The daily life of the villain

Chapter 480 The Red Rope

Chapter 480 The Red Rope
One is called Yangming, and the other is called Yinmo.

This caused Lu Hehuan a headache. Now she felt that she could kill Qiao Youxue, but when Qi Ye assigned her the task, he deliberately emphasized that as long as she got those two things from her, she would definitely not be able to kill Qiao Youxue. She was killed.

And as long as she sees Qiao Youxue's face, she can't wait to eat her alive!
The sky gradually darkened, and Qiao Youxue and Wan Xingchi had already flown to the outer edge of the extreme north. At this time, the storm level in the outer edge was already at the same level as the innermost one. It can be imagined that after this, the extreme north The land should be able to return to its original appearance soon.

Wan Xingchi looked at the black snow wall in front of him, his eyes moved slightly, and then he raised his hand and hit it with a wave of spiritual power. After his spiritual power hit it, it only caused a few waves on the snow wall That's all, the snow wall still hasn't changed.

Seeing this, Qiao Youxue said, "Maybe it will take some time."

Hearing this, Wan Xing nodded his head, and then said: "After some time, some foreign objects that once caused trouble in the extreme north should come out."

"Then let's just wait here for the next two days. We can go out in a few days." Qiao Youxue replied.

After a month.

Snowy Taoism

A very grand dual cultivation ceremony was going on, and the guests were all famous people in the cultivation world, and the entire Xueyu Taoism was very lively.

However, everyone also knew that they were destined not to see the bride in person during this double cultivation ceremony.

But when it was about to start, Yu Shili, as a newcomer, was not on the main peak where the wedding was held.

Qiao Yufeng didn't intend to visit this ceremony, but he was still sitting alone in the courtyard, holding a chess piece, and was seriously watching the endgame on the chessboard in front of him.

Suddenly a knock on the door from outside woke him up, Qiao Yufeng raised his head slightly, and then let his consciousness go, and found that the person who came was Yu Shili who was dressed in red, his eyes flickered slightly After a touch of surprise.

"Come in." Qiao Yufeng quickly recovered and said.

After finishing speaking, Qiao Yufeng continued to look down at the endgame on the chessboard. After Yu Shili walked in, his eyes were gradually attracted by the endgame.

At this time, he was clearly dressed in red, but his aura was still very indifferent. It had to be said that the red clothes did not suit him very well.

Qiao Yufeng twisted the chess pieces in his hands, slowly raised his head, looked at Yu Shili and asked, "Today is your day of great joy, why do you remember me here?"

Yu Shili was tall and tall, standing there tall and straight, a light flashed in a pair of beautiful eyes, and after a moment of silence, he said lightly: "The time has not come yet, so there is no need to go ahead."

"It seems that Brother Yu is the same as me, Xi Jing." Qiao Yufeng lowered his head and smiled softly, then raised his hand, and dropped the black chess piece in his hand on the board. On the Internet, the black and white situation immediately became clear.

Seeing this, Yu Shili raised his hand slightly, and saw a white chess piece in the box fly up, paused slightly in mid-air, and then landed on a certain place on the board.

It was just that one child was dropped, and the situation changed drastically in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Qiao Yufeng's expression also changed, he slightly raised his hand, and took out another black chess piece, holding it in his hand and thinking slowly.

Yu Shili's eyes fell on Qiao Yufeng's eyebrows.

The more I look at it, the more it resembles...

Unknowingly, the figure that he had only met a few times but was already very familiar appeared in his mind again, and his breathing gradually became short of breath.

After all, I still can't see it.

Sometimes after he settled down, he would think, if Qiao Youxue hadn't been trapped in the extreme north, and if he could see her, would he be shaken to be the one who married Ci Xueyi today? decide?
He knew it was wrong, but he couldn't control his thoughts.

Even now, he clearly knew that he should quietly wait for the ceremony of the double cultivation ceremony at the main peak, but he still couldn't help coming to this place, just wanting to take another look at the eyebrows and eyes that are eighty percent similar to Qiao Youxue, Even if it wasn't her at all.

Qiao Yufeng was thinking seriously, and suddenly noticed Yu Shili's burning eyes looking at him, he quickly looked at Yu Shili, and found that his eyes were indeed on him without dodging at this time, Qiao Yufeng Feng was slightly stunned, and then said: "Brother Yu, is there something on my face?"

Hearing this, Yu Shili quickly came back to his senses, and after looking away from himself, he did not answer his question, but turned to look at the chessboard, raised his hand and a sunspot flew out, and landed steadily. At a certain place on the chessboard, the endgame situation was pulled back again.

Qiao Yufeng's attention was also attracted by his move, and he looked at the endgame again. After carefully analyzing every move made by Yu Shili just now, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Wonderful."

Yu Shili's eyes dimmed, and then he said: "It's getting late, I should go."

Qiao Yufeng's thoughts quickly got out of the chessboard again, but when he looked at his side again, Yu Shili had long since disappeared, which made him extremely puzzled. What do you mean, a sudden visit for no reason, without any explanation, just took two moves and then left in a hurry, can't help but make people curious...

Thinking this way, Qiao Yufeng put down the chess piece in his hand and stood up.

Now, he is interested in going to the main peak to have a look...

"One salute, worship the heavens and the earth!"

"Second salute, worship Taoist ancestor!"

Although Qiao Yufeng was among the crowd, he could still clearly see the scene on the high platform.

Yu Shili was dressed in red, and his figure was very tall and straight. A red rope was wrapped around his little finger, and the red rope directly extended to the ground beside him, on top of the neatly placed phoenix crown and Xiapei.

People only watched the handsome and cold man bend over all these etiquettes in silence. At the end, the master of ceremonies shouted "Licheng", and saw the man's body with his back to the people, standing on the high platform. like a statue.

Sect head Yu He sat on the most honored position, as the master of a sect, and also as Yu Shili's master, looking at the man in red under the stage, a trace of relief appeared in his eyes.

Now, his body is still unable to recover, and it is getting worse day by day. It seems that there are some things that should be said in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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