Chapter 117
Let's talk first?

Does this mean that the princess of Beiyan is here just to chat?

Ye Junfeng laughed lightly, although she said that the princess Chu Bitong was a bit stupid, but she said this sentence so stupidly that she was smart.

Because of the visitor, Ye Junfeng didn't intend to pay attention to Chu Bitong, coughed lightly, turned his head slightly, and saw the masked national teacher in white clothes walking in.

"Oh, what a coincidence! I didn't expect that Zenzi's mansion turned out to be a place of geomantic omen. Zenzi only came here for a few days. The princess, Wu Xian, and the national teacher are all here. It's really full of glory. !"

Ye Junfeng smiled and watched the national teacher and Wu Xian chattering, but she was thinking about the reason why the national teacher came to her today.

Today is different from usual, everyone from Qingqiu Kingdom is here with her, if the national teacher's tendons are not set up correctly, one carelessness will bring her troubles that cannot be solved.

"The mansion? Even the thatched cottage you live in can be called a mansion. My teacher really admires you for your knowledge in Qingqiu Kingdom!"

The national teacher glanced at Ye Junfeng calmly, although there was no other meaning in that look, but in Ye Junfeng's eyes, it was very contemptuous.

Ye Junfeng patted his sleeves, turned around and walked under the tree, leaning against the trunk.

Now that the two major figures in Beiyan Qingqiu and the two countries have gathered together, although she was not very happy with what the national teacher said just now, it is still time to give up the home court to these two people.

Sure enough, as soon as Ye Junfeng left, the national teacher's eyes fell on Wu Xian.

"My national teacher heard outside this thatched courtyard that Wu Xian wanted to ask this poor prostitute for medicine and elixir. Alas! The Qingqiu Kingdom is really declining. Together with all the officials in the Qingqiu Kingdom, it really makes the country Master is disappointed!"

The national teacher looked around the courtyard, and then set his eyes on Wu Xian and the people of Qingqiu Kingdom.

Although the words of the national teacher did not say clearly, Wu Xian could also see the meaning of this series of actions of the national teacher?
He, Wu Xian, begged for medicine from a poor proton. Doesn't this mean that the whole Qingqiu country is not as good as a proton who is controlled by others?
Wu Xian glanced at the national teacher coldly, then snorted, got up and left Ye Junfeng's small courtyard.

After the people of Qingqiu Kingdom left with Wu Xian, the crowd who watched the excitement turned around and left the small courtyard quickly because of the aura of the national teacher.

For a moment, only the national teacher and Ye Junfeng were left in the small courtyard.

Ye Junfeng, who was leaning against the tree trunk and squinting his eyes, suddenly felt that the surrounding quietness seemed a little unusual. He opened his eyes suddenly, and saw that there was a mask of a person in front of him, and there was a pair of bottomless eyes under the mask. .

Ye Junfeng suddenly took a deep breath and staggered a few steps.

"Hey, it turned out to be the national teacher. I don't know why the national teacher didn't leave with their group. After all, the real mansion is just a thatched cottage, which really doesn't match the noble image of the national teacher."

The national teacher nodded, "So you know protons too! A child can be taught."

Depend on!
Ruzi can teach me a fart!

I don't understand that she is issuing an order to evict guests!
"Hehe, the national teacher will really say that the national teacher is looking for Wu Xian today, but he has already settled the matter?"

Therefore, since she was looking for Wu Xian, she should leave here with Wu Xian, and then she, the proton, should have a good sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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