Chapter 471
Bitch, she...will never be able to turn over...

Until now, Lu Hehuan can still clearly remember what Qiao Youxue said to her in the water prison back then. Every time she thinks about it, the thorn in her heart will pierce a drop of blood, causing her to be in pain all the time. Hate all the time.

She hated Qiao Youxue so much that after she was reborn, she lived in her image for revenge.

So vicious, unfeeling, and self-righteous.

But she must take revenge. In this life, she must personally behead Qiao Youxue to be willing!
Thinking like this, a trace of bitter hatred slowly rose from the bottom of her heart. At this moment, Lu Hehuan lowered her head and looked at her hands. She seemed to be able to see that her hands were covered with dirt Human blood, it was bright red and sticky, it was what she hated the most in the last life...

But in this life, she has become what she hated the most in the last life, a demon like Qiao Youxue. Perhaps in this life, she will no longer be able to ascend to the upper world with dignity as a cultivator, but in this life, she Even if she fell into the evil way, she must kill Qiao Youxue with her own hands!

Unknowingly, Lu Hehuan's eyes suddenly turned blood-like scarlet, the aura in her body suddenly became disordered, and the aura in her meridians seemed to feel the invasion of some outsider, and instantly became agitated , They fled, rampaged, or wanted to stand up and resist, but the next moment they were instantly swallowed by the outsider.

Lu Hehuan slowly closed those scarlet eyes. At this moment, such a scene appeared in her sea of ​​consciousness.

A gorgeous golden-feathered phoenix perched on the sycamore tree, and in an instant, the sycamore tree withered at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the end, only a dry trunk remained without a single leaf. The golden feather phoenix, because the sycamore tree he lived in had no vitality, became depressed at this time, and a bleak cold wind blew head-on, spreading from the edge to the most central sycamore tree. The ice layer instantly froze the entire sycamore tree, and the golden-feathered phoenix, which was attacked by the cold, screamed in pain in mid-air. Finally, its clear eyes slowly turned scarlet, and its whole body was golden. His feathers also began to slowly turn black like ink.

Phoenix's voice changed from melodious to shrill.

If Lu Hehuan could see the changes in herself at this time, she must be very shocked.

Because the aura that enveloped her whole body at this time was no longer aura, but a mass of black demonic energy, and her whole body became very terrifying amidst the lingering demonic energy.

After the last trace of aura in her body turned into demonic energy, Lu Hehuan suddenly opened her eyes, her scarlet pupils flashed, and after a while, she adjusted her internal energy and suppressed the newborn demonic energy in her body. After getting angry, the eyes gradually returned to their original color.

At this time, Lu Hehuan already understood in her heart that she is completely bewitched now.

She didn't know whether it was joy or sorrow in her heart, but she felt the abundant power brought to her by the tyrannical devil energy mixed with hatred and resentment in her body, and she felt a little more at ease.

And the panic and fear caused by being manipulated by Qi Ye in the past few days also subsided a lot at this time.

She has become stronger now, and will become stronger in the future!
In the early morning of the next day, after stabilizing the breath in her body, Lu Hehuan walked towards Qi Ye's room. When she came to the door of Qi Ye's room, the door suddenly opened by itself.

Seeing this, Lu Hehuan was stunned for a moment, then walked straight inside.

"It seems that you have gained a lot." Before she saw Qi Ye himself, she heard Qi Ye's voice from the room: "The rain last night was really heavy."

Hearing this, Lu Hehuan's eyes moved slightly.

She continued to walk forward, and the little figure in brocade clothes slowly appeared in her sight. Although his appearance was very cute, but the sinister aura emanating from him made people want to Get away now.

Now Lu Hehuan still has this kind of thought in her heart, but her current reason tells her that she must not escape.

Qi Ye looked Lu Hehuan up and down with his eyes, and then slowly put away the creepy smile on his face, and then said: "In one night, I advanced to become a monk of the golden core stage. , and let myself be completely reduced to a demon cultivator, my strength and cultivation have improved, and now it seems that we can cooperate better in the future."

Lu Hehuan heard what Qi Ye said was cooperation, but she also knew in her heart that the relationship between the two of them was simply that Qi Ye was enslaving her unconditionally!

At this moment, a cold light flashed across Lu Hehuan's eyes, and he said, "I want to kill Qiao Youxue with my own hands."

"So far, I won't let her die." Qi Ye put down these words coldly.

Hearing this, Lu Hehuan's expression changed drastically, he looked at Qi Ye and said in surprise, "Why, didn't you say that you wanted to kill Qiao Youxue too?!"

Seeing this, the corners of Qi Ye's lips could not help but hook upwards slightly, and then said innocently: "Really, did I say this before?"

Looking at Qi Ye's eyes that gradually turned cold, Lu Hehuan wanted to say something more, but at this moment, he could only suppress all the anger in his heart. Can crush her to death!
After being silent for a long time, Lu Hehuan couldn't help but said in a low voice, "Why..."

Qi Ye frowned slightly, and then replied: "Because she is guarded now."

"Then just kill the people who guarded her, wouldn't it be good?!" Lu Hehuan looked puzzled.

However, her words attracted Qi Ye's extremely cold eyes. At this moment, the air in the room seemed to be frozen. This very cold feeling made her body tremble uncontrollably. The next second, invisible There seemed to be an ice hand clamping her neck fiercely, making her breathless.

In an instant, I remembered the suffering I had suffered under this person these days. Like Qiao Youxue, this person is a mutated ice spirit root, and his method of torturing people is thousands of times more vicious than Qiao Youxue in his previous life!
Lu Hehuan quickly fell silent, stopped talking, and looked at Qi Ye in front of him with fear.

And Qi Ye only had a fit for a moment, and then his face turned cold, and he said fiercely to Lu Hehuan: "Don't let me hear you say such things again."

(End of this chapter)

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