The supreme doctor is all over the world

Chapter 111 The Magician Takes Action

Chapter 111 The Magician Takes Action
"Since you said that you want to heal the fifth princess, what should Wu Xian do to stop you now? Why don't you let this non-genius doctor show the fifth princess?"

Ye Junfeng chuckled, and didn't pay attention to the old man's words, instead she turned her attention to Wu Xian who had been blocking the old man.

Wu Xian frowned slightly hesitantly, then glanced at President Wu, and stepped aside.

When President Wu saw Wu Xian's eyes fell on him, he knew that Wu Xian asked the doctor to treat the fifth princess because he had confirmed that the masked boy in front of him was a doctor.

But this miracle doctor really made him, the president of the auction house, a little confused. Why didn't the miracle doctor admit that he was a miracle doctor in front of everyone, but followed the fake miracle doctor and said that he was a fake?

It seems that this genius doctor is really like what the boy wearing the veiled hat said before, the genius doctor has a strange temperament and is indeed not easy to provoke.

Seeing that Wu Xian actually gave up his seat to this masked boy, the old man felt a little unconvinced.

"What the hell are you, Wu Xian, doing? I am a genius doctor, and this kid is a fake genius doctor! At least this genius doctor can produce elixirs. Look what this kid can produce! "

As soon as the old man Hua fell down, Wu Xian's eyes fell on Ye Junfeng.

"What can you come up with?"

Ye Junfeng originally wanted to take out the medicine to save the life of the fifth princess, but when Wu Xian asked this question, she suddenly didn't want to take out the medicine.

Ye Junfeng smiled and shrugged, "I don't have any pills or potions in my hands. I don't know if Wu Xian wants to save the life of the fifth princess?"

Although the fifth princess died here or died in such a way that she felt that the fifth princess was really cheap, but if Wu Xian stopped her, she would not mind letting the fifth princess live a few years less.

Wu Xian frowned upon hearing Ye Junfeng's words, looked at Mu Luoxue and then at Ye Junfeng with some hesitation.

Seeing this, Ye Junfeng knew that Wu Xian might not be able to make up his mind for a while, so he glanced at Mu Luoxue who was still vomiting blood but couldn't vomit anything, and said with a twitch, "If Wu Xian hesitates again, Even if a genius doctor really appeared here, he would not be able to save a dead person. Besides, I came out this morning in a hurry, and it would be lively, but now my stomach is already empty. If Wu Xian wanted the fifth princess to vomit blood at ease, I want Wu Xian to say that I have to go to eat next time!"

When Wu Xian heard that the boy wearing the mask considered eating more important than the life of the fifth princess of the Qingqiu Kingdom, he choked in his chest out of breath.

Wuxian took a deep look at Ye Junfeng, took a breath, and said, "I asked you to save the five princesses. If there is any mistake in the fifth princess, I will ask you!"

Ye Junfeng waved his hands again and again, "No, you should ask this miracle doctor!"

The old man pretending to be a genius doctor who was mentioned again froze, glared at Ye Junfeng with a stern look, and wanted to take advantage of Ye Junfeng's attack to leave this place quietly, but President Wu had already seen the old man's plan , restraining the old man with one hand.

"Dare to pretend to be a genius doctor in our auction house, do you really think you can leave the black market intact?"

Ye Junfeng ignored the old man's situation, and stretched out her hand to check Mu Luoxue's pulse.

(End of this chapter)

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