Chapter 652
Yangming's voice became more and more harsh: "If it wasn't for the reincarnation, how could you appear here now? If it wasn't for the reincarnation, how could you have a new life!"

As soon as the words fell, Qiao Youxue's scarlet eyes suddenly slid a stream of tears.

Yes, if it wasn't for reincarnation, how could she travel to the world in this book, and now, she can no longer tell whether this is a world in a book or a real existence, which she can feel , and only she is here, feeling that she has life.

She in the original world is gone, and reincarnation gave her a second life. Even though this road is more difficult and dangerous than everything she has experienced before, it is precisely such a road of seeking Tao. It made her feel her own life, not only her own life, but more people's, even other creatures in this world, so truly felt...

She loves the common people in this world. If she can, she is willing to contribute her strength to protect these creatures. In addition to her lover, there are many friends she doesn't want to leave, because she is afraid of leaving and losing, which also shapes her now.

After a burst of noise, Yang Ming looked coldly at the woman who collapsed powerlessly in front of him, and was suddenly moved for a moment.

This woman has lived with me for a long time.

But it is not allowed to have its own feelings, it is part of the reincarnation.

Qiao Youxue rested her head on her arm, staring blankly at the front, the tears on her face had dried up.

"The catastrophe and turbulence between the heaven and the earth is due to the sudden emergence of variables. If this catastrophe is to be quelled, one of the two variables must disappear." Qiao Youxue said word by word. The almond eyes are slowly recovering their light.

Yang Ming was silent.

Qiao Youxue then raised her right hand, looking at the bracelet on her wrist that was transformed into a funeral, an image appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Like a stone statue in Fu Nian Valley, the Second Elder who is always sitting there and practicing rigorously, is the one who once beat himself to death with an ice-blue bone whip, and is also the one who will always stand no matter what happens. Behind her, even the person who handed over the Tianzi Token to her.

Next, she took off her bracelet from her wrist.

She took her storage ring off her hand again.

Thinking of the things inside, the little old man who kept circling her in the mortal world, smiling and trying to sell her the mortal martial arts "Cheats of Tyrant Tyrant" appeared in his mind, and also the aura all over his body Misty, the person who opened the magic pillar that trapped her with a ray of golden light, her nominal master, Elder Li.

She also has a storage ring. Every time she sees this, Qiao Yufeng's endless nagging and exhortations seem to echo in her ears. In fact, Yufeng is a really cold-hearted person. He likes to be lively and doesn't like to talk, but due to family reasons, he will have to take care of the entire Qiao family in the future. He does what he doesn't like the most every day, especially nagging and exhorting, which is what he least likes to hear Yes, except for my own sister.

and also……

Qiao Youxue took off the ice-blue hairpin on her head, the macaron on her neck, and the three meanings in her hand...

After doing all this, she didn't realize that her face was covered with tears.

"What are you going to do?" There was a tremor in Yang Ming's voice.

"I once promised that when I go back, the world will be peaceful. If it is too difficult to go back, then I will beg...the world will be peaceful." Qiao Youxue slowly stood up from the ground while talking, and then Looking at the lotus pond not far away, the lotus pond was surrounded by hostility, and the stories in the original book surged in his mind.

"She wasn't a bad person in the first place." Qiao Youxue said in a low voice, "It's all because of hatred."

Qiao Youxue once thought about it deeply. In the original book, Lu Hehuan ascended to the sky at the end, so why is she reborn now?
Later, when she remembered the first time she saw Lu Hehuan in this life, Qiao Youxue suddenly understood the deep hatred she felt towards her.

She couldn't get over the barrier in her heart.

Among Qiao Youxue and Lu Hehuan, only one person can live, and the world will slowly return to normal.

She had worked so hard to make herself the one who survived, but what Yang Ming said just now was so ironic in her ears.

She didn't belong to this world in the first place, it was Samsara Ferry who forcibly brought her here, if it wasn't for Samsara Ferry, she would have been reincarnated and re-entered Samsara now, how could she suddenly appear now, disrupting the original order of this world .

If Lu Hehuan was the only one reborn back then, she might have chosen to take revenge, let go of her obsessions, and really ascended to immortality, and all of this was only due to her sudden appearance.

Suddenly there was another chill in my heart.

Sure enough, this is a story written for Lu Hehuan.

"What do you want to do?" Yangming watched Qiao Youxue walking forward step by step, and there was already a pile of treasures that she abandoned on the ground where she was originally, but now her black hair is hanging down like a waterfall. When he came down, he was only wearing a simple black suit, without any accessories.

Her steps were crisp and sharp, and every time she took a step forward, the breath around her became more relieved.

Yangming suddenly felt something, this thing has a strong echo with itself, yes, that's right, when the Samsara Ferry was shattered and the Samsara Ferry lost its balance, it followed this breath that echoed itself in the distance, Clinging to Qiao Youxue's body, after so many years, it finally felt this breath from Qiao Youxue's body again.

All of a sudden, the white rays of light that were still in the air began to gather, and gathered on Yangming's body again, reappearing that white light ball.

As soon as Bai Guang moved, he caught up with Qiao Youxue.

Qiao Youxue cast a sideways glance at Yangming, who was chasing after her, and lowered her beautiful almond eyes slightly.

"After today, please help me take care of Lu Hehuan. If she...can't bring peace to this world, I will definitely make a comeback." Qiao Youxue said lightly, even though she knew that there was no way out for her on this trip.

Now she has left Elder Li, Second Elder, parents and brothers, Wan Xingchi...all kinds of people she cares about behind her.

Qiao Youxue knew that she was defeated in the end. She never thought that the person who should be damned in the end was herself.

(End of this chapter)

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