The daily life of the villain

Chapter 674 Looking at the Soul

Chapter 674 Looking at the Soul

Xia Ci naturally also noticed Wan Xingchi's worries at this time, he didn't speak, just waiting for him to figure it out.

If he really had the intention of harming others, even if he didn't need to use the method of mobilizing his soul, the two of them would never be able to escape from his grasp.

Qiao Youxue hesitated for a moment, breaking the silence.

"Okay, I agree, Senior Xia, please." Qiao Youxue nodded slightly towards Xia Ci.

To be honest, she now also wants to know if she is the original owner of this body.

If so, it can only be said that all these things are somehow connected, and the person who can finally cross into this world is her and not someone else, maybe it is because she originally belonged to this world...

If not, then it can only be said that Samsara Du saved her life.

After Qiao Youxue agreed, the doubts in Wan Xingchi's heart subsided for a while, and then she moved away, letting Xia Ci face Qiao Youxue.

"I'm sorry." Xia Ci's thin lips moved lightly, and the next moment a white light shot out from his hand and poured into Qiao Youxue's body. Xia Ci paid special attention to not letting Qiao Youxue feel the pain of being stripped of her soul. When her soul was pulled out by a suction force, she slowly opened her eyes, and the first thing she saw was Xia Ci's pair of Gujing Wubo's eyes.

With a thought in her mind, she immediately turned around and saw Qiao Youxue's body standing in front of her with her eyes slightly closed, and was supported by Ban Xingchi before she could fall down.

Qiao Youxue also looked at Wan Xingchi, and saw that he was also looking at her with phoenix eyes, and there seemed to be some surprised emotion in those beautiful eyes.

"The soul should not leave the body for too long." Soon, Xia Ci's voice came from Qiao Youxue's ear, and the next moment, Qiao Youxue saw a white light flickering in Qiao Youxue's body. After a glance, the whole person was dragged into the body again.

After the body and soul were reunited, Qiao Youxue moved her limbs twice, opened her eyes, and looked at Wan Xingchi.

"He's right," Wan Xingchi knew that what Qiao Youxue wanted now was an answer. When her soul left her body, she couldn't see her own soul, but he and Xia Ci did. So Wan Xingchi went on to say: "Your body and soul have the same face, Fat Xue, maybe... none of this is a coincidence."

A light flashed in Qiao Youxue's eyes, she raised her hand to touch her face, and frowned: "How is this possible, I clearly remember... I clearly remember that I was not like this back then."

"The you back then... Have you ever seen the appearance of your own soul?" After Xia Ci's words fell, Qiao Youxue's heart skipped a beat.

That's right, in the last life, she was just the most ordinary mortal, how could she practice Taoism like she is now, and be able to see things like souls and spirits...

"Then... how should I explain my life in the previous life?" Qiao Youxue still couldn't believe it.

"You are you now, and you were you in the past." Xia Ci's face has always been so calm, he rarely has such a strong interest in one thing, but this Qiao Youxue in front of him is different, He rolled his eyes, and then said: "It may be just a certain life in your soul's reincarnation, but in the end, you will eventually walk on this path of cultivation."

"This..." Qiao Youxue gradually understood.

"Now, what I want to know is another thing." Xia Ci's eyes suddenly locked on her again, as before, with a faintly visible scorching heat.

"What senior wants to know is about returning to the ruins?" Qiao Youxue said with a bit more seriousness in her eyes.

Xia Ci nodded, then raised his hand towards Qiao Youxue's neck, just when his fingers were about to touch Qiao Youxue's skin, a white hand suddenly appeared out of nowhere and stopped him.

Xia Ci was slightly taken aback, then his eyes turned to Wan Xingchi.

"What do you want to do?" Wan Xingchi asked, with a touch of impatience in his tone.

Xia Ci quickly figured out the relationship between Wan Xingchi and Qiao Youxue, and also realized that his actions just now were somewhat elusive, so he withdrew his hand, then looked at Qiao Youxue and said slowly: "Little Girl, I have nothing wrong with you, but there are indeed some people in this world, and there is a connection between them and Guixu. You said earlier that the original owner of this body is now in Guixu, and The original owner of this body is the same person as you, so I guess, there may be traces of returning to the ruins on your body."

"How do you see it?" Qiao Youxue asked.

"I once saw that pattern on... the back of her neck, and after looking through the books in the heavens, I realized that the pattern represented the return to the ruins. I went to search for records about the return to the ruins, but found nothing , So, if you don't mind, can you let me take a you have that pattern on the back of your neck?" Xia Ci lowered his eyes, making it impossible to discern his current emotions.

Qiao Youxue said bluntly, "I don't have any patterns on the back of my neck. If there were, how could I not know about them?"

"No," Xia Ci suddenly raised his eyes, looked at Qiao Youxue, and said seriously, "There is a secret method that can hide the pattern well, and that kind of secret method is neither from the heavens nor from the heavens." Those in the human world, and not in the demon world... are not in the Six Realms, not in the Five Elements, so I have always believed that this kind of secret technique belongs to Guixu."

"Why do you care so much about returning to the ruins?" Wan Xingchi narrowed his eyes slightly.

Xia Ci was stunned for a moment, then smiled helplessly, and then replied: "Because...a close friend of mine, like this little girl, is a person who returned to the ruins."

"The person who returned to the ruins?" Qiao Youxue's doubts grew more and more.

Xia Ci looked at Qiao Youxue, and her straight lips were slightly bent. Just when Qiao Youxue was surprised whether this person was smiling with her just now, he looked at Wan Xingchi again, and said : "Little brother, if I'm not mistaken, you have the aura of the devil world on your body."

"Yeah." Wan Xingchi didn't deny it, but said lightly.

"Senior Xia..." Qiao Youxue's brows were slightly frowned. If it was about the breath of the demon world, it should be from her body, because the other side of her Qiling is itself a demon race...

"Little girl, how much do you know about him?" Xia Ci asked suddenly.

After his words fell, it was like a heavy hammer hitting Qiao Youxue's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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