The daily life of the villain

Chapter 653 Animal Bone

Chapter 653 Animal Bone
Mo Yi went around behind Lu Hehuan, holding a wooden box in his hand, and when he was hesitating whether to give this animal bone to her, he also wanted to surprise her.

Lu Hehuan sat on a rock and tightly wrapped the clothes around her body. For some reason, she suddenly felt as if something was about to happen.

This was a feeling she had never felt before.

In the past few days when she was with Mo Yi, pictures of her previous life often appeared in her mind. When she thought of her last life, although she had a difficult life, her heart had never suffered as much as now. A demon cultivator, whose hands were covered with the blood of innocent people, was hunted down by so many people...

Is such a day really what she wants?

Obviously from the beginning, she just wanted to kill Qiao Youxue for revenge.

Mo Yi's voice suddenly sounded from behind.

"If this animal bone can heal your wounds, you can take it."

Lu Hehuan turned around, and saw Mo Yi holding a wooden box in her hand, walking towards her.

She lowered her eyes, this scene is the same as the previous life, Mo Yi will still fall in love with her, and will hold this piece of animal bone in front of her with her own hands, but in this life, what she wants is not just this piece of animal bone .

At the end of her opinion, she didn't speak, a trace of sadness flashed in her eyes, and then she asked: "You... what's wrong?"

Mo Yi was very nervous about Lu Hehuan's mood.

Lu Hehuan raised his eyes, looked at Mo Yi, hooked his lips and smiled faintly, and then said: "It's okay, this animal should take it back, the wound on my body can't be healed, or Don't waste this animal bone."

After her words fell, Mo Yi's heart was suddenly tightened, and she hurried forward a few steps and asked, "Didn't you say that your injury is not serious? Are you trying to comfort me?"

Lu Hehuan met Mo Yi's eager eyes, and a helpless smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. She raised her hand and gently touched Mo Yi's cheek: "A Yi, I don't want you to worry. I don't have much time left. For the rest of the time, can you come and accompany me well?"

Mo Yi frowned, and he shook his head: "No, there must be a solution, right? He Huan, as long as it allows you to continue living in this world, I will find you whatever you need."

Lu Hehuan's eyes moved, and then he looked behind Mo Yi. Behind him was the skeleton of a monster beast that was completely hidden in the thick black hostility.

Looking at the whole animal bone, greed flashed in Lu Hehuan's eyes.

"Ayi, don't think about it anymore, let's live the rest of the day well, okay?" Lu Hehuan said slowly again.

However, just as her voice fell, there was a very strong fluctuation in the pool water, and this fluctuation was directed towards the direction of the two of them.

Lu Hehuan stood up suddenly, she didn't know why she made such a big noise, but now she didn't have time to think about anything, her eyes were fixed on the direction of the wave.

The first thing she saw was a dazzling white light, and then, the woman in black slowly appeared in front of her eyes. This face that Lu Hehuan could never imagine, was also the one she wanted to kill in her dreams. people.

In an instant, countless questions flooded Lu Hehuan's mind, but at this moment, she subconsciously took a step back.

The last man standing behind Lu Hehuan saw this, his complexion became more serious, and he moved, and stood next to Lu Hehuan, a position where he could take care of no matter what happened to her.

Qiao Youxue stopped a few meters in front of Lu Hehuan, and Yangming stayed beside her.

It still followed, even though Qiao Youxue came here to die.

Lu Hehuan looked at the woman standing in front of him at this time, she was still the same as usual, but a little different...

She was startled in her heart, Qiao Youxue was not on her body, the storage ring was not on her hand, and even the hairpin used to tie her hair was gone. At this moment, she seemed to have nothing on her. Tuan Baiguang has no fighting power at all...

What purpose will she have?
Mo Yi spoke first to break the silence: "Who are you, that you dare to break into my place without permission?"

In fact, under normal circumstances, Mo Yi would not have said these words at all, but would have killed that person directly, but at this moment, seeing that Lu Hehuan seemed to know the person in front of him, he considered it for a moment Only then did he speak.

Hearing this, Qiao Youxue's eyes slowly turned to Mo Yi's body. After sizing him up, she turned to look at Lu Hehuan, and said slowly, "It must be Mo Yi."

After Qiao Youxue's voice fell, Lu Hehuan and Mo Yi's faces were shocked at the same time.

"How do you know my name?" Mo Yi asked immediately.

But Qiao Youxue didn't intend to talk to him anymore, her quiet almond eyes were always looking at Lu Hehuan.

It's really strange, now she really doesn't know what kind of mentality she should have to face this person in front of her, how many times she wanted to kill this person by her own sword, how many times , The two of them confront each other, between them, there should be a life-and-death situation between them, no matter what, Qiao Youxue is already prepared, but she is the only one who has not prepared for the current scene, she is willing to use her life to come In exchange for the obsession in Lu Hehuan's heart disappearing, she once again assumes the identity of the daughter of destiny and the savior of the world.

Lu Hehuan frowned tightly, and then said: "You even know your final intention, what else do you know?!"

"I know many things, how you were born, how your parents died, how you spent your life, know all the details of your life, how many men you loved, how many people you lost How many close friends have you made, those treasures you have obtained, did you ascend." Qiao Youxue said in a low voice.

Lu Hehuan's eyes were wide open, and his brows were tightened even more: " did you know everything?"

At this time, Lu Hehuan was completely in doubt about these things. She was not worried at all that Qiao Youxue would attack her, because Mo Yi was standing beside her, and even though Qiao Youxue was still stronger than herself, She has nothing in her hand, even if Mo Yi doesn't make a move, she can't beat herself.

Qiao Youxue looked at her: "These are not important anymore, because all I know is the you you used to be, but the you now are different from before. The you in the past never thought that one day you would become an indiscriminate killer. Innocent demon cultivator."

(End of this chapter)

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