Chapter 687
In the end, except for the other elders of Tianjianzong who were waiting for Elder Wusu to express their views, all the elders immediately stood in a neutral position.

The Supreme Elders of the Qingyun Sect can all represent the meaning of the Qingyun Sect. Since Yue Yuqiu, the fifth elder, dared to stand up to support Qiao Youxue, it means that the Qingyun Sect has already stood up to support Qiao Youxue. Immediately rejoiced, luckily they stopped Elder Wu Su who wanted to do something earlier, did not expect that the fifth elder is now in the Tianyin Sect, and it is also true, the head of the Tianyin Sect, Qinyue Fairy, has always been with Elder Yue of the Qingyun Sect. Well, it's no wonder Fairy Qinyue's attitude just now.

Elder Wu Su frowned tightly, listening to the attitudes of the people behind him expressing their attitudes one by one, he felt that they were as cowardly as mice and simply unworthy of being with him!
Elder Wu Su didn't even look at Yue Yuqiu, he turned his head and said to the elders: "Are you all blind? At this time, don't you see that this evildoer has a pair of purple eyes?! "

"Purple eyes, the eyes outside the sky," Yue Yuqiu's voice fell again sonorously: "The history of the immortals said the eyes outside the sky, why did Elder Wu Su conclude that the little apprentice my senior brother took in is a monster?"

"Isn't it? This isn't the only disaster that Elder Li received!" Elder Wu Su's brows suddenly tightened.

As soon as his words fell, everyone present could not help but hold their breath, the hall was horribly quiet, only the noisy sound of rain coming from outside the hall.

Everyone's thoughts seemed to be pulled back 16 years ago.

After Elder Wu Su finished speaking, he realized his slip of the tongue instantly. If he talked about what happened back then, after all, it was their Daoist League who used such means to drive that woman to death and that child crazy... …

Since then, it has become something that people in the Dao League keep silent. Everyone is thinking that the things of that year must be slowly washed away with the passage of time.

An inexplicable irritability surged in Elder Wu Su's heart, but when he turned his head and saw Qiao Youxue's purple eyes again, the sound of rain continued incessantly, and finally said firmly: "Elder Yue, I know you love Talented, this Qiao Youxue is a rare young genius in your Qingyun Sect, but throughout the ages, the more people are placed in high hopes, the more they have the ability to destroy the world. Soon there will be even more difficult things to face, you must not let the entire cultivation world suffer because of your temporary love for talent!"

Yue Yuqiu's staring eyes at Elder Wu Su became even colder, she frowned and said: "Since Elder Wu Su remembered what happened back then, you might as well think about it more."

Everyone could smell the smell of gunpowder in the hall at this time.

At this time, Fairy Qinyue's faint laughter came over, and she had already calmly stepped down from the high seat of the sect master, and walked towards the outside of the hall step by step, and stopped when she reached the gate of the hall. He stepped back and looked up at the black rain in the sky.

All eyes were on her, not knowing what she wanted to do.

"This black rain poisons living beings. It's terrifying. In only one month, the cultivation world has been devastated by it. Sister Yue, it seems that what Elder Wu Su said is not unreasonable," Qinyue said. Fairy spoke slowly, when everyone guessed in amazement that she was going to stand on the side of Tianjianzong, she turned around with a slight smile, and continued: "My Tianyinzong is also willing to do my part to help Elder Wu Su found the reason behind the black rain."

"Is there still a need to look for this? The culprit of everything is standing before our eyes!" Elder Wu Su pointed at Qiao Youxue angrily.

Qiao Youxue frowned slightly, and the next moment she made a move that shocked everyone present.

Seeing that the funeral turned into a cold jade fan, Qiao Youxue held it in her hand, and suddenly knocked down Elder Wu Su's hand pointing at her nose, and the crisp sound echoed throughout the hall.

"You, what are you monster doing!" Elder Wu Su grabbed his sword hilt with one hand.

After Qiao Youxue finished these, she bowed respectfully to Elder Wu Su, and then said: "Your junior is rude."

In fact, Qiao Youxue knew very well that she would definitely anger Elder Wu Su if she made such a move now, but the most annoying thing in her life was when people pointed at her nose.

"The disciple is willing to accept the punishment of disrespecting the elders, but for the evil spirit, please forgive the younger generation for not being willing to bear this unwarranted crime." Qiao Youxue then said lightly.

"No need, you are quite good at picking yourself clean. You have these purple eyes, so you will never be able to tell. You are simply a monster!" Elder Wu Su stared at Qiao Youxue and cursed. He has been holding on to the hilt of the sword tightly all the time, as if he would stab Qiao Youxue to death in the next moment, but everyone knows that he is just putting on airs, and as long as Elder Yue Yuqiu is still here, he will not dare to kill Qiao Youxue. Do it rashly.

"Youxue, don't be rude." Yue Yuqiu's gaze lightly swept towards Qiao Youxue's direction.

Qiao Youxue put the jade fan away again, and then said: "Elders, you don't have to argue about my matter anymore. The one who is clear will be cleared by himself. You just need to wait quietly for three days. What Elder Wu Su said about the evildoer After some conclusions, it will naturally be self-defeating.”

"What do you mean by that?!" Elder Wu Su narrowed his eyes.

Qiao Youxue glanced at him lightly, then turned her gaze to the rain outside the hall, and said, "Don't you all feel that the rain is getting smaller and smaller?"
No one expected that Qiao Youxue of Qingyun Sect suddenly had a pair of purple eyes, and the news that it was identified as the cause of the black rainstorm spread like wildfire. All the magic gates also got the news.

The door of Tianhuo Cult was closed.

"Master, the envoy of the Soul-hunting sect has arrived and said that he wants to meet you, the leader." Nie Changkong said in front of Ji He's closed study door.

The movement inside stagnated for a moment, and then said coldly: "No see."

Hearing this, Nie Changkong's eyes were full of helplessness, he turned around and wanted to go outside to inform the envoy of the Seductive Soul Sect, but after hesitating for a moment, he turned around again and said to the people inside: " Hierarch, this is already the fifth wave of comers you refuse to see, you... If you insist on doing this, I am afraid that our Tianhuo Cult will be rejected by the other eight demon sects."

And Nie Changkong didn't know that Ji He's refusal to meet with other envoys from the Demon Sect was simply because the person involved in this incident was Qiao Youxue.

(End of this chapter)

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