Chapter 118
With one arm on the tree trunk, the national teacher held Ye Junfeng in his arms in a standard tree-thumping posture, and a playful and evil voice rang in Ye Junfeng's ears.

"My master is here to look for you today. My master watches the sky at night. There will be ancient relics appearing in the Canghong Continent recently. Unfortunately, the only treasure map in the Northern Yan Kingdom has disappeared in the past few days. gone."

Treasure Map?
Ye Junfeng's eyes lit up slightly, and it seemed that the piece of paper dug out by the Soul-Suppressing Beast in the Medicine Pavilion was really a treasure map.

Ye Junfeng tilted her head slightly, because the distance between the two was relatively close, Ye Junfeng could clearly feel the national teacher's breath falling on her face.

But Ye Junfeng didn't care how inappropriate the posture of the two of them is now, she was full of one thought, that is, she couldn't let the national teacher know that the treasure map was in her hands.

Ye Junfeng lowered her head slightly in order to avoid bumping into the mask of the national teacher, "I never thought that the national teacher and Wu Xian would have such a great relationship! The national teacher actually got a good understanding of Wuxian's meeting. I admire it very much!"

The national teacher's pair of deep glass-like eyes circled over Ye Junfeng's head, and a deep laughter rang in Ye Junfeng's ear again, "Proton doesn't need to rack his brains to change the topic of our national teacher. If our national teacher doesn't remember If you are wrong, you are the only one who has entered the Medicine Pavilion recently, and the treasure map is hidden in the Medicine Pavilion."

Ye Junfeng knew that the topic of the treasure map couldn't be changed today, so she chuckled, lowered her head and jumped out from under the arm of the national teacher, "Hehe, what are you talking about, the medicine pavilion is the national teacher Let the essence go, besides the essence, the foreign teacher has also been to the Medicine Pavilion, so if it is really pursued, the loss of the treasure map will probably be blamed on the national teacher."

Ye Junfeng tilted her neck and hummed twice. First of all, she can't be sure that she is the one who took the treasure map. Even if she is sure that it is her, she will drag this national teacher into the water.

The national teacher looked at Ye Junfeng twice with a smile that was not a smile, he raised his hand, and put it lightly on Ye Junfeng's shoulder, "Tomorrow, the four kingdoms will go to the place where the ancient ruins are opened, make preparations early, tomorrow morning the country will The teacher is here to pick you up."

Ye Junfeng watched in bewilderment as the national teacher withdrew his hand, shook his sleeves and walked away without a cloud.

Get ready to pick her up tomorrow morning?

Could it be that the fact that she took the treasure map will not be pursued anymore?
Ye Junfeng looked at the back of the national teacher leaving with some doubts and blinked his eyes a few times. He really didn't understand what the national teacher was doing.


The next morning.

Ye Junfeng, who was soundly asleep, was awakened by a strange breath in the room.

Opening his eyes suddenly, he saw a figure in white clothes under the moonlight by the window. Under the white moonlight, the mask on his face reflected a faint silver luster. To the sleepy Ye Junfeng, this person looked like a fairy. The heroic appearance is like a fairy from Yaotai descending to earth.

Cough, but this is a man, a man Ye Junfeng is more familiar with.

"It's late at night, national teacher, if you don't go to sleep, what are you doing here?"

Ye Junfeng looked at the national teacher standing by the window with his head tilted and his neck tilted. This person has a good figure. I wonder if the appearance under the mask will match this figure perfectly?
The national teacher tilted his head slightly, "Did my national teacher say that today I will pick you up to the place where the ancient ruins are opened?"

Ye Junfeng raised her eyebrows, sat up from the bed in a reclining position, and looked at the national teacher in surprise, "National teacher, you won't come to pick me up so early, will you?"

It's early morning, hello!

(End of this chapter)

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