The daily life of the villain

Chapter 472 2 Year Time

Chapter 472 Two years
Slowly, the cold power was slowly withdrawn, Lu Hehuan took a breath, but in his mind he had some doubts about the strange attitude that Qi Ye showed just now.

Who is that person guarding Qiao Youxue? Why did Qi Ye react so strongly when he was mentioned?
Time flies, in the blink of an eye, two years have passed.

In the land of the extreme north, after two years, Qiao Youxue's cultivation has also improved rapidly. Firstly, it is because the land of the extreme north is filled with very pure ice spirit energy, and secondly, it is because the land of the extreme north is full of pure ice aura. The earth is suffering catastrophe, and there is nowhere to go, so I can only relax and practice day and night.

And in the past two years, after the cleansing of the environment in this extreme north, Qiao Youxue's ice-like temperament became more obvious. She seemed to have grown a lot taller, and Wan Xingchi's body had also changed a lot. After this period of time passed, all the hostility on his body seemed to disappear.

Qiao Youxue has advanced to the middle stage of Golden Core, and at this moment, the spiritual energy in her body is also vaguely showing a tendency to break through.

Today, Qiao Youxue came back from the outside as usual, and saw that the snow wall outside had not been removed. After returning, she originally planned to continue practicing, but at this time, in the white snow, Wan Xingchi Sitting leisurely, she was fiddling with a pair of hairpins in her hands, and the light in her eyes flickered like stars.

The two hairpins are exactly the same, the whole body is as white as snow and as blue as ice, and the two crystal orbs are shining brightly under the sunlight, very eye-catching.

At this time Wan Xingchi raised his head slightly, saw Qiao Youxue walking slowly, the corners of his lips raised slightly, and then stood up from the snow, even though his body was not stained with snowflakes, he still Patted the hem of the clothes lightly, then walked towards Qiao Youxue's direction.

At this time, Qiao Youxue's eyes were naturally attracted by these two hairpins.

Wan Xingchi looked at Qiao Youxue in front of him, then his eyes moved slightly, he raised his hand and gently inserted the two hairpins into Qiao Youxue's bun, one on the left and one on each side, and after finishing these, he stepped back two Stepping forward, slightly supporting his chin with one hand, he seemed to be looking at her very seriously.

Seeing this, Qiao Youxue lightly touched the two hairpins on her head, she didn't know what Wan Xingchi had put on her, but she touched it, and there was nothing wrong with it, so she turned to her Looking into Wan Xingchi's eyes, he asked, "Does it look good?"

Hearing this, Wan Xingchi's gaze slowly moved down from the top of her head, and a pair of clear phoenix eyes met Qiao Youxue's, and instead of answering her question directly, he asked instead: "Are you asking about the hairpin? Or ask someone else?"

Qiao Youxue was slightly taken aback, then smiled and said, "Of course I'm asking Hairpin."

"It's not good-looking, it's not as good-looking as a human being at all." Wan Xingchi then replied.

Seeing this, Qiao Youxue's cheeks blushed slightly, and she looked particularly alluring against the backdrop of the white snow all over the sky.

Snowy Taoism
"Although the head of the sect has checked the history of Xueyu Taoism with the members of the Qiao family, there have always been people from the Qiao family who have stayed in our sect. If it really takes a hundred years for the extreme north to open again, then In order to welcome that young lady's return, will the Qiao family really have to wait here for hundreds of years?"

"It's been rumored in the world that Miss Qiao's family has died in the extreme north, but the members of Qiao's family have never made a statement, and they don't know if they will be able to welcome that young lady back after a hundred years."

On the road covered with snow, two disciples wearing snow-covered Taoist clothes were discussing leisurely.

"Fortunately, after this incident happened, the Qiao family did not exert pressure on our sect. Originally, this incident was the fault of Senior Sister Xueyi alone, but now it has implicated our entire Xueyu Taoism."

"It's not just because of this aspect. I also heard that when the avalanche happened that day, our sect leader spent half his life cultivating to open a loophole in the snow wall of the extreme north. Senior brother and that young lady came out of it just now, and our sect leader has not recovered until now, but at the beginning, she had already come out, but she went in by herself, so we can't blame us."

"But the cause of the matter is also because of Senior Sister Xueyi."


In a quiet courtyard within Xueyu Taoism, Qiao Yufeng sat quietly in front of a stone table, and on the table in front of him was a cup of sake.

A sound transmission paper crane fluttered down in front of him, Qiao Yufeng's eyes moved slightly, and then raised his hand to crush the sound transmission paper crane, Grandpa Qiao Yu's voice came from inside.

"Stinky boy, are you still hiding in the Snowy Taoism?"

Hearing this, Qiao Yufeng sighed lightly.

It's not without reason that Grandpa Qiao Yu said this.

When he heard the news about his sister from Xueyu Taoism, he was really anxious, as was the whole Qiao family. The whole family hurried to the place where the soul lamp was, until they saw Qiao Youxue's soul The lamp didn't go out, so they knew she was still alive, and everyone in the family breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing her soul lamp burning more and more, Qiao Yu couldn't help but joked that Qiao Youxue might not be able to turn back again. In order to die, they found a place that is most suitable for their cultivation and went to retreat. Since this girl wants to retreat, then they don't have to worry about her anymore, but what Xueyu Taoist did this time, can It's really unpleasant, so the Qiao family has to find trouble for this sect, and they can't let them bully the Qiao family's talents for nothing!
Therefore, Qiao Yufeng volunteered to go to Xueyu Taoism to "seek justice" for Qiao Youxue, and at the same time put some pressure on Xueyu Taoism. Domain Taoism a lesson.

So this lesson, once given is two years.

Qiao Yufeng admitted that both the Qingyun Sect and the Qiao family are located in the most prosperous areas in the cultivation world. There are people in the bustling places, and when there are too many people, there are always many people. He has long been tired of all the right and wrong, so Taking advantage of the time when his sister was trapped in the extreme north, he also came to this quiet and cold snowy Taoist place to escape. Anyway, grandfather Qiao Yu is still in good health, and father is also in high spirits. The great cause of this Qiao family, It's not his turn to support it yet.

But he also knew that the people from the Qiao family had been in the Xueyu Taoist for a day, and the Xueyu Taoist would never mention it in the same tone as Matsushita.

But Qiao Yufeng just likes this kind of comfort, so let Xueyu Taoist worry about it all day long, let's regard it as an additional punishment.

(End of this chapter)

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