The daily life of the villain

Chapter 771 I want to know her

Chapter 771 I want to know her

At this time, Wuchen also noticed the expression on Meng Xue's face, and slowly guessed something, so he said: "The little monk saw that the name of Meng's benefactor also has the word 'Xue'. I don't know if it is 'Qiao Youxue'. 'Snow'?"

Meng Xue raised her eyes, looked at Wu Chen and nodded: "If I guess correctly, it should be her 'Xue'."

Wuchen smiled, and then said: "Then what was the name of Benefactor Meng?"

"Since I became Meng Xue, I am not allowed to mention my former name. Now I am only Meng Xue." Meng Xue said slowly, but her brows frowned slightly, and she continued: "It's just little master. I heard what you said earlier in the hall. That little benefactor Qiao seems to be a very powerful character, and she is also a member of the Qingyun sect. Why have I never heard of her? "

"Because she practiced the forbidden technique and had entanglements with demon cultivators, she was kicked out of Qingyun Sect six years ago." Wuchen didn't intend to hide anything from Meng Xue, even though head Ji didn't want Meng Xue to know There is something about Qiao Youxue, because if this woman knows that what she has been doing all along is imitating others and staying beside the Second Elder as the shadow of others, Meng Xue will probably get rid of her control.

But Wuchen thought, Qiao Youxue is Qiao Youxue, Meng Xue is Meng Xue, both of them are unique in this world, if this little girl is forced to become Qiao Youxue's shadow, I'm afraid it will destroy her.

Meng Xue was still a little puzzled, and continued, "If she was just kicked out of the sect, she shouldn't have never heard anything about her."

Wuchen looked at Meng Xue in front of him quietly, and asked suddenly: "Do you want to know this person?"

Seeing Wuchen's serious gaze, Meng Xue's hands were covered with a thin layer of sweat at some point, she slightly pursed the corners of her lips, and then said, "I...I think."

It was dawn, and when Qi Ye pushed open the door and walked out, he saw Qi Chi sitting alone in the courtyard drinking tea quietly.

Qi Ye went straight over, sat opposite him, poured himself a cup of tea, and said, "Qiao Youxue is awake, did she say what our plan is next?"

"Say it," Qi Chi's eyes moved slightly, and he continued, "Brother and I, it's time to go back and take revenge."

Hearing Qi Chi's words, Qi Ye's eyes moved slightly: "What about Qiao Youxue?"

"She has her own things to do, and she's gone now." Qi Chi then replied.

Hearing this, Qi Ye's eyes were full of disbelief. In his impression, his younger brother was worried that Qiao Youxue would die. Now that the cultivation world is in chaos, he would let her go out alone?

But seeing that Qi Chi's face didn't change much, and there was no emotion in his eyes, Qi Ye couldn't help but feel a little puzzled, then stood up, walked directly to Qiao Youxue's room, opened the door and found out if there was anyone in the room. After being alone, he believed Qi Chi's words.

After Qi Chi finished drinking the tea in his cup, he picked up the black sword on the table, then got up, looked at Qi Ye and said, "Let's go now."

Qi Ye didn't expect his long-cherished wish to be fulfilled so quickly, and he also thought that when he was about to kill the world, Qiao Youxue would definitely rush out to stop him, so until now his mind is still slightly confused.

This girl is not playing some tricks, is she?

However, he couldn't help but think about it, Qi Chi had already left the place where he was standing, and walked towards the gate of the courtyard.

At the same time, in Taoyuan Wonderland.

Xia Ci's silver hair spread out on the plain white clothes, a few peach blossoms dotted on it, the air was full of the fragrance of peach blossoms, the breeze blew, and Xia Ci, who was resting on a peach tree, gave Xia Ci Woke up.

When he slowly opened those ecstatic peach blossom eyes, he only heard footsteps coming slowly from a distance.

Since returning to the Taoyuan Wonderland, Xia Ci has strengthened the formation and made the formation more complicated, because the outside world has become more and more disturbed, and more and more people want to beg him. If there are too many, he will make this formation more difficult, and no one will be able to disturb him to clean up.

The person who was breaking the formation seemed to have made a mistake, but the next moment, the formation began to change on its own, turning the wrong into the right, and every step this person took next, the formation he set up would accommodate him. looking at her.

Xia Ci regained his energy immediately, it seemed that the person who came this time was the person he was thinking of.

Because he gave Qiao Youxue a pair of purple eyes, and later when he arranged the formation, he specially set Qiao Youxue's purple eyes as the eyes of the formation, so that only when she came here could she pass through completely and smoothly.

Sure enough, within a short while, Xia Ci saw a woman in white clothes walking towards her. Even though her dress was very simple, it was still difficult to conceal her beautiful and moving aura.

The cold Fallen Immortal met her eyes, and the corners of his lips were slightly bent upwards, and then he said, "You're here."

Qiao Youxue nodded slightly, first glanced at Xia Ci lightly, he was no different from when he left, the flagon full of fine nectar was still carried close to his body.

"It seems that Shangxian already knew that I would come, so he set me as the eye of the formation." Qiao Youxue said as she walked.

Hearing this, Xia Ci smiled and nodded, and then said: "You really didn't disappoint me."

Although the phrase "Shangxian" was said by Qiao Youxue when she mocked him earlier, it was not a mouthful at all, and Xia Ci didn't sound uncomfortable at all.

Qiao Youxue walked over slowly, then sat down in front of Xia Ci, and said, "Shangxian, do you know why I came to you this time?"

"The road to heaven." Xia Ci said lightly.

Qiao Youxue raised her eyebrows slightly.

Xia Ci went on to say: "If you guessed correctly, you must have released the news that the road to the sky outside was blocked."

"That's right." Qiao Youxue did not deny it.

Facing such a candid Qiao Youxue, Xia Ci felt a little helpless, and immediately said: "This matter has already involved the secret of the heavens, and now you can be regarded as leaking the secrets of the heavens, and even caused this turmoil in the cultivation world. What will you face?"

A light flashed in Qiao Youxue's eyes: "I have offended the Dao of Heaven countless times. Now that I am still living in this world, and I can still appear in front of the Immortal, I am afraid that it is the benefit of me that has offended the Dao of Heaven."

Xia Ci smiled helplessly: "I really am not afraid of anything."

(End of this chapter)

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