The daily life of the villain

Chapter 673 Fallen Immortal Xia Ci

Chapter 673 Fallen Immortal Xia Ci
Hearing what he said, Qiao Youxue couldn't help but recall that when she first came to this world, she was called by the second elder to check it many times, and even used the seal of life and death...

But in the end, no one noticed the abnormality in her body. Thinking of this, Qiao Youxue couldn't help but frowned: "Why?"

"I think, maybe there is some kind of connection between the world you mentioned and the current world. The body you are in now originally belonged to you. There is only one soul in the ruins." Wan Xingchi said slowly.

Qiao Youxue's brows were tightly frowned: "Impossible, I have met the soul of the original owner of this body before, and the two of us are fundamentally different existences."

"But she entered the Ruins of Return. No one knows where it is. Maybe there is a possibility in this world. This possibility exist in this world, and at the same time, you exist in the Ruins of Return. Middle..." Wan Xingchi's eyes became more and more serious.

Although Qiao Youxue was somewhat skeptical about this point of view, when she entered this body, nothing uncomfortable happened. Could it be that she is really Qiao Youxue herself?

Soul, return to ruins...

Just when Qiao Youxue was wondering, suddenly a voice approached slowly from a distance.

"Guixu, beyond the six realms, not among the five elements, little girl, have you been to that place?"

Qiao Youxue and Wan Xingchi hurriedly looked in the direction where the voice came from, and saw a cleanly dressed, young man in his twenties, but with silver hair, walking towards them slowly, with a blank expression on his face , but a pair of eyes that can be said to bewitch all living beings are always staring at Qiao Youxue's direction.

The man was tall and straight, with an ethereal aura all over his body, but there was also a lot of coldness mixed in this ethereal, which made people feel awe.

But seeing the majesty of this man's eyebrows, Qiao Youxue's heart moved slightly, presumably, this is the fallen fairy who was knocked down to the heaven.

On the ground, the cultivation world and the mortal world exist in parallel, both of which belong to the human world, and above the human world is the heaven world, which is the place where immortals live, and among these immortals, most of them originally belonged to the heaven world Yes, there are only a few people who have been cultivated by humans and ascended to heaven. After becoming immortals, they can live forever in the heavens, and their future partners and offspring will also be people in the heavens. After the immortals committed some unforgivable sins in the heavens, the worst result is to be knocked down from the heavens and return to the cultivation world with the body of a fallen fairy. The worst result is to be destroyed in reincarnation, and then completely disappear in the six realms.

People in the realm of comprehension have practiced hard for tens of thousands of years, all they have done is to be able to ascend to the heavens and become an immortal, so every immortal who ascends from here must cherish their opportunities very much and will never make any big mistakes , since the beginning of the world, this is the only fallen immortal in the cultivation world.

The silver-haired man walked over slowly, his eyes still fixed on Qiao Youxue.

Qiao Youxue quickly came to her senses, and quickly replied: "I have never been to Guixu, but...a soul I know, she was in Guixu once..."

"You're lying." The man still looked straight at Qiao Youxue.

Wan Xingchi frowned slightly, and then stood sideways in front of Qiao Youxue.

After noticing Wan Xingchi's actions, the silver-haired man's face moved slightly, then he looked at Wan Xingchi, and said in a slightly calmer tone: "Don't worry, I didn't mean anything malicious, the reason why I said this The girl is lying, it is not about whether she has been to Guixu, but... her body has never been taken away."

"Your Excellency is that Lord Fallen Immortal." Wan Xingchi said.

After his words fell, the silver-haired man lowered his eyes slightly: "Except for a pair of fairy bones, I am just a human being who can no longer go to that place. You don't need to call me an adult, just call me Xiaci."

"Junior Qiao Youxue, pay my respects to Senior Xia, what did you mean by saying that my body has never been taken away?" Qiao Youxue asked.

Xia Ci looked at Qiao Youxue again. This time, his mood was much more stable. It can be seen that he was a little excited because of what he heard just now. He replied to Qiao Youxue: "The fact is just like this young master's guess just now. I can see that your soul and body match very well, so this body belongs to you in the first place."

Qiao Youxue still felt a little absurd, could it be that there is a phantom formation in this Taoyuan Wonderland?
She thought that the sudden appearance of Xia Ci was just a phantom, but Xia Ci's captivating eyes had already seen through Qiao Youxue's thoughts at this time, and he said slowly: "If you don't believe me, we can Verify."

"How to verify?" Qiao Youxue asked.

Xia Ci said slowly again: "I will temporarily extract your soul from the body, the appearance of your soul must be the same as the appearance of this body."

Qiao Youxue waved her hand, and then said: "Senior should have heard that I came from another world. Of course, I know that my appearance is definitely different from Qiao Youxue..."

She spoke slowly, and her voice suddenly stopped.

In her last life, her appearance was outstanding and her figure was very enviable. She was the type who would be approached by scouts while walking on the road. However, her original appearance was quite different from Qiao Youxue's current style. The difference is that she originally had that flamboyant and charming appearance, but now Qiao Youxue's body is cold and glamorous.

Although she told Wan Xingchi that she was not the real Miss Qiao, but he had never seen her original appearance. I wonder what kind of expression he would have when he saw her real appearance?

It was precisely because of this thought that Qiao Youxue hesitated.

As for Wan Xingchi, after hearing Xia Ci's words, he slowly frowned. He could feel the strength of the person in front of him, and he was definitely not something he could deal with. This made him always be vigilant towards Xia Ci. Especially when he heard that he wanted to take Qiao Youxue's soul out of his body, the first thought in his mind was to object.

Once the soul leaves the body, it means that the person has lost the power to protect himself. Once something goes wrong with Pangxue's soul or any part of his body, it will be irreparable damage!
(End of this chapter)

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