The supreme doctor is all over the world

Chapter 112 Enough Breakthrough

Chapter 112 Enough Breakthrough
As Ye Junfeng expected, if Mu Luoxue was delayed any longer, the Fifth Princess, who was loved by Qingqiu Kingdom's royal family, would die in just a few breaths.

Ye Junfeng took out a pack of embroidery needles from her sleeve, which she had asked for from Lu Xue before, so as not to encounter something like the national teacher again for self-defense.

But she didn't expect to use it to cure people today. It seems that she needs to make a set of silver needles specially.

As Ye Junfeng thought about it, he took out the silver needles and pricked several acupuncture points all over Mu Luoxue's body.

Since Ye Junfeng stretched out his hand to check Mu Luoxue's pulse, everyone's eyes fell on Ye Junfeng one after another, and they were very surprised to see Ye Junfeng take out an embroidery needle and stab the fifth princess.

"What is this masked boy doing? There is no medicine, no potion, and only a few needles can cure the fifth princess? I don't think there is any difference between this needle and my girl's embroidery needle!"

"Although the old man who pretended to be a genius doctor said that the five princesses' injuries were worsened, at least he can get the elixir. He was cured wrong last time. Maybe he can be cured this time! Let such a kid do it. It was quite an adventure.”

"Do you think this kid has any grudges against the fifth princess? How come he stabbed the fifth princess with a needle? I've never heard of a wound being pricked with a needle. Isn't this adding injury to the injury? "


Although the voices of the crowd were not loud, for a person with cultivation base, hearing these words clearly is nothing at all.

Wu Xian looked at Ye Junfeng from top to bottom, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that something was wrong, so he suddenly said to Ye Junfeng: "What kind of healing method are you doing? I, Wu Xian, have lived for dozens of years. Haven't seen it."

Ye Junfeng glanced at Wu Xian lightly, "No matter what the healing method is, isn't the fifth princess no longer vomiting blood? As for the fact that you have lived for dozens of years without knowing that there is such a method of healing, Wu Xian Xian, you shouldn't ask me! After all, Wu Xian's knowledge is directly proportional to the path Wu Xian has traveled."

"Are you saying that Wu Xian is ignorant?" Wu Xian raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at Ye Junfeng with a half-smile. This kid is really bold, and he offended Wu Xian with just a few words.

"Wu Xian was joking. If everyone has this insight, wouldn't everyone become a miracle doctor?"

Ye Junfeng shrugged and pulled out all the embroidery needles on Mu Luoxue's body. Mu Luoxue's aura has gradually stabilized, but Mu Luoxue is too weak now, and it may be difficult to restore her original state!

Ye Junfeng put away the embroidery needles, and said: "Now that the fifth princess is not in danger of her life, Wu Xian can rest assured."

Wu Xian nodded, but seeing that the boy wearing a mask didn't take out any healing things, he couldn't help but ask, "How is Mu Luoxue's injury now?"

Ye Junfeng had expected that Wu Xian would ask such a question, and chuckled lightly, "I have suppressed the deterioration of the fifth princess' injury, as long as she takes good care of her, and takes more healing potions or pills, she will recover naturally. Qiu Guoguo has great achievements, so naturally there is no shortage of these medicinal pills for healing."

Ye Junfeng just used embroidery needles to pierce some of Mu Luoxue's acupuncture points, simply hanging Mu Luoxue's life, making Mu Luoxue unable to die for a while. As for the others, although Ye Junfeng is capable, But the relationship between Mu Luoxue and her is not worth her doing so much.

Today's move is already unprecedented enough.

(End of this chapter)

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