Chapter 686
Even though Wan Xingchi is the beloved disciple of the head of Jian Xing, he actually works with this evildoer. Even if he is the elder of Tianjianzong, he can't protect this person, but this son is indeed very talented, and he will have to bear it in the future. Assuming the great responsibility of the Heavenly Sword Sect, if he executes Wan Xingchi and this monster together, I'm afraid that the head of Jian Xing will be unhappy. Thinking of this, Elder Wu Su's thoughts moved, and he opened his mouth and said to Wan Xingchi : "You also follow, go to Tianjianzong together, and wait for your master to pass down the order before we deal with you!"

After Elder Wu Su's words fell, the following elders all showed a trace of contempt in their eyes.

This Qiao Youxue is Qing Yunzong's treasure, you treat him like this, and what Wan Xingchi did just now is not according to Qiao Youxue's rules, but you still have such an attitude, I didn't expect that this time Elder Wu Su always He is rigorous in doing things, but in the end he is also a double-faced man.

However, these elders only secretly slandered behind their backs. At this time, no one dared to offend the Heavenly Sword Sect except the elders of the Qingyun Sect, but at this time, there were only Qingyun Sect members among these people.

Having just stepped into the Tianyin Sect, Qiao Youxue suddenly thought of something when she saw the women in pink clothes coming and going in the sect.

I still remember hearing from that ghost cultivator Qian Cheng that a female cultivator of the Tianyin Sect who entered the seventh-floor Mystery Tower finally died under the hands of Lu Hehuan. The master of the disciples is still unknown.

But what if you know, even if you want to take revenge, the enemy is already dead.

Things in this world are always changing so fast, just like she was a glamorous genius in the cultivation world a moment ago, but now she has become a monster that everyone despises.

The torrential rain is still going on, and the head of the Tianyin Sect, Qinyue Fairy, is already hundreds of years old, but because of proper maintenance and non-stop consumption of beauty products, she still looks about 20 years old at this time, with a Slender and slim, dressed in light pink clothes, she is also very eye-catching among the young and beautiful female cultivators.

Above the main hall, when Elder Wu Su and his group came here belatedly with Qiao Youxue and Wan Xing, Fairy Qinyue of Tianyin Sect had already got the news and was waiting in the main hall early.

"Sky Sword Sect Wu Su, I have seen Fairy Qinyue." Elder Wu Su took the lead and saluted Fairy Qinyue, followed by all the elders also saluted one after another.

Fairy Yue Yue, who was sitting on the high seat, stood up in person and returned the salutes one by one. After finishing all these, she turned her attention to Qiao Youxue and Wan Xingchi.

"Purple eyes, beyond the sky." Fairy Qinyue fixed her eyes on Qiao Youxue's face, she paused for a moment, and then said slowly: "Nephew Qiao's eyes seem to have a bit of charm."

"Qingyue Fairy," Boss Wu Su continued with a straight face, "There has never been a person with purple pupils in this world. If there is, it must be a monster from outside the sky, and it concerns the whole person." The life and death of the world, please stop teasing Fairy Yue."

Qiao Youxue met Fairy Yue Yue's gaze, she turned her eyes away and looked at Elder Wu Su with a half-smile, it was really hard to guess what was going on in her heart.

"Elder Wu Su's words are wrong. I'm just looking at the back as an elder, so how can it be considered a joke?" Fairy Qinyue chuckled, then raised her hand, and continued: " Elders, I have someone here who wants to see you."

After her voice fell, the elders were puzzled.

Qiao Youxue couldn't help but also looked more seriously at the head of the Tianyin Sect who was only in her twenties, but was already the same age as the elders around her.

Looking at her words, it seems that there is no malice towards her, but some dissatisfaction with Elder Wu Su, but it is difficult for people to see, what exactly does this head want to do?
Fairy Qinyue also noticed Qiao Youxue's gaze at this time, and the corners of her lips could not help but slightly raised, and she blinked at Qiao Youxue calmly.

At this time, all the monks who were insensitive and sensitive heard a footstep approaching their direction unhurriedly, and the footsteps came from the direction of the inner hall, so Everyone's eyes couldn't help but look behind the screen.

Before I saw anyone, I heard the person who came to say: "The matter of the big formation in the mortal world has just ended, elders, are you telling me that there is no one in Qingyun Sect?"

This female voice is mixed with majesty, and people are all too familiar with it. As soon as this voice came out, the image of a woman appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness of the elders, and they couldn't help feeling tense.

After Qiao Youxue heard this voice, her heart moved immediately.

In just a moment, the footsteps were already very close, and a woman about 30 years old stepped out of the screen, wearing a Taoist robe with the Qingyunzong logo on it, combing a simple Taoist bun, her brows were not angry. Wei, his skill is even more unfathomable.

When Qiao Youxue met the woman's eyes, a hint of joy appeared in her eyes, and she immediately saluted, "Disciple Qiao Youxue, pay my respects to the Fifth Elder."

Since Qiao Youxue entered the Tianyin Sect, she has met so many seniors, and she only paid homage to Yue Yuqiu.

And behind Yue Yuqiu, followed by her direct disciple Zhu Huming, who looked middle-aged with lowered brows and lowered eyes, very well-behaved.

Yue Yuqiu just nodded to Qiao Youxue indifferently, then looked straight at Elder Wu Su, and said coldly: "The elders are idle and have nothing to do, and arrested my senior brother's little apprentice, what are you doing?"

The fifth elder's words fell, it can be said that cold sweat broke out on everyone's foreheads, not to mention that Qiao Youxue is from the Qingyun Sect, nor that she is the only direct daughter of the Qiao family, the first thing she said was to use Elder Li to suppress them , How can this make them not afraid?

At this time, Elder Wu Su just bowed his head and remained silent, but the elders who followed him had already panicked in their hearts. They were not members of the Heavenly Sword Sect, and they did not have the strength to contend against the Qingyun Sect. At this time, you still have to show your neutrality.

Immediately, a person stood up and explained to Yue Yuqiu: "Elder Yue, you have misunderstood this. Now that there is continuous disaster and rain outside, we are just nephew Qiao who happened to meet on the way to understand the people's feelings. Based on the senior's understanding of the junior's thoughts, she was brought to the Tianyin Sect, and now it's dangerous outside, so I really shouldn't go out."

One person stood up, and the rest of the elders followed suit, expressing their attitude that they did not want to confront Qing Yunzong.

(End of this chapter)

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