The supreme doctor is all over the world

Chapter 807 One More Barrier

Chapter 807 An Extra Barrier

Could it be that Di Jiuyin wasn't afraid of this move at all?

But why does she feel that this man's move looks very powerful!
Even if he couldn't die, he would definitely be seriously injured.

But Di Jiuyin is not like an ordinary person. This person's strength is too strong, so strong that she can't even imagine it, so if this person's move is said to have little effect on Di Jiuyin , she could believe it in her heart, but she was still a little worried.

She was worried that Di Jiuyin had accidentally overplayed and was seriously injured, and it would be bad for those people to take advantage of it.

Her strength was not enough in front of Di Jiuyin. If Di Jiuyin was really injured, then she would have no chance to escape except to enter the space.

Under the scorching gazes of the person on Qingluan's back and Ye Junfeng, seeing that scorching aura was about to hit Di Jiuyin's chest, but seeing that aura rush towards Qingluan before him. The appearance of rushing over was the same, as if being blocked by something suddenly, and rushed straight to the chest of the man on Qingluan's back.

Seeing this situation, the expression on that person's face immediately changed. Although he knew very well that Qingluan was blocked by something inexplicable on Di Jiuyin's flying magic weapon, he thought that the spiritual attack would definitely not block it. After all, he had already felt the air flow above Di Jiuyin's flying magic weapon before.

Unexpectedly, the facts he saw now would be such a slap in the face, and he was also shocked.

His attack just now can be said to have exhausted all his strength. If he hit himself, he would be severely injured, not to mention dead, and he might even roll off Qingluan's back. Among them, no matter what, his life is now at a critical juncture.


The man yelled, and quickly told Qingluan to leave here quickly.

Qingluan was knocked dizzy before, but now she felt that something was wrong, so she immediately raised her wings and flew upwards.

But the speed that the person hit was bounced back, but it was not at the previous speed, the speed was almost doubled, even if Yiluan tried his best to escape as quickly as possible, it was still too late.


The scorching breath hit Qingluan's back and that person's body directly.

Because that person was worried that he would fall on Qingluan's back, he hugged Qingluan tightly, and only rolled on Qingluan's back before barely stopping.

However, because the strength of the move just now was too great, Qingluan and that person were directly beaten out a long way.

One person and one Luan fell straight down.

After Ye Junfeng saw Qingluan collide with the inexplicable thing of the flying magic weapon, she knew what Di Jiuyin had arranged on the flying magic weapon, but she didn't expect that this barrier-like thing could block the attack. incredible!
Ye Junfeng's eyes were bright, as if he never thought that Di Jiuyin would have such a good thing.

As soon as Di Jiuyin turned his head, he saw Ye Junfeng's bright eyes, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and with a chuckle, he sat on the chair beside Ye Junfeng.

"Before, I arranged a barrier on this flying magic weapon, which is what you see." Di Jiuyin explained to Ye Junfeng.

Ye Junfeng nodded, expressing understanding.

(End of this chapter)

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