Chapter 467 Repair
Seeing this, the corners of Qi Ye's lips curled up slightly, then looked at Lu Hehuan, and said lightly: "Now you are my slave, so how about I give you a big gift?"

Listening to what Qi Ye said, a trace of fear instinctively appeared in Lu Hehuan's heart.

However, the next moment, the figure in front of him disappeared, and Lu Hehuan could only see a fleeting phantom, appearing in every corner of the village within three breaths, just in the blink of an eye , the village that was originally happy and beautiful, has already flowed into rivers of blood at this time.

The black shadow flickered in front of his eyes again, and then reappeared beside Lu Hehuan, without touching anything on his body, as if nothing had happened.

However, looking at the village in front of him at this time, there were corpses lying on the ground, and the blood gathered on the ground to form a river, flowing towards them.

Qi Ye turned his head lightly to look at Lu Hehuan, only to see that her eyes were full of shock, watching the scene in front of her, her pale lips were tightly pressed all the time.

Seeing this, Qi Ye's eyes moved slightly, and then he slightly hooked his lips and smiled, "How is it?"

Lu Hehuan didn't dare to turn her head to look at Qi Ye, she pursed her lips tightly and didn't speak.

"Are you afraid?" Qi Ye couldn't help but a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he picked up his steps and walked straight into the village.

Along the way, the ground was covered with corpses. Originally, Lu Hehuan thought it was just an ordinary village, but the more she walked in, the more she could feel a trace of aura that was not easy to detect. I couldn't help but wondered in my heart.

Until she reached the innermost place, a pool of steaming hot spring appeared in front of her.

A strange premonition suddenly rose in her heart, and sure enough, the next moment, Qi Ye's eyes turned to her lightly, and said lazily: "Go down."

Lu Hehuan's face changed slightly, he stared blankly at Qi Ye, but did not move.

Seeing this, Qi Ye frowned slightly, and the next moment, the two puppets beside Lu Hehuan suddenly tore up all the clothes on her body, because the old wounds on her body these days had not healed and new ones were added. Some parts of her blood-stained clothes had grown together with the wound, and the rough movements of these two puppets seemed to forcefully tear off a layer of skin from her body!
"Ah—" At this time, Lu Hehuan couldn't help crying out in pain, her voice was very hoarse.

After the clothes were removed, her bloody body covered with wounds was exposed, which was terrifying.

However, there was no trace of emotion on Qi Ye's face, and the bottom of his eyes even turned slightly cold.

The next moment, the two puppets directly threw Lu Hehuan into the hot spring water.

As soon as he entered, the blood stained the whole hot spring red, and then the red hot spring water dropped, and after a while, the water returned to its original clear appearance.

Originally, Lu Hehuan was still very nervous, but after entering the hot spring water, there was a mysterious force in it that was constantly repairing her wounds, and her tightly curled up body unconsciously It stretched out.

This mysterious and gentle power even directly repaired the damaged meridians in her body, and because it was too comfortable, her nerves that had been tense for more than ten days finally relaxed. fell asleep.

Seeing this, Qi Ye snorted coldly, then turned around and left the place, while the two puppets who had been released had returned to the village as early as after throwing Lu Hehuan into the hot spring water, and began to slowly Cleaned up the corpses on the ground.

I don't know how long I have been ups and downs in this hot spring, I feel that my whole body is surrounded by warmth and a sense of security, and the wounds on my body are healing at an alarming speed.

The corpses in the village have been cleaned up by those two puppets. Now it seems that except for the original laughter, it seems that nothing happened in this village.

It was night, Qi Ye strolled to the side of the hot spring pool, and quietly looked at Lu Hehuan who seemed to have fallen asleep in the hot spring water.

Seeing such a peaceful expression on her face, Qi Ye's eyes flashed coldness, and the next moment, a spiritual energy hit Lu Hehuan.

"Ah..." Lu Hehuan woke up suddenly like a frightened rabbit, and saw Qi Ye standing next to the hot spring at a glance, and a chill rose directly from the bottom of his heart.

She quickly crossed her hands to protect her chest, and looked at Qi Ye with fear in her eyes.

Qi Ye said coldly: "After such a long time, I have made no progress other than recovering my body. It's a waste!"

Hearing this, Lu Hehuan's body trembled suddenly.

Seeing her appearance, Qi Ye snorted coldly again, then flipped his hands and took out a small black wooden box, and threw it in the direction of Lu Hehuan.

Lu Hehuan didn't dare not take it, and quickly stretched out a hand to catch the wooden box, opened it, and a elixir with a very pungent smell appeared in front of him.

The smell of this pill is very strange. In her last life, Lu Hehuan had seen many different pills, but like this one, she had almost never heard of it.

Lu Hehuan's eyes moved away from the pill, and then looked at Qi Ye, with a hint of puzzlement in his eyes.

Qi Ye went on to say: "It's time for you to form the alchemy too, take this elixir and prepare to form the alchemy."

After finishing speaking, Qi Ye turned around and left, leaving only Lu Hehuan alone in the hot spring, his face full of shock.

Now she is only at the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, and the spiritual energy in her body has not accumulated enough, and the time has not come. She actually wants to go directly to the late stage of Foundation Establishment, the three small realms of Foundation Establishment Dzogchen and Half-Step Golden Elixir. Is it alchemy? !
This... this is deadly!
Lu Hehuan's hand holding the wooden box trembled more and more, perhaps because her hand was shaking too much, the pill that was lying quietly in it suddenly fell down at this moment, and it was about to fall off in the next moment. Into the hot spring water.

Seeing this, Lu Hehuan panicked immediately, quickly caught the elixir, and at the same time, as if making up his mind, he stuffed the elixir directly into his mouth.

The next moment, she could feel that the repaired meridians in her body seemed to be forcibly torn open by something, and the piercing pain instantly made her struggle hard in the hot spring water.

"Ah—help, help! Help me—"

Inside the house, Qi Ye faintly listened to Lu Hehuan's cry for help coming from the direction of the hot spring, and snorted coldly with disdain in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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