Chapter 772
"Although I spread the news, the reason I came to find Shangxian this time is to open the road to heaven." Qiao Youxue continued.

"Oh?" Xia Ci looked at Qiao Youxue, narrowed her beautiful eyes slightly, and then said: "I think back when you first came to Taoyuan Wonderland, you also wanted to open the road to heaven in your heart."

"That's right." Qiao Youxue blinked her eyes lightly, and then said: "It's just that the mood of the two visits is already different."

Xia Ci didn't interrupt her and continued listening.

"When I first came here, I was still the highly anticipated genius disciple of Qingyun Sect, and the apprentice of No. 1 elder Li in cultivation. When I heard that the road to the sky was blocked, I wanted to open the road to the sky. On the one hand, because I am a Taoist disciple, I want to seek blessings for my generation of Taoist monks, and on the other hand, I think that the master should be running around for this matter, and as a disciple of the master, he should help himself Your master has given me a helping hand." Qiao Youxue paused for a moment, and then said: "But this time, I am the one who is being hunted down by the orthodox sects, and I am also a traitor of the Qingyun Sect. I was expelled six years ago. Shimen, I have enmity with this cultivation world."

"Then why do you still want to find a way to open the road to the sky? You know, after all your hard work, you still have to take advantage of those little people." Xia Ci said lightly.

Qiao Youxue raised her eyes, her beautiful apricot eyes looked at Xia Ci quietly, and then asked: "If Shangxian were in my position today, what would you do?"

Listening to Qiao Youxue's words, the smile on Xia Ci's face gradually disappeared, his eyes became a little more serious, and after a long silence, he said: "If I was killed in such a miserable situation, I'm afraid I don't have that With a benevolent heart, do this thing that rewards evil with virtue."

"If I wanted to repay my grievances with virtue, I wouldn't have leaked the news." Qiao Youxue smiled faintly.

Xia Ci looked at Qiao Youxue quietly, and then said, "Let me listen, what's your opinion?"

"I've been in this world for more than ten years. At first I thought it was only the destiny controlling me, but it was only later that I realized that it was the hearts of the people in this cultivation world who were holding me back. Right and wrong, right and wrong, in front of people's hearts, destiny is nothing at all, even if I can fight against destiny, in the end, I will still be defeated by people's hearts." Qiao Youxue Talk slowly.

The corners of Xia Ci's lips slightly bent upwards, and he continued: "During the panic of the black rain, people were eager to find someone to bear all this. How absurd and ridiculous the news is, there will still be many people who believe it."

Qiao Youxue quietly looked at Xia Ci in front of her.

Xia Ci went on to say: "And this time, you took advantage of people's hearts and caused a big trouble for the entire cultivation world with the news that the road to heaven was blocked. The revenge of the people, but now you want to open the road to the sky, why?"

"You're thinking wrong," Qiao Youxue lowered her eyes slightly, suppressing the cold light in her eyes, and then said lightly: "I don't want to take revenge on them, I just want these ignorant people to see it with their own eyes. So, I, Qiao Youxue, can make you lose hope, and can also bring you hope."

"Hahahaha——" After hearing Qiao Youxue's words, Xia Ci was stunned for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

Qiao Youxue raised her eyes, looking at Xia Ci with more doubts.

At this time, when Xia Ci was laughing out loud, he involuntarily touched the wine pot on his waist, and continued to laugh: "I don't know how many years, I have never seen someone as arrogant as you Yes! Hahaha—hahaha—”

Xia Ci laughed for a while, then looked at Qiao Youxue and said: "It's just that this arrogance should have the capital of arrogance, your talent is indeed good, and you practice very hard, but now you haven't even reached the stage of becoming a god. , how to open the road to the sky?"

"Didn't the Shangxian tell you that?" Qiao Youxue said calmly, "I am a returnee."

After hearing the word "Return to the Market", the smile on Xia Ci's face slightly subsided, looked at Qiao Youxue and said in a low voice, "Yes, you are a person from the Return to the Market."

"Shangxian should be very familiar with the matter of returning to the ruins." Qiao Youxue said lightly.

"If you want to know Guixu, you have to find Guixu first." Xia Ci regained her previous seriousness, looked at Qiao Youxue and said slowly.

Things really went as Qiao Youxue expected, because of the spread of the news that the road to heaven was blocked, the monks accumulated more and more resentment, and after just half a month, a black rain resumed. Sweeping the entire human world.

When the people of Daomeng re-fortified the formation for the mortal world to prevent ordinary mortals who have no magic power from being affected by the black rain, something happened on the way back.

Everyone was planning to board the flying boat and head towards the mainland, but when they came to the place where the flying boat was parked, they saw that the huge flying boat had been buried in a black flame. Being able to burn non-stop in this black rain shows the strength of the master who uses it.

"Huh? What... what's going on here?" An elder asked first.

Headmaster Ji looked at the burned-out flying boat, and frowned slightly. Suddenly, he felt two streams of devilish energy slowly walking towards them, so he couldn't help but look in that direction.

From a distance, these people saw two men in black walking towards this direction. The figures of the two men were very similar. They are very similar, and the appearance of one of them is actually something that each of them has seen before.

"Qi...Qi Chi!" The master Jian Xing recognized his former disciple at a glance. This young man who he cultivated carefully is now full of demonic energy, standing on the opposite side of himself.

Head Ji also had some impressions of Qi Ye. Although Qi Ye was already an adult now, he could still recognize him, and the emotions in his eyes became more and more complicated. Then he said lightly, "Qi Ye."

Qi Ye also met Sect Master Ji's eyes, he just sneered, and then said: "Unexpectedly, Master Sect Master still remembers my name, disciple is really honored."

(End of this chapter)

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