Chapter 453 Finding Three Hundred
After feeling that his body was no longer stiff, he stood up straight away. Just when he was about to untie the cloak Qiao Youxue had just put on him, he saw that Qiao Youxue was looking at him quietly with his head tilted. There was a hint of a smile in his eyes.

The movements of Yu Shili's hands stopped suddenly, and he also stared blankly at the woman in front of him.

Looking at the person in front of him, I don't know what kind of feeling rose in my heart, which actually made his always calm and calm mind go blank.

Seeing Yu Shili's appearance, Qiao Youxue's eyes moved slightly, and then she stretched out her hand towards him, and her fingers moved slightly to signal him to take off the cloak on his body and return it to her.

Yu Shili was slightly taken aback.

"Are people so ungrateful for your kindness?" Qiao Youxue smiled helplessly, and then said, "Young Master Yu, this is the first time I've seen someone like you."

"I just don't like to rely on others. I can do my own thing well." Yu Shili replied lightly, and then started to untie the cloak.

At this moment, Qiao Youxue let go of her hand, shook her head and said with a smile, "Put it on, you can't die until you find Ci Xueyi."

After finishing speaking, Qiao Youxue turned around and walked into the ice cave.

Outside, Yu Shili's hand was fixed in mid-air, gently pinching the belt of the cloak, he couldn't help but fell into deep thought, these days with Qiao Youxue, he seemed to feel that there was something different about him.

After a while, Yu Shili shook his head slightly to interrupt his thoughts, and then moved his hands, but tied the cloak again, and then walked into the ice cave.

The fire had been raised again in the ice cave, and Qiao Youxue had fallen asleep peacefully by leaning on one side, still holding the purple jade flute in her hand, the jumping flames reflected on her face, and the dim yellow light covered her face. The silhouette of the man was illuminated more softly, and Yu Shili couldn't help but feel a thump when he saw this scene.

The movement of his feet became lighter, and then he walked to the side, and began to meditate and adjust his breath.

In the early morning of the second day, after the coldness of the night subsided, the two embarked on the road to find Ci Xueyi again, but after all, the land in the extreme north is so big, I don't know where they went, and Qiao Youxue still couldn't feel the three. Bai's location, seven days passed, but they didn't find any clues.

The further you go inside, the more severe the wind and snow in the extreme north, Yu Shili's physical condition is getting worse and worse, but he still persists, and he never refuses Qiao Youxue's kindness every time, because The physical condition is not very good, and the number of fire poison attacks has become more frequent, but Yu Shili is very puzzled. They have basically encountered no danger during this journey, and even if they have, they can Very lucky to escape.

On this day, the two of them were still walking in the extreme north. Looking around, there was a vast expanse of whiteness, without any edge in sight.

Suddenly, Qiao Youxue stopped in her footsteps.

Sensing Qiao Youxue's change, Yu Shili also stopped, turned to look at her and asked, "What's wrong?"

Qiao Youxue picked up the Futu Sanyi in her hand, saw the faint golden light glowing from the first seal on it, a ray of light flashed across her eyes, then she looked at Yu Shili and said: "Three hundred is near here !"

After the words fell, Yu Shili's face changed slightly, and he asked, "Can you feel its position?"

Since they can still feel the existence of Sanbai, it means that they are still safe and have not encountered any accidents. Both Qiao Youxue and Yu Shili breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Qiao Youxue nodded lightly, and then said, "It should be not far ahead."

With that said, Qiao Youxue quickened her pace and walked forward.

After a while, Qiao Youxue saw a small purple-gray dot appearing in the vast expanse of whiteness from a distance, her heart moved slightly, and she ran towards that direction.

Yu Shili ran after Qiao Youxue.

At this time, Sanbai turned into a prototype, half of its body was covered by white snow, and its curled up body had become very stiff, motionless on the ground, and it was unknown if there was any breath left.

Seeing this, Qiao Youxue immediately dug out Sanbai who had been buried in the snow, then hugged her into her arms, injected a spiritual force into her body, and began to check her condition.

At this time, Sanbai's whole body was frozen, because Qiao Youxue's spiritual power was ice spiritual power, and it was useless at this time, so Qiao Youxue could only hold it tightly in her arms Here, use your own body temperature to thaw it.

Yu Shili stood where he was, looked around, but when he didn't find Ci Xueyi's figure, his brows furrowed tightly.

Qiao Youxue took out two warm stones from the storage ring. Qiao Yufeng stuffed them into her storage ring at some point. They are very rare and are often used as materials for refining fire-type spirit weapons. At that time, she felt that this thing was of no use to her, but now it seems that she really has to thank Qiao Yufeng.

This warm stone can generate heat automatically, but it will not make people feel uncomfortable. Qiao Youxue first wrapped the three hundred with two warm stones, and then took out the bowl-shaped flying artifact that Bi An liked most, and wrapped the three hundred Baige put it in and covered it with the fur of a spirit beast.

Seeing that the situation of Sanbai in the bowl gradually eased, Qiao Youxue was slightly relieved, but she gently squeezed her fists under her sleeves.

Dare to make her spirit beast like this, after she sees Ci Xueyi, she will never let her go!

Qiao Youxue looked at Yu Shili lightly, and Yu Shili was also watching her movements at this moment.

"Didn't you find Ci Xueyi?" Qiao Youxue said with her eyes moving.

Hearing this, Yu Shili nodded lightly.

Seeing this, Qiao Youxue snorted coldly, and then said: "I need to look for her carefully, the debt must be settled."

Yu Shili's eyes moved slightly, but he didn't speak.

He knew that Qiao Youxue was the owner of Miyun Mouse, and now that Ci Xueyi not only kidnapped Miyun Mouse from the very remote Central Plains, but also made it look like this, no matter what, he should be punished. Even though he is Ci Xueyi's senior brother, he has no reason to speak for her.

Qiao Youxue looked away from Yu Shili's face lightly, and raised her hand to take back the Futu Sanyi in her hand. Now that she has found three hundred, she doesn't need to hold it all the time.

Looking at the little figure in the bowl that started to tremble, Qiao Youxue felt a slight chill in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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