Chapter 479
Hearing this, Qiao Youxue smiled lightly, and then said: "It seems that the land of the extreme north will change again, should we go out and have a look?"

"Okay." Wan Xingchi nodded lightly, and then the two flew forward together.

What Qiao Youxue expected was that the snow vortex in the right place had slowed down, and the number of spirit storm groups in the sky had gradually decreased, as if after a blizzard, the snow began to melt slowly. There are also places to step down.

On Zhu Yunfeng of Qingyun Sect, Elder Ji was about to take Tao Que to leave the sect for practice, when he happened to see Shen Qianqiu who was about to go out in front of the peak gate.

"Qianqiu, haven't you just returned to the sect, where are you going?" Elder Ji asked directly.

Hearing this, Shen Qianqiu looked at Elder Ji with a distressed expression, and then replied: "It's not that bad old man who burned a furnace of pills by himself, so I must take responsibility for him. It has already been blocked, and I am asked to find the snow ganoderma that is only unique to the extreme north, how can I find it!"

After Shen Qianqiu's words fell, Tao Que looked over immediately, and asked quickly: "Brother, do you know when the Extreme North will open again?"

"I guess it will take a long time, and I don't know the details." Shen Qianqiu continued.

Hearing this, Tao Que frowned slightly, and then asked: "Then will Senior Sister Qiao be in danger inside?"

After hearing Tao Que suddenly mention Qiao Youxue, Elder Ji suddenly remembered that it was because of Qiao Youxue that Tao Que was able to become his personal disciple, so he also knew Tao Que's concern for her.

But Shen Qianqiu didn't think so much, and replied directly: "It should be possible, after all, the place in the extreme north is very dangerous."

After his words fell, Tao Que's face changed suddenly, and he quickly looked at Elder Ji, his eyes were full of urgency, and then he said, "Master, can I... can I go to the extreme north?"

Hearing this, Elder Ji's eyes moved slightly, and then he said: "You also know that the extreme north has been sealed off at this time, people inside can't get out, and people outside can't get in, even if you Even if I go there, I won’t see Miss Qiao.”

When Shen Qianqiu heard the conversation between the master and the apprentice, surprise flashed across his eyes, and he said quickly, " know Qiao Youxue?"

"She is my benefactor." Tao Que looked at Shen Qianqiu and said without concealment.

Hearing these words, Shen Qianqiu was surprised, because in his impression, Qiao Youxue had always looked like a noble lady from a noble family, but he didn't expect that she would have a kind heart to help others.

Elder Ji also remembered the past at this time, so he sighed, looked at Tao Que and said, "However, the place where we practice can go north, after all, we have left the sect, and there will be rewards for practicing wherever we go .”

"In that case, maybe we can go together." Shen Qianqiu said with a smile.

Hearing this, Tao Que also smiled slightly, looked at Shen Qianqiu and nodded.

"It just so happens that I can also share my alchemy experience with Nephew Shen. I'm ashamed to say that this old man is more than 200 years older than Nephew Shen, and his attainments in alchemy are not as high as that of Nephew Shen." Elder Ji said directly.

Shen Qianqiu hastily replied: "The elder is over-rewarded. Although they are both fifth-rank alchemists, the experience of the younger generation is still not as much as that of the elder."

"You can become a fifth-rank alchemist at such a young age. You are really a genius." Elder Ji continued.

Shen Qianqiu laughed foolishly when he praised him, this is much better than that bad old man his master, that old man knows how to beat him every day, why did his parents find such a master for him at that time?

Elder Ji suddenly felt a little doubtful, and then asked: "It's just that this northern land has been closed, and there will be no snow ganoderma outside. How do you find it?"

"I have to go to Xueyu Taoism. Xueyu Taoism is near the extreme north. The disciples there often go to and from the extreme north for strength. Maybe someone has snow ganoderma in their hands. I'll go and see if they can It cannot be bought from them." Shen Qianqiu said.

Hearing this, Elder Ji nodded and said, "That's true."

In the mysterious village, Lu Hehuan stood in front of the original hot spring, his eyes fixed on the direction ahead.

Suddenly a dark gray light burst out from the shallow water surface, and Lu Hehuan's eyes lit up suddenly.

The next moment, warm spring water burst out from below.

Seeing this, Lu Hehuan's figure instantly flew backwards, avoiding the jet of hot spring water far away, and after the spring water that blocked his sight fell down, a dark gray basaltic figure half a person tall appeared in front of him. Before Lu Hehuan's eyes.

Seeing this, Lu Hehuan's brows twitched, and the tails of his eyes rose slightly.

She walked in the direction of Xuanwu.

After accepting the inheritance, Xuanwu is still a little uncomfortable with his current body. The practice of cultivation should be in line with the laws of heaven, especially for monks. Therefore, it is impossible for a person among the monks to pour his own cultivation into others, but Heavenly Dao is very tolerant to divine beasts.

Divine beasts can accept the inheritance of their predecessors and inherit their power, but ten points of power can only be inherited by the younger generation. Even so, the power inherited from Xuanwu is still very powerful.

However, because the newborn body suddenly received such a powerful force, it is bound to be a little uncomfortable. These Lu Hehuans have already heard what Qi Ye said, so they plan to let Xuanwu rest for a few days.

Lu Hehuan walked in front of Xuanwu, then raised his hand to touch Xuanwu's head, his eyes were filled with uncontrollable excitement and said: "Huaiqing, your current cultivation level has directly improved to the late stage of Jindan!"

At this time, Xuanwu slowly regained consciousness, looked at Lu Hehuan in front of him, and nodded awkwardly.

Lu Hehuan then said: "For the next two days, you should take a good rest and get used to your current body. After you recover, we will leave this place."

Xuanwu nodded his bulky head again.

But Lu Hehuan's eyes had a ray of light that was bound to win.

When Xuanwu accepted the inheritance, she heard from Qi Ye that Qiao Youxue was now trapped in the extreme north, which was a very dangerous place, and she would die if she was not careful.

She better die there!
However, the first task Qi Ye gave her was related to Qiao Youxue.

Qi Ye calculated that the land of the extreme north was about to open, at that time, she had to find Qiao Youxue and get two things from her.

(End of this chapter)

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