The supreme doctor is all over the world

Chapter 808 How powerful is Di Jiuyin?

Chapter 808 How powerful is Di Jiuyin?
"It's really powerful, no matter if it's a physical impact or a spiritual attack, it can't get in, so there is no danger at all on this flying magic weapon."

In Ye Junfeng's mind, he is still thinking about that Qingluan rushing over and the man who wants to attack the team emperor Jiuyin but asks for trouble because of the existence of this barrier. If he has been in this flying magic weapon all year round, Doesn't that mean there is no danger at all?

Di Jiuyin smiled after hearing Ye Junfeng's words, "Could it be that you are still afraid of danger? I set up this barrier just to prevent some people who don't know themselves from hacking in front of me. The existence of a barrier is equivalent to A lot less hassle."

When Ye Junfeng heard Di Jiuyin's words, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. Therefore, Di Jiuyin set up this barrier not for his own safety, but to stop those who did not know who wanted to find Di Jiuyin. troublesome people.

In other words, there was no need for Di Jiuyin to take action like the person on Qingluan's back just now, and Di Jiuyin didn't take that person seriously at all.

Presumably in Di Jiuyin's view, that person is a troublesome person who bothers Di Jiuyin.

Ye Junfeng coughed lightly to hide the redundant expression on her face. She knew that Di Jiuyin's strength was unfathomable, but she didn't know that Di Jiuyin's strength was so unfathomable. Although the person who troubled Di Jiuyin said that he was not as powerful as Di Jiuyin, his strength was higher than hers.

If that person confronts her, I don't know what will happen!

Maybe she is not that person's opponent at all, but what I didn't expect is that Di Jiuyin didn't see that person at all. What does this mean? It shows that Di Jiuyin seems to be more powerful than everyone imagined sharp.

Di Jiuyin clearly saw that there was something wrong with Ye Junfeng's expression, raised his eyebrows, and asked, "What are you thinking?"

Ye Junfeng grinned, "Of course I want to think about how powerful you are. That person seems to be much stronger than me, but you don't take that person seriously at all. I don't know how strong you are. It's amazing."

After hearing Ye Junfeng's words, Di Jiuyin just smiled, "Although you are not as strong as that person, you can escape! This person is indeed not my opponent, but when I shot you before, you were not No injuries, no losses."

Hearing Di Jiuyin's words, Ye Junfeng couldn't help but think of the time when she was in the Ziyun Mountains, when she first met Di Jiuyin and also when she first provoked Di Jiuyin.

At that time, Di Jiuyin did attack her, and she still clearly remembers how powerful Di Jiuyin's moves are, but the fact is that she dodged without any injuries on her body, and there was no loss at all. On the contrary, Di Jiuyin was stripped of her clothes before, but she still hasn't found them.

Thinking about it this way, Ye Junfeng smiled, and it seemed that she really had nothing to lose, and she didn't take Di Jiuyin's attack seriously.

Ye Junfeng smiled and didn't mention what happened on the Ziyun Mountains before, so as to prevent her from saying something for a while, which reminded Di Jiuyin of the revenge of stripping clothes and doing something to her.

Ye Junfeng glanced at Di Jiuyin and said, "Within the enchantment you set up, if outside attacks can't get in, will the inside attacks also be unable to get out?"

(End of this chapter)

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