyes, she looked at the stubborn man standing in front of her, and said lightly: "You can definitely let me help you, this way you can reduce some pain .”

"It's not necessary." Yu Shili said lightly, his eyes were full of seriousness, and he continued: "I don't like to owe others."

"Young Master Yu is really different. Since you have drawn such a clear boundary, I respect you." After finishing speaking, Qiao Youxue turned around and walked into the ice cave.

Yu Shili was the only one left on the spot.

He stood quietly in the heavy snow, even though his body was burning uncomfortably, but at this moment his thoughts were not on it.

Finally, a burst of pain pulled his thoughts back, and Yu Shili finally gritted his teeth and sat down, resisting the discomfort and began to adjust his breath with luck.

Inside the ice cave, Qiao Youxue stood inside, holding her hands and quietly looking at the blue figure outside in the snowstorm, her eyes full of deep thought.

What kind of things have gone through that can make this person's temper so cold?
Time passed bit by bit like this, Qiao Youxue saw that Yu Shili didn't move, then looked up at the night sky, above the night sky, the moon was hanging high, for some reason, the appearance of Wan Xingchi appeared in her mind, The corners of her lips curled up slightly, and then she raised her hand to touch the macaron on her neck, and a warm feeling directly spread from her fingertips to her heart.

It was night, after the fire poison in his body finally faded away, the chill of the wind and snow penetrated into his body in an instant, and in less than a moment, Yu Shili felt as if his body was frozen , still sitting cross-legged on the ground motionless.

He walked slowly and opened his eyes, and the brows could not help but frowned tightly. It should be midnight now, and the night in the extreme north is many times colder than the day.

Because in order to suppress the fire poison in his body before, all the strength in Yu Shili's body was exhausted. At this time, he was exhausted, and he didn't even have the strength to stand up, so he could only sit stiffly in the snow. .

If this continues, even if he is not tortured to death by the fire poison, he will probably be frozen to death, Yu Shili couldn't help feeling a trace of despair in his heart.

He had rarely felt such emotions in his life.

Just at this moment, the sound of footsteps rang in his ears.

Yu Shili turned his head to look over, but saw Qiao Youxue walking slowly over with a cloak in his arms.

A ray of light flashed across Yu Shili's eyes, and he was panicked, and for some reason he turned his head away.

Why hasn't she rested yet?Did you just watch him all night?

Seeing Yu Shili's appearance, the corners of Qiao Youxue's lips could not help but hook upwards slightly, and then she put the cloak in her hand directly on him. This cloak is made of special materials. After Yu Shili put it on, , but after a while, I felt my whole body warm up.

(End of this chapter)

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