Chapter 466 Survive
With Qiao Youxue's constant repairs, the wound on Wan Xingchi's neck also slowly healed.

At this time, he quietly looked at the woman in front of him, with a serious face, and looked at his wound with a slight frown, and a warm current flowed through his heart.

"You can't do this again in the future." After Qiao Youxue repaired his wound, she raised her head and looked at Wan Xingchi and said.

Seeing this, Wan Xingchi frowned slightly, then nodded at Qiao Youxue and said with a smile, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

Qiao Youxue's slightly frowning brows relaxed.

Wan Xingchi suddenly thought of something, and immediately asked: "By the way, why did you turn back again? If you followed them, you should have left the extreme north by now..."

Wan Xingchi's estimation was very correct, seeing this, Qiao Youxue replied: "You are still in this extreme north, how could I leave you alone."

After finishing speaking, Qiao Youxue glanced around. Spirit storms of various intensities were still moving slowly in mid-air, and the vortexes on the snow were equally frightening.

Qiao Youxue looked at Wan Xingchi again, and saw that he slightly raised his hand to pat the snow that fell on his body due to the battle just now, the light in his eyes moved slightly, and then said: "The exit channel has been closed."

After her words fell, even though Wan Xingchi was calm and indifferent, he couldn't help being slightly startled at this moment, and asked: "What happened?"

"The extreme north has been surrounded by a black snow wall, people inside can't get out, and people outside can't get in." Qiao Youxue said.

Wan Xingchi didn't think about anything else, just quietly looked at Qiao Youxue in front of her, raised her hand to gently rub her hair, and asked, "Do you want to go out?"

"I can't go out now." Qiao Youxue looked at Wan Xingchi and said seriously, who would have thought that she would be embraced by Wan Xingchi the next moment, but his voice became a little deeper, He whispered in her ear: "It's all my fault, Fat Snow, you should go out."

Hearing this, Qiao Youxue's heart softened, she raised her hand and patted him on the back lightly, and then said: "It's okay, it's not that there is nothing we can do, let's look for it, there may be other people in this extreme north." way out."

"I will definitely take you out." Wan Xingchi then said in a low voice, his eyes full of seriousness.

The corners of Qiao Youxue's lips curled up slightly, and she said, "Okay, but it's not unreasonable now, we should find a place to stay, if we keep floating in the spirit storm group, our physical strength will always be exhausted of."

Hearing what Qiao Youxue said, Wan Xingchi nodded lightly, then a light flashed in his eyes, and said: "I just discovered the law of this accident, the more the edge of the extreme north, The spirit storm group and the snow vortex are stronger, and the further you go in, the weaker you are, but fortunately you are a mutated ice spirit root, even if you go to the innermost part, your body can bear it."

Hearing this, Qiao Youxue nodded lightly, and then said, "Okay, then let's look for it now."

Wan Xingchi smiled, and then took Qiao Youxue's hand, and the two of them went towards the innermost direction of the Far North with their swords together.

In the desolate surroundings, a small figure in brocade clothes stopped in front of an inconspicuous house.

He only heard the sound of weapons clashing in the room, and the boy's eyes moved slightly.

He lazily pushed open the door of the room, and a bloody smell came oncoming. Immediately afterwards, the body of a woman covered in bruises and covered in blood suddenly rushed towards him.

Qi Ye turned sideways slightly, and Lu Hehuan's body fell straight to the ground.

Looking around the room, the sounds of swords and swords clashing stopped, and the soldiers returned to their original positions one by one. Then, Qi Ye looked at Lu Hehuan who was lying on the ground.

I saw that her whole body was covered in bright red blood, she had countless wounds on her body, her chest was heaving violently, and her bloodshot eyes were staring round, staring straight at the sky above.

Seeing this, Qi Chi couldn't help but chuckled, and after a while, he said again: "There is still breath, I really saw the right person."

Lu Hehuan no longer had the strength to speak. During these days in the soldier formation, she was almost numb to the pain. Even now, after she was finally able to come out of the soldier formation, she seemed to be unable to feel the pain on her body. pain, but she knew that the blood was constantly flowing out of her body from the wound...

Looking at the long-lost sunshine, there was only one thought in her mind.

Qi Ye is a devil! ! !
Qi Ye quietly watched the expression on Lu Hehuan's face at this time, a light flashed in his eyes, and then waved his hand, and two puppets appeared beside Lu Hehuan out of thin air.

"Since you have passed the test, let's take care of your wounds." Qi Ye said lightly, and then his figure moved, and he disappeared in place. The two puppets moved by themselves, and each of them set up one of Lu Hehuan. arm, and then dragged her away into the distance.

In an inaccessible place, there is a very ancient formation. If you want to activate this formation, you must use a special spell.

Qi Ye landed here quietly, took a step forward, and a dark gray formation lit up.

He stood quietly in front of this formation for a while, and then three figures appeared behind him.

The two puppets, Lu Hehuan, also came here.

Qi Ye didn't look back, but after feeling that they were following, he picked up his steps and walked towards the dark gray formation.

The two puppets followed him closely all the time, but Lu Hehuan was still conscious at this time, seeing her body being dragged into the gray formation, her heart tightened slightly.

Qi Ye muttered something, and after a while, a more intense dark gray light lit up, and the ink-colored runes were constantly revolving around the formation. After a while, the figures of the two and the two puppets appeared. It just disappeared.

When Lu Hehuan opened his eyes again, what he saw in front of him was a very old village, where the people lived happily and chatted happily.

After seeing the happy picture in front of him, Lu Hehuan's heart moved slightly.

A deep corner of her heart seemed to be touched.

It's such a long-lost beauty...

However, at the next moment, those villagers discovered the arrival of several of them.

A woman pointed in their direction, and the villagers all looked over, and the children still looked at them curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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